View Full Version : Adeptus Mechanicus (Counts As Marines), 1000

09-22-2010, 02:04 AM
Hello everyone. I ran across an old army of mine from the Inquisition books which was Counts-As Adeptus Mechanicus, and I decided to redo it in a newer, shinier, codex.

I will post the counts as with the names to avoid confusion. Any input would be appreciated, but it is an attempt to be fluffy.

1000-point list:
Master of the Forge (Magos) 130
Thunder Hammer

Librarian (Electro Priest) 115
Machine-Curse, Force Dome, Plasma Pistol

Tactical Squad Alpha 195
10 Marines, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon, Combi-Plasma

Tactical Squad Beta 185
10 Marines, Meltagun, Multimelta, Combi-Melta

2x Tech-Marine 220
2x Servo Harness, 2x Power Weapon

Tech Marine 95
Servo Harness

3x Servitors (as separate units) 30

Servitor 30
Heavy Bolter

This is the basic outline of the core of my list. Later, I plan on adding maybe even 3(!) Land Raiders, though I will likely leave one or two off for dreadnoughts. (Robots). I also plan on adding a razorback or two, and upgrading the electro-priest to be more, um, less easily killed.

Also, always keeping an eye out on a method to keep the Master of the Forge alive since the Mechanicus forgot how to put artificer armor and forcefields together. The single-servitor helper of the Tech-Marines is only an ablative wound; still wishing that invulnerable saves existed for the servants of the Machine.

09-22-2010, 07:16 AM
Not bad! You've packed a lot of goodies into 1k pts.

Only beef I have is that you have only one squad which is great at popping tanks, if I were playing against you I'd just avoid those 2 meltas and my tanks are pretty much invincible.

Consider mixing the plasma and melta guns homogeneously throughout the 2 squads.

09-22-2010, 07:33 AM
I don't have the marine codex in front of me, but I was under the impression that the equipment rules for the Techmarines require the purchase of either a Thunder Hammer or Power Weapon.

I believe it says 'take either' as opposed to 'you may take'.

I could be blowing wind out of my hind quarters...

09-22-2010, 07:35 AM
I just checked, it says 'Take either...'.

I don't have the marine codex in front of me, but I was under the impression that the equipment rules for the Techmarines require the purchase of either a Thunder Hammer or Power Weapon.

I believe it says 'take either' as opposed to 'you may take'.

I could be blowing wind out of my hind quarters...

09-22-2010, 07:37 AM
some suggestions: since you are taking so many techmarines, especially with servo harnesses, have you considered the Thunderfire Cannon?

You could exchange one of your techmarines for the other, with the loss of the power weapon but the gain of a Big Gun.

Servitors have 4+ armor--- that's their 'invulnerable' save. Considering they do not wear any armor at all, they are pretty tough!

09-28-2010, 01:42 AM
have you considdered mounting the master of the forge on a bike and giving him the conversion beamer? For modelling you could use the necron destroyer lower body and mount a techpriests upper body on it, with some greenstuff extending the robes.. just a thought :)

09-28-2010, 02:22 AM
Looking forward to seeing the models!