View Full Version : 1750 Kabalite Flyswarm - Cancon (Australian Tourney)

11-24-2010, 05:38 AM
As said, intended for Cancon and to act as a fly swarm constantly touching then flitting out of reach; 23 Dark light shots a turn at 11 seperate targets, plus 104 Splinter shots at 9 targets. Crack armour early then divide/conquer enemy forces with the hellion wedge. Debating whether to switch 19 hellions for 10 Scourge with 4 Blasters, will playtest (319 = 19 Hellions, Helliarch w/ Stunclaw; 305 = 10 Scourge, 4 Blasters, Sol w/ Bl Pistol).

Comments & CC very welcome, troops has been a bit min/maxed but there is no cheaper way to add extra skimmers.

HQ - 170pts, 9.7%
105 - Baron
65 - Hmonc: Hex Rifle (Gives Token to Hellions/Baron then sits with wracks on home objective)

Elites - 356pts, 20.3%
178 - 4 TB: 4 Blasters
Raider: FF
178 - 4 TB: 4 Blasters
Raider: FF

Troops - 879pts, 50.3%
319 - 19 Hellions: Helliarch w/ Stunclaw (FNP off Hmonc, Baron for funsies)
125 - 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: Splinter Cannon
125 - 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: Splinter Cannon
125 - 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: Splinter Cannon
125 - 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: Splinter Cannon
60 - 5 Wracks: Liq (Home Objective sitters, got the Liq to repel MEQ assault troops etc)

Heavy Support - 345pts, 19.7%
115 - Ravager: Flickerfield
115 - Ravager: Flickerfield
115 - Ravager: Flickerfield

1750 - 9 Skimmers, 1 Jump Troop, 1 Babysitter

In KP Missions just play for a wipeout, with 19 KP it will be a nightmare already...

11-24-2010, 11:48 PM
Well, you got a good mix of Blasters, DLances and Splinter Cannons, so you look like you're good to go for shooting phase.

My Only "big" concern is the large number of Hellions in a single squad. That many models will have issues getting everyone into combat, and be vulnerable to incoming fire as it would be tough to physically hide 19 models (20 if you count the Baron) in cover from multiple angles of attack. I would normaly suggest splitting them in half but you're already maxed out on Troop choices.

Maybe reduce the squad size and add a squad of Reevers to do fly-by attacks every turn?

(I don't think I would drop them for Scourages - you do need some HtH capability, IMO.)

Also, maybe change one of the Ravagers to 2 - 3 disintegrators just so you have more Anti-MEQ fire?

Otherwise, it looks ok and should be fun.

11-25-2010, 12:56 AM
I'd reduce the Hellion squad down to 14. 19 is just excessive, and they'll already be more survivable from the get-go with the feel no pain and the Baron's Stealth rule.

Invest the points into some other things. Give the Wrack Venom and your Ravagers Night Shields.