View Full Version : Inquisitorial Army of Unorphodoxity! 2k Points

04-06-2011, 06:36 PM

Grand Master Mordrak
-Ghost Knights x4: Swords, Storm Bolters.

Inquisitor Corteaz

Techmarine: Orbital strike Relay, Servo Skull x3

Vindicare Assassin ( Frankly the only good assassin choice)

Vindicare Assassin

Henchman Warband
-Servitors x4: Plasma Cannon x3
-Jokaero Weaponsmith
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Henchman Warband
-Psycher x6
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Henchman Warband
-Jokaero Weaponsmith x5
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Henchman Warband
-Flagallents x3
-Deathcult Assasin x4
-Crusaders x3
-Warrior Acolytes x2 (bare bones)
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Henchman Warband
-Flagallents x3
-Deathcult Assasin x4
-Crusaders x3
-Warrior Acolytes x2 (bare bones)
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Henchman Warband
-Acolytes x4: Meltagun x2, Plasmagun.
-Deamonhosts x2
-Flagallents x2
-Crusaders x2
-Chimera: Multi-Laser, Heavy Bolter, Hunter Killer.

Well guys tell me what you think. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR TOURNAMENTS, although it would be like WTF if you showed up with this list just for giggles. Anyways I think it will confuse the enemy and do quite well actually.

04-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Cant have 2 Vindicares.

5 Jokaero is pointless since you can only ever roll a 6, you cant stack the same result twice, after turn 1 theyre done.