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Son of Dorn
09-01-2009, 08:57 PM
My friends and I play mostly 2000 points. I see a lot of action against Eldar, Tyranids, Orks, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Necrons. It's not even a big group, we're just in DEEP.

This is the progenitor list. I have about six variations, but this is one I play more than the other, it's the totally painted list.

There's a little bit o everything in here, some of the choices are pretty standard, but according to the going wisdom at my FLGS, some of it is out-there too. I've had pretty steady results with this army, it just demands a very aggressive, tactical style that focuses on manoeuvring.

I usually advance a little, retreat and then rush. But since I play the same guys over and over again I am constantly having to adapt. This list give me flexibility to be adaptable. but compromises enough to still need close attention to win. I find that fun.

As listed it is exactly 2000 points. I assume everyone has a codex, so I skipped the points per unit and upgrade.

Captain Darnath Lysadner

5-man Sternguard Squad
Thunder Hammer
Heavy Flamer
Razorback with a Plough

5-man Assault Terminator Squad

Ironclad Dreadnought
Hurricane Bolter

10-man Tactical Squad (x2)
Power Fist

5-man Vanguard Veterans Squad
Relic Blade
2 Power Weapons
Jump Packs

Vindicator (x2)
Extra Armour
Siege Shield

09-01-2009, 09:49 PM
Captain Darnath Lysadner

Yummy, I find he fits best in an army that can get stuck in combat and keep on trucking.

5-man Sternguard Squad
Thunder Hammer
Heavy Flamer
Razorback with a Plough

Yuck. Only 5 Sternies? That's not enough dakka. They're a shooty unit, nix the combat upgrades. HF means one less bolter. When it comes to Razors, the more the merrier, just 1 isn't going to cut it.

5-man Assault Terminator Squad


Ironclad Dreadnought
Hurricane Bolter

Hurricane bolter is terribad on a Dready, why is he walking anyway?

10-man Tactical Squad (x2)
Power Fist

Swap melta for a flamer, helps against infantry.

5-man Vanguard Veterans Squad
Relic Blade
2 Power Weapons
Jump Packs

Garbage, Heroic Intervention is too unreliable, they're too easy to kill and they're just too expensive.

Vindicator (x2)
Extra Armour
Siege Shield

Siege Shield is pointless, rolling 2 1's isn't happening. Otherwise good.

Lose the Vanguard, Dread and Sternies for more Termies, Tyhoons to help pop transports, and another scoring unit.

09-02-2009, 04:08 AM
I agree with pretty much everything that Chumbalaya said, I wouldn't have worded it so strongly in certain circumstances but regardless he makes sense. The only thing I'd disagree with is the taking, or not of a meltagun in your tactical squad as was said a flamer would dela with infantry better but if armour is an issue with the people you game with then, obviosly, it' a necessity. Personally I think that only having two units of tacticals (especially in 2000 points) might hurt you a little and a five man Sternguard squad really is too small to be very effective. I find eight or more in a squad works best for me.

Hades Alpha
09-02-2009, 08:39 AM
Solid advice from Chumbalaya and Funkenschlag.

Your list is really good, but:
- Vanguard are overated. Remove them.
- I belive a Drop Ironclad with his CCW is better than the walking Ironclad w/ Hurricane bolter. However you gear him, he should not be walking.
- Remove the thunder hammer and HF on the sternguard. Special ammunition are good enough. Some combi weapons and one PW will do the job fine. I would take more of them. 5 man squad die fast.
- Of course, vindi's siege shield are worthless.
- As for the flamer/meltagun debate. I would say take one combi-flamer and one meltagun. Funkenschlag said it right, it obviously depends on what your facing most often.

@ Funkenschlag
I must say that I disagree with you about having only two troop on the table. IMHO, I think that people are too obsess with having as many troop as possible. In standard mission, you only need to control one (maybe two) objective and contest everything else to win. I usually take only two tactical squad and do fine most of the time. But, this is only my opinion and may not be the subject of this tread.