View Full Version : Terror vs Terror

09-09-2009, 06:02 AM
If you have a situation where a terror causing formation charges another terror causing formation do both formations take terror tests or do neither?

I suspect the rules will tell me to take both tests but it seems a little weird that the Court of the Dead King would be scared of an Isengard Troll when they're already dead and that a hulking huge troll with a very small brain would be scared of some little green ghost men!

09-13-2009, 10:28 AM
The unit that charges has to take an terror test and if it passes then the unit charged takes one. That is one of the rules that just logically don`t make much sense. Canīt see how the balrog for example would be scared of 4 wood elves...

Dark Lord
10-28-2009, 06:21 AM
There should be a rule like in warhammer, immune to phycholgy. Then some of the bigger, scarier, dumber creatures could have it. Also they could give the rule to say, glorfindel or other exceptional heroes. They could also give the rule to the undead