View Full Version : 1750 Tau For Fun List

03-23-2012, 12:02 AM
I'm running a 1750 tournament next week, and am going to have a stand-by army ready to go, should we end up with an odd number to help fill out the slots against the bye. SO I'm looking to run an army that while won't be devastating, will be tough and fun for both players.

Thus far, I've got the first 670+ points by building Heavy and Fast slots first.

Fast Attack
3x 8 Gun Drone units (288 pts total)

Mainly for lots of fast moving guns to pin troops

Heavy Support
Hammerhead, Rail Gun, Smart Missiles, 2x Seekers, MultiTracker, Targeting Array, Target Lock (lots of better shots at many targets)

Broadside, TL PLasma, Targeting array

Broadside, TL Plasma, Team Leader, Hard WIred Multitracker, targeting array, Hard wired Target Lock (if running the two as a unit).

If I run the two broadsides as separate slots, I can upgrade both to Team Leaders and give both the kit of the second one for 105 total each.

I've got a 1000 point list that I ran with the two Broads, 2 big kroot units, 2x small firewarrior units (one with Devilfish) and a big Crisis unit. So, I've got 1100 points to build up with Kroot, FWs, and Crisis. Which will be more fun to play against? Lots of shots from a troop heavy list, or dealing with a large contingent of Crisis suit units. I've got the ability to field 3x FW and 3x Krroot maxed, as well as a Crisis commander with full body guard and a full Crisis unit. Where would my points be best spendt?

In hte past,I ran most of my lists using 3rd ed book, and havn't had much experience with the 4th ed tau book, as I've had the army mothballed for years.

Input would be appreciated.

John M>

Drakkan Vael
03-23-2012, 06:33 AM
Okay, tough and fun and not devastating:
Last one is easy to accomplish. You play Tau. Nothing devastating about them. - maybe to you.
Generally speaking: if you want something that remotely resembles a good list, you need more Broadside (with move and shoot) and/or a second Hammerhead.
Take Crisis suits, the more the merrier. Either Fireknifes (missile, plasma) or Deathrains (twin-linked missile) and possibly a suicide unit (Fusion, Flamer). If you run them in Units, try to kit them out slightly differently to buit wound-groups.
Allways add shield and attack drones to Crisis and Broadside (Two Broadside, Shas'el or'o, attack and shield drones makes five wound groups).

Firewarriors and Kroot: It depends on your amount of Devilfish.
I usually take fish (firewarriors in transport) and chicken (Kroot - outflanking most of the time.).
Two units each but that is my personal flavour.

I'd think about the Gun Dron units. Very expensive for what they do. Piranhas are cheaper and you deny yourself the chance to take pathfinders.
You will need markerlights. They are essential to Tau. Even more in 5th edition where everybody owns fast transports, droppods and runs like the wind.

Tau are difficult to play with. Probably the most difficult army there is at the moment. But I like them. and they give greyknights the run for the money (if you know how to do it).

03-23-2012, 06:53 AM
THe FW units were going to be in Devilfish (i have two) and have marker lights. I do have the crisis in the configurations you mention (although I have 1 burst cannon w/ 2 others that are each 1x flamer 1x fusion, but i can switch those).

Money is an issue, as I don't have any to pick up another HH or Broadside at the moment, so I'm just working with 6 crisis, and a ton of troops. I do have one pirahna and a ton of shield drones to play with as well. Thanks for the input.

John M>

Drakkan Vael
03-23-2012, 09:57 AM
The Problem with Markerlights in FW Units is that they are heavy weapons. Either you are a Devilfish, where you cannot use them or you are moving, where you can't use it. Only if you are in cover, outside the DF will they be of any use.

I do have two Hammerheads but lack the Broadsides because I do not like the models (large metal parts on top of flimsy plastic ankle joints???)

I usually compensate with sniper drones and more crisis.
If you can, take some pathfinders they offer better markerlight support.
Piranhas are nice if you are able to sneak it behind the enemy and open fire with the fusion blaster.

Take the two Flamer/Fusion with a shield an a gun drone as a suicide unit (if you have the slots make it two units). If you expect mostly mech, twin-link the fusion, if you go against hordes twin-link the flamer, take a target lock. that way you can land behind two tanks and blast them to kingdom come. Or kill mass hordes with the flamers. (Usually this unit will allways make its cost in points). The drones help keep it alive for a second turn. If you can place them right, it works that way (have killed once 500pts in Bloodangels and on two occasions about the same amount of Imps).