View Full Version : 2500 Necrons

05-13-2012, 02:33 PM

Overlord : 180
- Warscythe
- Command Barge

Overlord : 180
- Warscythe
- Command Barge

Royal Court : 220
- 4x Destruction Crypteks
- Solar Pulse
- Despair Cryptek
- Veil of Darkness

Royal Court : 220
- 4x Destruction Crypteks
- Solar Pulse
- Despair Cryptek
- Veil of Darkness


Triarch Stalker : 150

Triarch Stalker : 150


Immortals x10 : 170
- Tesla Carbines

Immortals x10 : 170
- Tesla Carbines

Warriors x10 : 130

Warriors x10 : 130

Ghost Ark : 115

Ghost Ark : 115

Fast Attack

Scarabs x10 : 150

Scarabs x10 : 150

Heavy Support

Annihilation Barge : 90

Annihilation Barge : 90

Annihilation Barge : 90


The Destruction Crypteks will embark into the Ghost Arks. These will support the Warriors on home objectives and gives me a very powerful and durable firebase. The Veil Crypteks will attach to the Immortals to make them extremely mobile and able to pepper enemy infantry from afar with massed Tesla fire. The Triarch Stalkers and Annihilation Barges will take mid-field and add massive amounts of firepower and AV 13 saturation, plus they allow me to focus fire on high priority targets very well with Targetting Relay. The Scarabs head straight for vehicles or units that need to be tarpitted. The Barge Lords stick together and zoom up a flank to strike at backfield units or other targets of opportunity.

05-13-2012, 03:07 PM
you need to reduce the warrior squads by 1 to be able to put them in the arks.

smells awfully like spam...

05-13-2012, 03:33 PM
The Destruction Teks use the Ghost Arks. The Warriors chill outside them.

05-14-2012, 08:58 AM
With only 4 dedicated AT units you may have problems with vehicles, especially at 2500 points. Splitting up your Crypteks into multiple units sporting 2 lances can give you more flexibility.