View Full Version : New 2,500 SW List. I need immediate feedback!!

05-23-2012, 11:47 PM
I know I've posted quite a few lists lately, but I'm trying new things in preparation for this upcoming tournament. This list has some of the key elements of the last few lists ( You know, the successful parts) plus some different things I want to try in some test games this week and next. Don't keep your thoughts to yourself, I want to hear them! Yes, all of them!

So here it goes
Wolf Lord 205
Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield,TW Mount, Tail Talisman.

Rune Priest 100
Jaws, LL

Rune Priest 100
Jaws, Murderous Hurricane

Wolf Guard Battle Leader 175
Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, TW Mount

Wolf Guard Pack x5 275
Terminator replacement, Storm Shields.
Includes Power Weapons
Drop Pod

Wolf Scouts x5 115
Meltagun, 2x Plasma Pistols

Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 270
Storm Shields x3, Thunder Hammer

Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 270
Storm Shields x3, Thunder Hammer

3x6 Grey Hunters 405
Each squad has a Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, Meltagun
Each squad has a Razorback w/ Extra Armour and TL Lascannon <--- 270

3x5 Long Fangs 345
Each squad has 4 missile Launchers

2,500 points

The wolf scouts are a last minute add and I don't have the models yet so if I get enough feedback that's against them I may replace them.
The battle leader just adds some punch to the second group of wolves which as good as they already are the second hammer and wounds add more smashy goodness.
Terminators I'm kinda iffy about but in the drop pod I feel like I have a chance to get some heavy combat troops into the middle of some of those GK units.
And if anyone doesn't mind could they give me an idea how they think this list will perform against GK, Guard, and Necrons?
I'm also thinking that 3 troops is kinda light for 2,500 but I've been okay so far. Let me know what you think guys! After some calculation I've found that the list comes to 2,530. Although I know I checked it 10+ times. So what and where should I trim?