View Full Version : 2500 Eldar Alliance

07-27-2012, 08:32 PM
5 Wyches w/Haywire in Venom x4
Ravager x3
Razorwing with Disintegrators

Farseer w/ 4 powers
10 Harlequins
6 Pathfinders
3 Jetbikes

I've played a couple games with this list and am really liking it. All the characters join the Harlies (making a unit that costs 1220 pts) turning it into a super deathstar that looks menacing, and sit back and shoot with everything else.

So far, the Harlies haven't done much other than absorb ridiculous amounts of fire power, but the rest of the army dishes out so much damage that it's ok.

I picked the HQs I did for specific reasons:
Leltih: Her attacks ignore armor, and with Doom and Fortune is now super in CC.
Duke: Wounds on 2+, 5+ ignore armor
Vect: Give Preferred Enemy and Fearless to Harlies
Eldrad: Awesome
Farseer: Takes divination powers to buff units even more