View Full Version : 1000 Tyranids

07-27-2012, 08:45 PM
I'm going to a tournament/breaking in 6th Ed event tomorrow. I have decided to dust off the bugs and take them for a spin.

Prime 125
Lash & BS
Rending Claws
Adrenal Glands,
Toxin Sacs

2x Hive Guard 100


20x Termagants 100

10x Termagants w/ Devourer 100

Tervigon 200
Stinger Salvo (keeping for flyers)
Scything Talons
Adrenal Glands
Toxin Sacs

16 x Hormagaunts 160
Adrenal Glands
Toxin Sacs

Heavy Support
Carnifex 215
2x Devourer w/ Brain leech worms

total 1000 points

I really don't know what to expect I've played a few casual games of 6th, but nothing where people really cared about winning.

Prime - has claws just incase I run into more vehicles than I expected. he will be with one of the termagant squads (large one for deployment) Just to make them draw some fire.

Question about the Prime and Lash Whips - if the Prime is in close combat, what models are lowered to I1? Just the models he is in base with? the entire squad he is fighitng? or what?

Tervigon - if just 1 termagant is in range of the tervigon, does the whole squad gain the benefits of Brood Progenitor? I've seen people play it that way, but the FAQ mentions model, not unit.

What armies can still affect Catalyst and Dominion? All the FAQ's I've looked at make psychic hoods use the new rule book rules, which only lets you stop psychic attacks that target the owner's models.