View Full Version : Paypal W: Cadian Shock Troops Lasgun arm pairs H: trade/paypal

04-06-2013, 06:51 AM
Hi all, I am looking for a ton of arm pairs for Cadians. I am building DKOK style figures from WGF Greatcoats, and using Cadian arms. No bits store is in stock on them, and have only a limited supply. I don't need pistols, grenades or other special weapons, just lasgun pairs.

I have tons to trade (cadian toros and legs, as well as Dark Vengeance stuff) as well as brets, ogres, tau and SM. Along with paypal.

PM if you have any sets. To save on shipping, 1s and 2s I would like to avoid, but if that's all you got, then I'll do it.


John M.