View Full Version : Painting Skaven Fur questions

11-18-2009, 11:24 PM
Hi guys I am so new to Fantasy it is not funny but I have to say I like Skaven and I want your advice I know if we go no fluff aspect I can paint my models how ever I wish but is it taboo fluff wise to diviate from the shades of brown for the rank and file troops and have other fur colors for the heros and lords, special and rare units? If so what are the specific colors each kind should officially be painted to fit fluff; side note I personally do not think the browns look good for fur color.

11-19-2009, 08:28 PM
Usually clanrats have a shade of brown, from light to dark. I've seen several with different redish tones and they look good. Dusty/sandy yellows could work.
Stormvermin nearly always have a black tone.
Leaders are often albinos or grey; either because they have been marked at birth, or have lived to be quite old (with is also a sign of power).

I wouldn't call it taboo; the figure itself should show what it is; stormvermin are pretty clear from the halberds are heavy armour, if their fur is a sandy shade people shouldn't think they are clanrats.

If you want something a little different, you could make them spotted, blotchy or stripped; like a guinea pig. Or have your different clans painted oddly; such as a moldy green fur for Pestilens or electric blue fur for Skryres.

12-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Look up internet pictures of rats. Anything in that color and you're gold. Hell, you could make an entire albino/blue skaven army. They are your minis. If you want the gay parade skaven army, do it!

01-14-2010, 04:59 PM
I picked skaven for the new models. I find (and this is just my opinion) that your best bet is to pick a couple basic fur colors (i used Khemri, Graveyard, and the odd Snakebite) and a fairly standard painting scheme. Since skaven have dirty rusty metals I used boltgun for my metal, regal blue for my cloth and then used a heavy Devlan Mud wash over the entire model. I went back and picked out the eyes with Red gore. If u desire u can go back and drybrush highlights on (i have over 200models in my normal list so i was more focused on speed)

(I dont have a pic yet but ill try and get one ASAP)