View Full Version : Feast of Blades FANTASY Grand Tournament

08-16-2013, 11:33 PM
Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament
October 12th & 13th in Denver, Colorado

The Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament is a 2 day, 5 round Warhammer Fantasy Tournament. Participants in the tournament may field armies worth up to, and including, 2500 points. Rounds in the tournament will be 2 hours and 30 minutes in length. Armies do not have to be painted to participate in the tournament, but we strongly encourage at least a 3 color minimum.

Army Lists (Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe!)
Army lists must be submitted on or before September 21st! Army lists are to be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]

Each participant in the Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament is required to bring at least FIVE non-hand written copies of their list to the tournament. The tournament is a closed list tournament, but participants are required to provide a copy of their list to their opponent at the conclusion of each round.

The Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament will be utilizing the Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition rule set. All Warhammer Fantasy army books released prior to September 12th will be allowed in the tournament. In addition, the Chaos Dwarf army from the Tamurkhan book will also be allowed. There are no additional restrictions.

A link to the 2013 Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament painting scoring sheet will be placed on the Feast of Blades website (www.feastofblades.com) and the Feast of Blades Facebook page as it is released. Stay tuned!

A link to the 2013 Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament scenarios will be placed on the Feast of Blades website (www.feastofblades.com) and the Feast of Blades Facebook page as they are released. Stay tuned!

Sportsmanship for the Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament will be scored in the following manner:

0 points - worst game ever, I would not want to play this person again! (justification required)
2 points - horrible game, not the worst, but definitely not fun! (justification required)
4 points - an average to great game!

A maximum of 20 points can be achieved for Sportsmanship at the Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament. At the end of the tournament, each participant in the tournament will vote for their choice of "Best Game". The person receiving the most "Best Game" votes will be awarded the Best Sportsman award!

In the event of a tie, the following scores will be added, in the order they are outlined below, until the tie is broken:
Battle Score
Painting Score

Scoring will be based on a 20 point system as outlined below:

Battle Points Earned
Margin of Victory Winner Loser
0-150 10 10
151-300 11 9
301-450 12 8
451-600 13 7
601-750 14 6
751-900 15 5
901-1050 16 4
1051-1200 17 3
1201-1350 18 2
1351-1500 19 1
1500+ 20 0

The following awards will be given out at the Feast of Blades Fantasy Grand Tournament:

Best Overall (battle points + painting score + sportsmanship score)
Kit Rae Vorthelok Sword - 28" blade length; 45" total length

Best General (battle points)
Kit Rae Black Legion Battle Axe - 15" blade length; 35" total length

Best Painted (judge determined)
Best Sportsman (player determined)
Player's Choice (player determined)
Kit Rae Death's Head Dagger - 11" blade length; 21" total length

I do not have permissions to post attachments yet, but the awards can be seen on the Feast of Blades Facebook site.

In addition to the awards outlined above, there will also be a "Best in Race" award for the person who has the highest overall score (battle points + painting score + sportsmanship score) for each race!

email them to [email protected]