View Full Version : Nurgle/death guard. Please help!

12-03-2009, 10:44 AM
Hey all!

I am trying to build a nurgle/ death guard army. I am VERY new to chaos and really have no idea what to go with.

Does anyone have pre-built lists similar to mine? What changes would you make?

Demon Prince
-warp time
-Mark of Nurgle

Demon Prince
-warp time
-Mark of Nurgle


Suicide terminator squads

3x terminators
Combi- melta

3x terminators
Combi- melta


Plague champion with powerfist
7 x plague marines / 2 melta
Rhino with extra armor

Plague champion with powerfist
7 x plague marines / 2 melta
Rhino with extra armor

Plague champion with powerfist
7 x plague marines / 2 melta
Rhino with extra armor


3 oblitierators

3 oblitierators

Might drop a prince for more troops or another terminator unit.

12-03-2009, 03:18 PM
Well I must say you've got the right idea mostly, cant say the terminators are too great, personally I would just go for more plague marines in rhinos.

But, this army goes way beyond 2000 points. Your land raiders alone are nearly 1000, plus then the obliterators will tip that up to bout 1600 (roughly), so with all the other stuff your getting towards 2500 - 3000 points.

Like I said your plan seems good, just need to cut down on couple of units, personally id just remove the terminators all together, should be closer to the target then :)

12-03-2009, 04:10 PM
Something tells me he brought 2 LR's not four.

I might like this a little better with Lask Princes instead though.

Lash+ plasma cannon = disgusting.


12-03-2009, 10:26 PM