View Full Version : Outflanking, Reserves, and Assault.

06-12-2014, 03:35 PM
Has anybody else noticed that you can now assault after reserves and outflanking? The reserves restriction is no longer listed in either the assault or reserves section and is not listed in the outflanking section.
The following can still not assault after entering play on that turn:

1: Deepstrike
2: Assault Vehicle embarked models
3: Any first turn modification to deployment ie: infiltrate and scout.


06-12-2014, 03:56 PM
Has anybody else noticed that you can now assault after reserves and outflanking? The reserves restriction is no longer listed in either the assault or reserves section and is not listed in the outflanking section.
The following can still not assault after entering play on that turn:

1: Deepstrike
2: Assault Vehicle embarked models
3: Any first turn modification to deployment ie: infiltrate and scout.


My thoughts are that I simply assumed (without making sure) that we still could not assault coming in from Reserves. I am now scouring the book to see if this is just typical Games Workshop foolishness where the rule preventing us from doing so is buried in some awkward place. If we can now assault from Outflank or regular reserves (excluding Deep Strike of course) it is an entirely new ball game, and assault vehicles which can be taken as dedicated transports (or that have ability to outflank already) have just gone way up in value.

Found It: "Moving On From Reserve
When a Reserves unit arrives, it must move onto the table from the controlling player’s table
edge. Measure the model’s move from the edge of the table, as if they had been positioned
just off the board in the previous turn. A unit cannot charge, or use any abilities or special
rules that must be used at the start of the turn, in the turn it arrives from Reserve."

So sorry, no assaulting from Reserve in any way.