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Mr Mystery
07-22-2015, 05:48 AM
How do?

So in another thread, I more or less committed to buying and reading all the various books coming out for AoS.

Purpose of this? Well, I like reading, and GW's pulpy tone suits me. But there's also the issue I've found with HH, Black Library's long running series - namely that it's really, really sprawling, and difficult to know what is really required reading, and which might be more 'Fans of that Legion only' - though of course the delineation between those two is personal taste, as it's entirely arbitrary.

So what can you expect?

In short, very, very brief synsopes on what each book, e-short or novella covers in terms of protagonists and antagonists, and how it expands (if indeed at all, I've not read them yet) the promised ongoing narrative of the Realmgate Wars (and possibly beyond - it's that much of a known unknown, to use a buzzword phrase thing)

What can you not expect?

Any kind of rating system. These aren't reviews in intent or purpose. Just a way to (hopefully easily) keep track of what's what as we go along.

Section the first - novels which form part of the ongoing narrative, presented in release order.

Age of Sigmar - Tales of the Realmgate Wars

Gates of Azyr

What's it all about?
Tie in novella to the boxed set, detailing the arrival of the Stormcast Eternals

Who wrote it?
Chris Wraight

Who does it feature?
Stormcast Eternals and Khorne Bloodbound

Overall theme?
Sets the whole scene of the new gaming universe.

Pointers to the future?
Not all perished during the Age of Chaos. Though scattered, survivors remain. Also explores more about the Stormcast Eternals

Clear statement that as each Realmgate is secured, there are those who will follow to rebuild and repopulate.

Worth a read?
Not particularly essential, but a decent read. Early part of the story has, in my opinion, a sort of Mad Max feel - the description of the Realm of Azyr and its survivors in particular.

War Storm - Book I

What's it all about?
Three short stories, each focussing on the events of the first Age of Sigmar book. Set in Aqshy, Chamon and Ghyr.

Who wrote it?
A collaborative effort this one. Borne of the Storme by Nick Kyme, Storm of Blades by Guy Haley, and The Gates of Dawn by Josh Reynolds

Who does it feature?
Forces of Chaos. So far....Khorne Bloodbound in the first, Tzeentch in the second, Nurgle and Skaven in the third.Stormcast Eternals - focusses on three different Warrior Chambers, and starting to show the differences between each going up against

Overall theme?
Explores the Stormcast a good deal more. Really illustrates that despite surface commonalities, these are not Space Marines. Emotions, fears etc are all present. Also, the Reforging hurts. There's a fairly graphic (but not gory) description in one of the stories (trying to avoid spoilers). Put me in mind of a hybrid between the change of Dr Manhattan in Watchmen, and the resurrection of Frank in Hellraiser (both the movie versions)... A nice trick, but definitely not one you'd want to go through on a regular basis....

Pointers to the future?
None as such. So far, the Celestial Vindicators have sought out the Duaradin, but to no avail. I'd imagine they'll turn up soon enough though.

Worth a read?
First two stories are pretty good. First one, being an extension of the boxed game is start to wear a little thin, but we do remain in early days. Second one is better. Third one? Easily the best of the bunch - though I am Nurglesque myself, so possibly a little biased. Ending made me chuckle!

Ghal Maraz - Book II

What's it all about?
Follow up to War Storm. Two stories this time. First is the search for Alarielle, second the quest for Ghal Maraz.

Who wrote it?
War in the Hidden Vale is by Josh Reynolds, and The Eldritch Fortress by Guy Haley

Who does it feature?
A slightly wider spectrum here. As ever, Stormcast Eternals feature heavily, but the first has Sylvaneth and Alarielle doing a star turn. Though the way they are written, it could be the forces of Chaos one considers the protagonists....Glottkin, Maggoth Lords, other Nurgley peeps in the first story, Tzeentchian Warlords and a guest spot for Khul in the second.

Overall theme?
Fleshing it all out. Much like War Storm, this book builds on the mythos of the Stormcast Eternals considerably, and Space Marines they most certainly are not. Both books succeed in injecting individual personalities to the various members of the various Warrior Chambers.

But, it's the 'bad guys' time to shine. In particular, I found Josh Reynolds depiction of the Nurgle forces to be most excellent. Again they go beyond 'blargh die in the name of my gawd' that so mars most portrayals of Chaos Followers. The bickering is ever present, but never seems pointless. The Skaven have a couple of largely cameo roles which do work.

Pointers to the future?
The Stormcast are imperfect, and there is genuine concern amongst their ranks about constant reforging of fallen brothers. Granted we know more about Thostos than the characters, but seeds of doubt are sown. I'm interested to see if and how that is built upon.

When Realmgates are recaptured, they're reinforced fast. A decent number of non-combatants are mentioned, especially in the first story - we get a fleeting glimpse of just how grand Sigmar's plans are, and how he has ensured what is taken remains held.

Worth a read?
Yes. Absolutely yes. A solid improvement over both Gates of Azyr and War Storm. It's difficult to my finger on exactly what it is, but it feels better anchored this time around. Maybe it's a sign of the authors gaining confidence in the new setting, maybe it's my greater familiarity with the setting. Alarielle is the standout character for me though. Josh Reynolds has a decent handle on her, and I hope to see more in the future. Same goes for The Silver Maiden - the fate of whom forms the prologue to the second story.... If you're still not convinced, see if you can find a copy to borrow - it's at least worth the effort of reading them. The two realms (Ghyran and Chamon) are starting to feel far more real now.

A lazy comparison to the development? Consider the earliest Discworld novels (Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic) compared to those where Ankh Morpork was fleshed out - less of a generic Fantasy as the creator/creative team behind the world start to find their feet, and hammer into something more unique.

Hammers of Sigmar - Book III

What's it all about?
Continuing the tale of the Realmgate Wars within the canon. Two tales in this one - Stormcast by Darius Hinks (Hammers of Sigmar seek to wrest control of a currently Khornate Realmgate) and Scion of the Storm by C L Werner (in which the Celestant-Prime enters the fray for the first time)

Who wrote it?
As above - Darius Hinks and C L Werner[/u]

Who does it feature?
Stormcast Eternals (of course it does), Khorne Bloodbound (of course it does) oh, and a significant contribution from the forces of the Undead in Stormcast. Also some Tzeentchian naughtiness in Scion of the Storm

Overall theme?
Resurrection of hope within the Mortal Realms. The Stormcast have opened up, and others are starting to stand by them....

Pointers to the Future?
There are more survivors of the closing Age of Chaos than one might think, and they're readying themselves for war.

Worth a read?

Stormcast? Absolutely. Really enjoyed that one. Scion of the Storm struck me as more 'B-Movie' - enjoyable enough, but not as satisfying as it's preceding tale (which thankfully takes up most of the book)

The Call of Archaon - Book IV

What's it all about?
The tale of three Champions of Chaos. Copsys Bule, Uhskar Mir and Orphaeo Zuvius seek to join the ranks of Archaon's Varanguard. As you'll see, this is no small task... Rather than a Buddy Movie, each follows their own path.

Who wrote it?
A group effort - David Guymer, Rob Sanders, Guy Haley and David Annadale all contribute.

Who does it feature?
Khornate, Nurglesque and Tzeentchian Warbands are the main protagonists. They take on Undead, Stormcast, Mortal Men, Ogors and Seraphon in varying measures.

Pointers to the future?
Archaon commands the adulation of the followers of Chaos - he's shown a way you can honour the gods without being their slave. And he only wants the best and brightest in his Varanguard. Oh, and woe betide anyone who attempts to assault his fastness in the Allpoints.

Worth a read?
Now this one I got as a part work, and I enjoyed the three interlaced tales as episodes. I've not gone back and read it as a single novel - but the tales are compelling enough, especially as the characterisation of Chaos followers goes way beyond the usual 'gribble gribble, surls for me gurd'. We learn more of the motivations of each of the champions as it goes along.

Wardens of the Everqueen - Book V

What's it all about?
In the Realm of Ghyran, things have gone awry. In their efforts to find Alarielle, the Stormcast Eternals lead the warbands of Nurgle right to her. Swearing to protect the Everqueen, a desperate flight to safety is undertaken.

Who wrote it?
C L Werner

Who does it feature?
Sylvaneth, Stormcast Eternals, Skaven and Rotbringers. Oh, and Alarielle.

Pointers to the future?
There's still powerful magic in the Realm of Life - and all is not lost so long as Alarielle endures. I'll stop there, as I'm at risk of spoilers. Oh, and it appears that at least in the Realm of Life, there's a close approximation of the Webway.....much as there once was in Athel Loren.

Worth a read?
This is the first full length AoS story I've read as a single book (Call of Archaon was read as a part work), and the extra space allowed to Mr Werner is well used. Pacing is typically Werner (one of my favourite BL authors) and the action is easy enough to follow (especially now I'm used to the various ranks of Stormcast). Do give this a read - though I suspect most events will be touched upon in the currently forthcoming 'Balance of Power' book for the actual game.

Warbeast - Book VI

What's is all about?
We head to the Realm of Beasts - Ghur, and gain an insight into the previous, mortal life of Lord-Celestant Arkas Warbeast

Who wrote it?
Gav Thorpe

Who does it feature?
Stormcast Eternals, Clans Pestilens, and a cameo of a Queen from The-World-That-Was. Kind of. Ish.

Overall theme?
Stormcast Eternals may be loyal to Sigmar, but for some, their previous lives cast long shadows.

Pointers to the future?
There's the clear intent that others from a The-World-That-Was have manifested in some way in the Mortal Realms. In this case, Katarin, Ice-Queen of Kislev. It's hard to explain without clear spoilers.

Worth a read?
Far and away my favourite novel so far. And also, the longest single novel so far. There's a lot to take in, and some very interesting stuff happens. Some of it blindsided me, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's masterful twists and turns :)

Fury of Gork- Book VII

What's it all about?
Sigmar's quest to reunite his former pantheon to cast out the forces of Chaos continues. This time, his Warriors seek audience with Gorkamorka/Gork/Possibly Mork.

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds

Who does it feature?
Stormcast Eternals (at this rate, probably quicker to highlight when they're not involved!), Ironjawz, Tzeentchian Arcanites.

Overall theme?
Stormcast seek Gorkamorka. Tzeentchian Warlord seeks weapon of mass destruction. Ironjawz seek a pagga. Trouble ensues!

Pointers to the future?
Sigmar is serious about reuniting his pantheon. Delegations seek Nagash (see the audio series above for how that goes), Tyrion and Teclis, Gorkamorka and Malerion. This suggests we'll get stories relating to the search for the Elven gods...

Worth a read?
Shines a light on Sigmar and Gorkamorka's alliance, and how that might now be achieved. If that interests you? Hell. Yes. If not? Can probably skip this one without losing any plot threads :) otherwise typical BL fare.

Bladestorm - Book VIII

What's it all about?
Plans for Sigmar's offensive continue apace. The Celestial Vindicators are tasked with taking and holding the Manticore Dreadhold, in the lands of Ghyr[/u]

Who wrote it?
Matt Westbrook

Who does it feature?
Stormcast Eternals, Ironjaws, Khorne Bloodbound, and some human mortal survivors

Overall theme?
More of Sigmar's grand plan is explored, as is the reaction of human survivors to warriors of their God King. Plus, some info about the impact Reforging can have...

Pointers to the future?
Reforging is a good trick, but comes at a cost - that cost varies, and for some may eventually prove too high...

Worth a read?
Sure, I guess. You won't miss any important background here, but it's a decent enough entry

Mortarch of Night - Book IX Originally released as an 8 part audio series.

What's it all about?
The print form of the two audio series. First half is the search for Nagash, the second the hunt for Mannfred, who true to form, has been a very naughty boy indeed.

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds helms the first half, and David Guymer the second half.

Who does it feature?
Blimey...Stormcast, Bloodbound, Undead, Ogres, Ironjawz, couple of Gobbos, more Undead.

Overall theme?
With his early successes, Sigmar continues to seek out those of his former pantheon, hoping to unite them once more against their common foe.

Pointers to the future?
Sigmar's plan is most definitely working. There may also be sneaky peaks at forthcoming Ogres units (very well armoured, broad shields) The followers of Chaos are likely going to be facing an uphill struggle against the combined strength of Order, Destruction and Death!

Worth a read?
Yes. Absolutely. Second half in particular really had me chuckling in places (such as the Ironjaws booting the doors off their own tower, rather than just open them). We again see further character injected to the Stormcast, including some that have gone semi-native. Plus, who doesn't enjoy reading about Mannfred being a phallus? Do get the book rather than the audio - it's much cheaperer!

Lord of Undeath - Book X

What's it all about?
Sigmar continues his efforts to get Nagash on-side, this time by sending a Stormhost to aid Neferata...

Who wrote it?
C.L. Werner

Who does it feature?
Anvils of the Heldenhammer, Nagash, his Mortarchs, general Undead, general Chaos.

Overall theme?
Basically, it's a book about Nagash sizing up Sigmar's new toys, and the lengths Stormcast will go to to accomplish their set mission. Various parts focus on Nagash and his plans going forward. It also explores Shyish as a Realm, which is pretty cool

Pointers to the future?
Nagash remains Nagash - and his Mortarchs remain their (very) old selves. However, Nagash has a serious interest in just how Sigmar created his Stormcast. He sees a different take on his own magic - albeit one which magnifies the recipient, rather than diminish them in the way Necromancy does.

There's also various and sundry clearly Khemrian inspired units described, so my suspicion we'll see them in the future is increased.

Worth a read?
Definitely, if only to see what Nagash is planning....

Part the second - side stories which provide flavour and colour, but don't form part of the 'official' narrative

The Black Rift of Klaxus

What's it all about?
Stormcast Eternals attempt to take the Creater City of Klaxus from Khorne Bloodbound

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds

Who does it feature?
Stormcast, Skaven, Khorne Bloodbound

General thoughts?
Cutting this one short, because frankly I just didn't take to it. Started it as the part work, and it took yonks between two of the episodes, so I lost interest. I've tried to read it back through in a oner, but keep getting 'meh'.

Order Battletome: Seraphon

What's it all about?
The new Lizardmen codex and how they have changed. Approximately half and half rules and fluff.

Who wrote it?

Who does it feature?
Seraphon very prominently, of course. Slaaneshi daemons, a combined Skaven (specifically Clan Pestilens) and Nurgle daemon teamup, and a three army allied battle with Stormcast vs Khorne Bloodbound all have feature in a several page story with accompanying scenario. Nurgle worshippers and Vampire Counts have short (several paragraph) fluff stories. Orruk, Tzeentch worshippers and Skaven have brief mentions or cameos.

Overall theme?
Slaan remember the Old World and are determined to utterly purge Chaos and disorder from this one. There are hints they don't actually care who is left in charge as long as the new rulers are sensible and well ordered; at one point they rescue a bunch of Orruks who were about to be overrun by Skaven. The non-slaan forces have been strangely twisted by the star magic and seem to only partially exist.

Points to the future?
Dracothion was directly involved in rescuing the Seraphon from the void. Slaanesh is most definitely missing, and hir forces are tearing about the Realms searching for hir. The Nurgle human worshippers are called 'Rotbringers'. There is quite a bit of art featuring Tzeentchian daemons, including a sorcerer that doesn't quite match existing models. According to the art, some of the Khorne Bloodbound have gone and stolen helmets from the 40k berserkers.

Worth a read?
If you have a particular interest in Seraphon, definitely. There is a reasonable chunk of stuff for Chaos in general that might be worth borrowing to read if you're interested in them. There are hints and snippets of some realms not really introduced in the fluff yet, but nothing worth grabbing the book for if you dislike the scalies.

The stories from the 2015 advent are now available here (http://www.blacklibrary.com/aos/whaos-qu-re/aos-qr-collection.html) for £18.99

The Unending Storm - first story in the 2015 Advent

What's it all about?
Short story about a Khorne Lords encounters with the Stormcast Eternals

Who wrote it?
Nick Kyme

Who does it feature?
Squats and Slaan. No. Of course not. It's Stormcast and Bloodbound again.

Overall theme?
Hard to say without spoilers, but if you're wondering how frustrating it must be for a Khorne worshipper to not be able to claim his foe's skull....

Pointers to the future?
The loss incurred with each reforging of a Stormcast is seen more here. Inference is that their nobility could be lost en masse if repeatedly defeated

Worth a read?
It's an entertaining enough 20 minute read. Not exactly essential reading, but then it is just a short story.

By The Horns - the second story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
Slaanesh! Yep. We finally have a Slaaneshi Chaos horde.

Who wrote it?
Rob Sanders

Who does it feature?
Slaaneshi Warband and of course, Stormcast Eternals

Overall theme?
They seek him here, they seek him there....the celestial hide and seek for Slaanesh continues. This story shines a light on how at least one Warband is going about it.

Pointers to the future?
Slaanesh ain't dead...and his followers seem to be enjoying seeking him out.

Worth a read?
Yep. Definitely. It's a short short story, but worth your £1.99. As with the other Chaos short stories, I'm again impressed at how the followers of Chaos are being described. And did I mention it's the first Slaaneshi tale in AoS? Because it is.

The Gift of Khorne - the third story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
Khornate Bloodbound finally storm a City that had stood against all their previous efforts

Who wrote it?
Guy Haley

Who does it feature?
Khorne Bloodbound, Stormcast Eternals, and one I'll keep for 'pointers to the future' below. Mmm. Antici........................pation

Overall theme?
You don't want to fail Khorne.....

Pointers to the future?
Well, it seems the Mortal Realms were not quite as comprehensively ruined as we first believed. In this one, the defenders are most definitely Empire-A-Like....one description in particular? 'blocks of Pikemen, their uniforms Peacock-bright'. This is quite intriguing to me, as I had been wondering how the likes of Empire and Bretonnia might be incorporated.

Worth a read?
Not worth the sub in itself, but £0.99 on it's todd, it's reasonable value - still an entertaining read all the same.

Daemon of the Deep - the fourth story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
An insight into how individuals can be corrupted, spreading the influence of the Gods.

Who wrote it?
Rob Sanders

Who does it feature?
Gonna keep schtum here, spoiler potential is to high

Overall theme?
As per 'what's it all about?' above (not sure I need both of these categories to be honest...)

Pointers to the future?
Sigmar has mortal Priests still....so perhaps The Empire-A-Like will retain Warrior Priests?

Worth a read?
£2.49, you can't go wrong with this one. Enjoyable story, well enough written and a better length than the previous entry.

The Last Gift - the fifth story in the 2015 Advent

What's it all about?
Final face off between a Tzeenchian Warlord and his Nurglesque nemesis

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds

Who does it feature?
Nurgle and Tzeentchian Chaos Warriors

Pointers to the future?

Worth a read?
Nurgle biased again, but yes. It's shorter than a midget's mini-skirt, but such a cool story. Much like The Gift of Khorne, if bought on it's own you may feel short changed by it's paltry length, but a decent enough story nonetheless. At £0.99, you can't really go wrong.

The Prodigal - the sixth story in the 2015 Advent.

What's it all about?
A Khornate warrior returns to destroy the city of his birth.

Who wrote it?
David Annandale

Who does it feature?
Khorne Bloodbound, a city of men who worship Tyrion.....and a certain war engine called a Luminark...

Pointers to the future?
Again we're shown that some centres of civilisation still exist at the end of the Age of Chaos. And it seems the various Gods from The World That Was are not race specific in their supplicants.

Worth a read?
Again, possibly a bit short for your £0.99, but as part of the bundle a decent enough addition.

The Crystal of Fate - the seventh story in the 2015 Advent.

What's it all about?
Tzeentchian Warriors in Chamon seek to plunder Kairos' liar, following his banishing in an earlier story.

Who wrote it?
Guy Haley

Who does it feature?
Tzeentchian peeps

Pointers to the future?
It seems Chaos has been all but driven from Chamon. Even the great drake, Argentine is torn between Order and Chaos. This is the first clear sign of just how successful Sigmar's invasion has been.

Worth a read?
Really fun tale, and again longer than the story immediately before. Worth the £1.99 on it's own this one.

Gorechosen - the eighth story in the 2015 Advent

What's it all about?
A Bloodbound Warband, and the true path of Khorne

Who wrote it?
Andy Clark

Who does it feature?
Khorne Bloodbound, and guest 'only here to get killed' Chaos Warbands of varying stripes.

Pointers to the future?
Even in the face of Sigmar's invasion, Chaos remains Chaos, and clearly yet to form any kind of united front against the would be Usurpers.

Worth a read?
Decent little read, worth the entry price.

The Eighth Victorty - the ninth story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
A Khorne Warlord is a single victory away from Daemonhood.

Who wrote it?
Graeme Lyon

Who does it feature?
Bloodbound, and Stormcast

Pointers to the future?
None really

Worth a read?
As part of the advent, it's a good addition. Bought on its own? Khorne Worshippers only.

Godless - the tenth story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
Slaaneshi devotees seek their absent God, in the Shadowlands of Ulgu

Who wrote it?
David Guymer

Who does it feature?
Slaaneshi Seekers

Pointers to the future?
Contrary to claims, doesn't seem Slaanesh has been toned down, at all. This story goes beyond the fan-favourite 'boobs and willys' (well, I say fan. I mean those who miss the point of Slaanesh entirely). Their search for their God? It's just another game to be played...

Worth a read?
Yes. It's nice to get some Slaaneshi action again!

The Sacrifice - the eleventh story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
Tzeentchian Sorcerer seeks eternal power in Shyish

Who wrote it?
Graeme Lyon

Who does it feature?
Tzeentchian Sorceror, Undead and Orruks

Pointers to the future?
Shyish is still very much Nagash's turf. And yes. Vampires remain dicks.

Worth a read?
It continues to undermine the extent of Chaos' victory. Definitely worth a wee read.

Lord of the Cosmic Gate - the twelfth story in the 2015 advent

What's it all about?
Tzeentchian Mathematician attempts to reunite his orphaned realm with the mortal realms once more.....

Who wrote it?
Gav Thorpe

Who does it feature?
Tzeentch and Seraphon

Pointers to the future?
Can't without spoilers - not bad for 26 pages.

Worth a read?
Yep. If anyone enjoyed the Thanquol novels, there's a welcome return to Magic being equation based here.

Call of Chaos ebook collection - £18.99
All the above stories from the 2015 advent. Get it. Read it. I enjoyed it.

Vengeance Eternal - Book One of Bladestorm

What's it all about?
Stormcast Eternals unleash war on the Realm of Ghur

Who wrote it?
Matt Westbrook

Who does it feature?
Celestial Vindicators, Skaven and Orruks

Pointers to the future?
The series promises to explore the price of reforging. There's an interesting juxtaposition in this between Thostos Bladestorm whom we first met in War Storm, and who retrieved Ghal Maraz, and his fellow Lord-Celestant Argellon.

Worth a read?
It's currently free, so absolutely. And given the promise the series has made, it's a good start. I'm avoiding spoilers here of course, but feel free to shoot me a PM for more details if you can't/won't read it for yourself :)

Righteous Blood - Book Two of Bladestorm

What's it all about?
The Celestial Vindicators continue their quest to take the Manticore gate.

Who wrote it?
Matt Westbrook

Who does it feature?
Stormcast, Bloodbound and Human Survivors

Pointers to the future?
Argellon remains deeply concerned about Thostos. This entry spends quite a lot of time in a mortal encampment. As the ongoing stories are showing, there's more survivors than we first thought. And worship of Sigmar has inevitably altered since he closed the gates of Azyr.

Worth a read?
I'm enjoying the authors writing, and he's a new writer for Black Library. Pretty standard £2.49 price. If you've bought the sub like I have, then I can't see you being disappointed thus far :)

The Manticore Dreadhold - book three of Bladestorm

What's it all about?
Bladestorm series continues

Who wrote it?
Matt Westbrook

Who does it feature?
Human mortals, Stormcast Eternals, Khorne Bloodbound, and some Orcs

Pointers to the future?
Well, Sigmar isn't a racist. We have our first confirmed person of colour Stormcast. This tale also spends a decent chunk involving the mortals doing something other than cowering in (largely understandable) awe.

Worth a read?
Yeah. Again, would have to be part of the series, but a decent story.

Legends of the Age of Sigmar - Fyreslayer

What's it all about?
Fyreslayers, funnily enough. Four short stories/novellas all about the Bearded Maniacs and their culture.

Who wrote it?
David Annandale, David Annandale, David Guymer and Guy Haley

Who does it feature?
Fyreslayers (lots and lots of Fyreslayers), Nurgle Rotbringers, Slaanesh Pleasureseekers, Tzeentchian Daemons. And a single Stormcast. Yep, just the one.

Pointers to the future?
The various races have evolved somewhat in terms of culture, but remain ultimately recognisable.

Worth a read?
If you're interested in Fyreslayers, absolutely. If you're generally interested in what has become of the original Warhammer World races, then a firm yes. Whilst Dwarfs face much the same issue as ever (besieged, others wanting their lucky charms etc), their position isn't as terminal. In this book it's made clear that the founding of new Lodges isn't necessarily a rarity - Dwarfs don't have it easy, but they're not masters of a shattered kingdom clinging on by sheer tenacity.

Legends of the Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth

What's it all about?
Ghyran is waking up....and I really wouldn't want to be anyone who isn't Sylvaneth!

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds, Robbie MacNiven, Rob Sanders and Gav Thorpe

Who does it feature?
NO STORMCAST AT ALL!!!! Sylvaneth, Alarielle, Drycha, Rotbringers and Pestilens

Pointers to the future?
None to be honest. Other than be very, very, very careful next time you take a whizz up a tree. In fact, don't bother doing it ever again. You never know.

Worth a read?
Yes yes yes. Even if your not a Sylvaneth fan, all five stories (four authors, five stories. I didn't miss anyone!) are good reads - especially the last two. The final one, Outcast, really delves into Drycha and her own unique brand of insanity. Read. This. Book!

The Road of Blades

What's it all about?
A Khornate Deathbringer seeks the Soulmaw....this is a sort-of continuation of Black Rift of Klaxus, without actually being a sequel of any kind.

Who wrote it?
Josh Reynolds

Who does it feature?

Pointers to the future?
Hmm. Possibly. Can't say without Spoilers.

Worth a read?
It's pretty short - around 18 pages on my iPad. I didn't go for the advent sub this year, so paid £1.99 for the tale. The story is decent enough, but for the cost might be one to see if they include it in an anthology?

Bear Eater

What's it all about?
About to read it. So far, it's the continuing hunt for Mannfred - and this follows on narratively from the two audio drama series.

Who wrote it?
David Guymer

Who does it feature?
Well, there's a Stormcast on the cover...

Pointers to the future?[/b]

Worth a read?


What's it all about?
Dunno. This is just a place holder for now!

Who wrote it?
Guy Haley

Who does it feature?
Well, Sigmar is on the front cover?

Worth a read?
Place holder!

07-23-2015, 05:02 AM
Looking forward to this.

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 04:11 AM
Slight delay.

Needs some jiggery-pokery to get it onto my iPad....

07-27-2015, 05:18 AM
Maybe if you were to beat with a stick.

I'm sure they sell an iStick for just such occasions.

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 05:37 AM
I've got a suitable reader on the device, but the iPad won't download the file.

Need to crank up my laptop (wherever I've put it...), download onto that, then transfer over.

Lots of faffing about, but hopefully worth it.

07-27-2015, 06:05 AM
That all sounds a bit convoluted. I thought iPads were iMagic and just iSucked and iBlew things up and down from the iCloud?

I've never Appled myself, but all my partner's iMates think they're the devil's biscuits.

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 06:52 AM
Meh, got it cheap through work.

It's mostly my fault - I could have procured through the Apple Store, but went to the BL Website.

07-27-2015, 11:11 AM
Get a Zip file extractor APP and you can download the Mobi version from the BL site and then read it through Kindle App. I had the same problem after ordering the AoS subscription but BL did provide advice after I emailed them.

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 12:01 PM
Cool! Cheers dude!

07-27-2015, 02:02 PM
Grimmas has all the best iDeas...

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 02:26 PM

07-27-2015, 02:30 PM
Glad to hear it. You're welcome. Now get reading we're waiting on reviews

Mr Mystery
07-27-2015, 02:32 PM
Not reviews, over views!

07-27-2015, 02:35 PM
Very true my mistake.

07-27-2015, 02:44 PM

07-27-2015, 04:31 PM
There are overviews on the black library...

Gates of Ayzr - 128-page hardback novella

In short what is it? The story behind the Starter Kit. Explains the characters, their backgrounds for the Stormcast Eternals and the Khorne Bloodbound. It doesn't go that in depth about some of the characters (most notably Ionus Cryptborn, Lord Relictor--he's a mysterious figure).

I really liked this book, you have a very good idea of the exact details which unfold in the starter kit -- if you read the starter kit's book you know the general idea of this anyways, this just adds a lot more personality to the events.

Assault on the Mandrake Bastion - Short Story

This short story details a skirmish against a defensive element on the outskirts of a city where a Chaos lord is doing chaos things ;)

Frankly this story is garbage, now I don't expect amazing literature when I delve into the black library, but this is easily the worst story I have read that has been published. Almost every single fatality described in this book is a decapitation, it really REALLY pulled me out of the book. I enjoyed the greater peek into the setting surrounding the events from Gates of Azyr, and overall this short story puts a little more perspective on the campaign as sigmar's forces spread out over Aqshy, but it's really weak in my opinion. I will be hard pressed to sample Josh Reynolds again.

Mr Mystery
07-28-2015, 12:54 AM
OP updated with an overview of Beneath The Black Thumb.

07-28-2015, 09:59 AM
Yeah I'm only a few "chapters" into Beneath the Black Thumb, so far it's a huge improvement over Assault on the Mandrake Bastion. I'm looking forward to finishing it :)

Mr Mystery
07-28-2015, 11:44 AM
Gates of Azyr procured. Should be ready to guff about it by Saturday. Ish.

07-28-2015, 02:05 PM
Beneath the black thumb was great... Anything that isn't khorne... I love! Kinda tired of khorne this and khorne that

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah I'm only a few "chapters" into Beneath the Black Thumb, so far it's a huge improvement over Assault on the Mandrake Bastion. I'm looking forward to finishing it :)

Should I read assault on the mandrake bastion?

Mr Mystery
07-28-2015, 02:41 PM
I'd say always try reading :)

When it comes to literature, one man's meat is another man's poison and no mistake. And it's cheap enough at £2.49.

07-28-2015, 03:14 PM
I'd say always try reading :)

When it comes to literature, one man's meat is another man's poison and no mistake. And it's cheap enough at £2.49.

Just read it... Can't say it was good... But it wasn't bad :-P

07-28-2015, 03:37 PM
They went full Nurgle with Beneath the Black Thumb didn't they? Some pretty intense Nurgle imagery going on there. I approve it's nice to see Chaos being given the full treatment it really doesn't work half hearted.

07-28-2015, 03:56 PM
They went full Nurgle with Beneath the Black Thumb didn't they? Some pretty intense Nurgle imagery going on there. I approve it's nice to see Chaos being given the full treatment it really doesn't work half hearted.

Ya! I loved the nurgle love! Very graphic. Those damn lizards! Where were the lightning beings that skaven was trying to warn nurgle about???

Mr Mystery
07-29-2015, 05:08 AM
So far, Gates of Azyr is pretty good.

Just got to the part where the Eternals arrive, and the fisticuffs are about to begin.

Early part is kind of reminiscent of Mad Max of all things - populace reduced to scavengers, and a decent chase.

07-29-2015, 09:25 AM
I actually liked the chase... Thought they would all die... Whose skull is dude looking for?

Path Walker
07-29-2015, 10:29 AM
I really want to know more about Ionus.

07-29-2015, 11:08 AM
I actually liked the chase... Thought they would all die... Whose skull is dude looking for?

The hero from the starter set

Ya! I loved the nurgle love! Very graphic. Those damn lizards! Where were the lightning beings that skaven was trying to warn nurgle about???

The stormcast eternals are the lightning beings.

Mr Mystery
07-29-2015, 12:11 PM
OP updated with Gates of Azyr.

Now for my next read, Cybernetica, which arrived today!

07-29-2015, 12:17 PM
I really want to know more about Ionus.

It was really short... Who are they... And where did they go?

Mr Mystery
07-29-2015, 12:19 PM
Also, Mandrake Bastion procured.

Erik Setzer
07-30-2015, 08:32 AM
Archaon gathering an army seems... redundant. Didn't he lead the forces of Chaos to beat Sigmar into hiding in the first place? Then what, he let his army splinter, so now he has to gather it again?

Can we kill Archaon (again) so that a new Chaos Lord can come about? This is the fourth time he's collected a mass army for Chaos, and he still hasn't brought them final victory. One time he failed so hard they had to retcon it, one time he got killed by the god he swore doesn't exist, now he "wins" but let that not-god get away, so now he has to assemble a new army and go on the defensive? I don't think even Thanquol failed that many times, that hard, at accomplishing his personal goal.

07-30-2015, 08:57 AM
Archaon gathering an army seems... redundant. Didn't he lead the forces of Chaos to beat Sigmar into hiding in the first place? Then what, he let his army splinter, so now he has to gather it again?

He 'lost' or something, somewhere between the End Times and Age of Sigmar he died or was defeated or something, it's pretty hazy, but yeah he already went through the trials again to earn their favor back, though he pays no heed to the horned rat (so he has the blessing of Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch)

07-30-2015, 10:23 AM
He 'lost' or something, somewhere between the End Times and Age of Sigmar he died or was defeated or something, it's pretty hazy, but yeah he already went through the trials again to earn their favor back, though he pays no heed to the horned rat (so he has the blessing of Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch)

Diederick Kastner (Archaon) is Be'lakor's son... So could he have been elevated to the gods?

- - - Updated - - -

I don't think even Thanquol failed that many times, that hard, at accomplishing his personal goal.

Woah woah... You leave Thanquol out of this... That rat is a godsend!

Erik Setzer
07-30-2015, 10:35 AM
Hey, I like Thanquol, he just has an unfortunate history... which he then turns around by leading Skaven to crush pretty much everyone in their path.

Archaon's story in AoS was one of the things that bugged me and felt like a retcon was in the works. His background mirrored his original story, and it seemed odd that Archaon rose to power and became the Everchosen and led them to destroy the world... and then after being pulled into the world-destroying vortex he has to do the exact same thing over again, with the same goal in mind. It would make more sense if they'd just decided to re-form their Everchosen just because they wanted someone to lead their armies while they giggled at the slaughter they unleashed on the survivors of their prior massacre.

07-30-2015, 10:45 AM
I don't want to read the same story... Give me anything new

Mr Mystery
07-30-2015, 02:10 PM
OP updated with Assault on the Mandrake Bastion.

Mr Mystery
07-30-2015, 02:31 PM
May have to tweak the format, else that post is going to get very, very long!

07-31-2015, 03:15 PM
May have to tweak the format, else that post is going to get very, very long!

It looks long... But that's just the spacing... Extremely short and easy read... Can you make a spoiler post? So I don't have to buy mandrake bastion? :-P

Mr Mystery
07-31-2015, 03:18 PM

Mr Mystery
08-09-2015, 09:32 AM
Right then!

War Storm procured. Shall get reading tonight.

08-09-2015, 09:35 AM
How is the situation with women characters in AoS?

Mr Mystery
08-09-2015, 10:30 AM
Bit of a sausage fest so far, though there is a female PoV character in 'Gate of Azyr', and she's pretty cool.

War Storm is the first proper novel, so shall know more once I've read it.

08-09-2015, 11:20 AM
I was half expecting her to join the Stormcast. After all there's no reason why there couldn't be ladies inside all that armour.

Mr Mystery
08-09-2015, 12:03 PM
Well, so far there's nothing to say they're all blokes.

Mr Mystery
08-09-2015, 01:32 PM
Also pre-ordered The Search for Ghal Maraz. Shall pick it up Saturday, and probably do a separate thread.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2015, 08:22 AM
First story in 'War Storm' finished...shall wait until I've read the remaining two.

Also, second part of 'Call of Archaon' is out...

Erik Setzer
08-10-2015, 08:24 AM
Well, so far there's nothing to say they're all blokes.

Yeah, that'd go over well, just tell the women that, "Sure, there's women in some of those suits of armor, but they accept being made to look like men rather than how they looked in life, because... um... reasons."

Seriously, any explanation you give for that would sound incredibly sexist. But I'd love to see them try.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2015, 08:39 AM

Easy peasy.

So far, there is nothing to suggest all Stormcast Eternal's are male, or that you cannot Stormcast Eternal a female.

Lack of PoV characters so far doesn't rule it out - who knows what will happen in future stories?

Path Walker
08-10-2015, 08:41 AM
None of the Stormcast Eternals look how they looked in life, the Reforging changes them, they still retain their minds and memories, at least parts of them. Women having the same armour as the men is fine, they're swollen with power to be more massive and powerful than space marines, any sexual characteristics or identifying features would be subsumed by that.

I don't think you understand what sexism is Erik.

White Dwarf talks of a minor character in the Quest for Ghal Maraz who has an affect on one the battle plans who is presumably female too, the Silver Maiden, apparently she has an interaction with Ionus Cryptborn in the fluff, who we've already found out isn't quite the same as the rest of the Stormcasts.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2015, 08:45 AM
And I know who he is now :p

It's revealed in War Storm.

And I've got a reasonable idea who the Silver Maiden is off the back of that....

Path Walker
08-10-2015, 08:48 AM
Ooh, interesting.

This forum needs a spoiler tag!

Mr Mystery
08-10-2015, 08:54 AM
No need!

My overviews are guaranteed spoiler free. I might point to a reveal, but never spoil it.

It's intended as a guide to what happens and when, and where you can read about it.

May have to do this as a spread sheet soon - already it's getting sprawling!

Erik Setzer
08-10-2015, 01:38 PM

Easy peasy.

So far, there is nothing to suggest all Stormcast Eternal's are male, or that you cannot Stormcast Eternal a female.

Lack of PoV characters so far doesn't rule it out - who knows what will happen in future stories?

That doesn't solve the issue I pointed out... Assuming there are some females in the suits, it'd still be women wearing armor designed to suggest men, which in turn suggests that the feminine form that the women had in life isn't deemed "worthy enough" to be the form they take as an Eternal. You're still transforming women into men, basically.

If they made Eternals that looked female, cool. And they'd probably look pretty good (assuming you're into the Eternals' look... some of it's a bit too overblown for me). But for now, to suggest there's women in the suits means Sigmar still didn't want his soldiers to actually look like women, even the ones who were.

It's more of the same issue with lack of gender representation, but I can't see that being fixed any time soon, because there's this weird thing where they say they recognize a problem and then don't actually try to fix it (i.e. noting that their customers seem to all be teenage boys and really young men, and then the very first army they introduce for AoS appeals specifically to that demographic rather than a wider appeal). If someone could go slap them (and a bunch of other game manufacturers, especially in video games) that women actually *do* want to play their games, if they weren't treated as second-class in the process, we might get some good female models across the ranges, rather than relying on the "evil" third party manufacturers.

Mr Mystery
08-10-2015, 03:21 PM
There's stuff mentioned in the stories we've not seen yet.

There's nothing to say only men can be reforged.

Armour is armour. I go LARPing. Very, very few of the women bother with Nork shaped chest plates, or stot about in fur bikinis, because it's just not practical.

With plate in particular, you'll typically have gambeson, chainmail, then the final clank over the top - and you need space to breathe. Hence its normally pretty formless. Incorporating lady lumps just makes it needlessly bulkier.

08-11-2015, 02:08 AM
The Stormcast are kind of coded male but if they came out and said a heap of them are women inside or whatever it wouldn't be an issue. Problem is GW probably won't even think of it.

Mr Mystery
08-11-2015, 02:15 AM
Background remains a PoV Character Sausagefest so far.

Just about done with the second story in War Storm, so just one more to go, then when I can figure out how to download it as part of the Subscription, the second story/chapter of Call of Archaon.

08-11-2015, 02:37 AM
Not surprising, they had an opportunity to come out with a revitalized WFB setting more in keeping with what todays market demographic is but instead they seemed to have doubled down on white guy sausage fest.

Mr Mystery
08-11-2015, 02:41 AM
Actually....not so much just White Guy.

People of colour are directly mentioned in War Storm.

So, a step forward, if not quite as big a step as hoped.

We still have mention of 'The Silver Maiden' PW posted about. I think I know who this might be, but not what. Could be a Mangst plot device (do you like what I did there?) sure, but could also be a female chamber of Stormcast.

08-11-2015, 02:42 AM
Well that's a start.

Path Walker
08-11-2015, 02:46 AM
And, for the first time in a long, long time, we have GW painted models in non-white skin tones, which is a big step for them!

08-11-2015, 02:48 AM
The Stormcast are kind of coded male but if they came out and said a heap of them are women inside or whatever it wouldn't be an issue. Problem is GW probably won't even think of it.
Well, unless they said 'some are women!' and then continued to exclusively refer to Stormcast using male pronouns like they're currently doing, while using it as an excuse not to put more women elsewhere.

Which is what I suspect is going to happen. Non-chaos humans so far appear to be extinct in AoS, which leaves only elves and sigmarites for good guy women.

Mr Mystery
08-11-2015, 02:52 AM
Definitely human survivors - a group feature in the starter set tie in novel. And one of them is a woman (at least one. Doesn't state about the others for the most part).

Erik Setzer
08-11-2015, 05:25 AM
There's stuff mentioned in the stories we've not seen yet.

There's nothing to say only men can be reforged.

Armour is armour. I go LARPing. Very, very few of the women bother with Nork shaped chest plates, or stot about in fur bikinis, because it's just not practical.

With plate in particular, you'll typically have gambeson, chainmail, then the final clank over the top - and you need space to breathe. Hence its normally pretty formless. Incorporating lady lumps just makes it needlessly bulkier.


I don't expect bikinis, because those are stupid. And that's putting it MILDLY.

I wouldn't expect "lady humps" except the armor right now is specifically carved to represent a man's torso. So if it's a woman, either it should represent her torso in some way, or they should change it to be more formless, as real armor would be.

For now, to imagine there's a woman in the armor, means she is being forced to take on the image of a man specifically. Not something that could represent either, but very specifically a man. So it's really worse if there are women in some of the suits. (Of course, given how women are generally nowhere to be seen unless in their own factions, like the increasingly forgotten Sisters of Battle or Mordheim's Sisters of Sigmar, we shouldn't expect female Eternals. Or much of anything else female.)

Mr Mystery
08-11-2015, 05:35 AM
OP now updated with what I've read of War Storm.

Image of a man, or image of the God King, letting the foe know exactly who is kicking their butts?

08-11-2015, 06:59 AM
Well, unless they said 'some are women!' and then continued to exclusively refer to Stormcast using male pronouns like they're currently doing, while using it as an excuse not to put more women elsewhere.

Which is what I suspect is going to happen. Non-chaos humans so far appear to be extinct in AoS, which leaves only elves and sigmarites for good guy women.

That is true and probably what they would do.

Erik Setzer
08-11-2015, 08:47 AM
OP now updated with what I've read of War Storm.

Image of a man, or image of the God King, letting the foe know exactly who is kicking their butts?

Man. The God King specifically used a hammer (until he lost it), and I'm not sure how much armor he bogged himself down with, or if he ever used a shield, or anything like that. Given that there's a lot of guys using non-hammer weapons, or shields, and I can't imagine Sigmar trying to wear a silly spiked halo all the time, I seriously doubt it's just done in his image. I think riding the lightning into battle is enough of a message "Hey, you messed with Sigmar!"

Though, really, what member of the Chaos forces would be scared by Sigmar? He failed the first time around, then after the first world got blown up he failed to protect the remnants, and is having to fight back to gain some ground because he ran away from the fight and let Chaos run rampant for hundreds of years. Oh, sure, we know he was building an army during that time, but from the Chaos servants' perspective, he was hiding like a coward, and is only fighting back now because he's like a cornered rat hoping desperately to fight off the inevitable. He'll need a LOT of victories to start making them scared, and by then, it won't matter how his soldiers look. If they dressed like clowns or rode rainbows into combat and had magical talking mounts, Chaos forces would start getting PTSD from reruns of My Little Pony or Ronald McDonald. Doesn't matter what a faceless god looks like, it matters what the guys who are fighting look like (once they start winning).

Mr Mystery
08-12-2015, 05:13 AM

Anyways. OP updated with the remainder of War Storm, and 'Eye of the Storm', the second part of Call of Archaon.

08-12-2015, 11:02 AM
If we get fur-bikini-cultist chicks I want some fur-bikini-cultist dudes to go with 'em, and give the ladies some sensibly armoured (no metal breasts on the breastplate please) female warrior-women too. Equality all around!

Imo the best way to do this would have a few "slender" or smaller frames to a kit, so say 8 "stockier" frames and 2 "slender" frames, not model thin, but maybe a bit shorter and a little bit smaller, then have male and female heads, allowing people to build slightly smaller male or female models (whichever they prefer) and using the slightly bigger bodies for male or female models (whichever they prefer).

Also Erik I imagine the chaos forces that fear sigmar are the ones who are heartbeats away from being hit with a hammer in sigmar's name :p

Erik Setzer
08-12-2015, 11:47 AM
Also Erik I imagine the chaos forces that fear sigmar are the ones who are heartbeats away from being hit with a hammer in sigmar's name :p

Not exactly fearing Sigmar so much as being concerned about the weapon that's about to hit them being carried by some literally faceless bloke. :D

Mr Mystery
08-17-2015, 09:29 AM
As someone who doesn't often meet someone bigger than them, meeting someone bigger than me that wants to hammer my head into my chest would be pants fillingly worrying :p

Second book in the Kalxus series is up....sadly can't get it until Friday because payday.

Mr Mystery
08-18-2015, 12:50 AM
Right then. OP updated with the second part of the Black Rift of Klaxus (which features a Khornate Warrior Woman. Yeah. Take that Sigmar. God of Skulls is an equal opportunities psychopath!

Erik Setzer
08-18-2015, 08:04 AM
Right then. OP updated with the second part of the Black Rift of Klaxus (which features a Khornate Warrior Woman. Yeah. Take that Sigmar. God of Skulls is an equal opportunities psychopath!

Didn't Khorne have a woman leading an entire invasion force just a few months ago? Like, THIS year. I think it wasn't more than three or four months back. So how is a warrior news when we recently had a general? Nice to see her in there, but given that a Khorne woman's already messed up stuff for Sigmar in the past, he probably already recognizes the equal opportunity workplace that the frothing blood legions represent.

08-18-2015, 08:31 AM
Erik, while I do get what you're saying, are you aware of how your phrasing comes across as? It sounds like you are saying "Well there was a woman a few months ago, so we don't need to have any more women." Whereas many of us would like there to be, oh, 50% women? We'd settle for a third of characters overall really. That doesn't seem too many to ask for, it's still grossly outnumbered.

Until then we will phrase any god that figures out that once you start adding mutations, the starting stock isn't important, and when your core requirement is "capable of murderous bloodlust" and "does not object to the sight of blood" I kind of think women have enough of an edge that Khorne would realistically have a heck of a lot MORE.

Mr Mystery
09-02-2015, 09:38 AM
And now making my way through Ghal Maraz.

Dunno if it's greater familiarity with the background or what, but this is a more enjoyable read than Gates of Azyr.

Mr Mystery
09-03-2015, 05:26 AM
First story expands on the quest for Alarielle some.

Really interesting character development across the board - and you really, REALLY do not want to annoy Alarielle ever. Hideously, hideously hard!

Just starting the second story now, which is about the quest for Ghal Maraz. Opening is a prologue set 'many centuries ago' - and deals with Celemnis, a Swordmaiden who I suspect becomes The Silver Maiden - so we have our second female protagonist, of sorts.

Mr Mystery
09-04-2015, 05:44 AM
Right, non-review rundown of Ghal Maraz now added to the OP.

Mr Mystery
09-07-2015, 06:56 AM
Call of Archaon Pt3 - The Solace of Rage now downloaded. Shall read on the way home and update accordingly.

Wonder if Mr Haley has been able to inject some kind of character into Khornate troops?

Mr Mystery
09-07-2015, 12:32 PM
OP all updated.

Got to say, the stories are getting better and better.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-07-2015, 01:20 PM
Great news on the female characters! :)

Filthy Casual
09-08-2015, 02:16 AM
OP all updated.

Got to say, the stories are getting better and better.

You've got Solace of Rage as Book Two in the OP mate

Mr Mystery
09-08-2015, 02:45 AM
Well spotted! Now corrected.

- - - Updated - - -

Great news on the female characters! :)

They're not exactly central to the plot - but they are both quite far from the Olyve Oyl 'SAVE ME SAVE ME' type nonsense. As with the general theme of the thread, I'll let others decide if they're well written or not. I'm just fact based reporting :)

Mr Mystery
09-08-2015, 05:30 AM
And have tweaked the formatting of the OP. Was getting a bit lengthy!

Mr Mystery
09-09-2015, 05:33 AM
Also - the Khorne Exalted Deathbringer in The Solace of Rage has an interesting motivation.

And the Bloodreavers? That may not be a one-way street after all.

09-14-2015, 09:12 AM
Yeah I'll have to agree that the stories are getting better, I really disliked mandrake, but the walls of U was very good

Mr Mystery
09-19-2015, 03:31 AM
Lawks-a-mercy! now I need to listen to Audiobooks to keep up (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/AoS-Prisoner-of-the-Black-Sun)

Though given this one potentially involves Nagash, and definitely a Von Carstein (my money is on Mannfred) that's no big chore :)

Mr Mystery
09-21-2015, 01:23 PM
And updated with The Gnawing Gate, the third part in the Black Rift of Klaxus.

Erik Setzer
09-22-2015, 08:05 AM
Lawks-a-mercy! now I need to listen to Audiobooks to keep up (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/AoS-Prisoner-of-the-Black-Sun)

Though given this one potentially involves Nagash, and definitely a Von Carstein (my money is on Mannfred) that's no big chore :)

I can't do audiobooks... There's not enough activity involved in simply listening, so I'd have to do something else at the same time, which would split my attention and leave me missing chunks of the story. People with more ability to just sit and listen might do well with them, though (and it seems there's plenty of those people, given the popularity of audiobooks).

Filthy Casual
09-22-2015, 08:07 AM
I can't do audiobooks... There's not enough activity involved in simply listening, so I'd have to do something else at the same time, which would split my attention and leave me missing chunks of the story. People with more ability to just sit and listen might do well with them, though (and it seems there's plenty of those people, given the popularity of audiobooks).

Or people who can easily multi task.

Mr Mystery
09-22-2015, 09:39 AM
I can't do audiobooks... There's not enough activity involved in simply listening, so I'd have to do something else at the same time, which would split my attention and leave me missing chunks of the story. People with more ability to just sit and listen might do well with them, though (and it seems there's plenty of those people, given the popularity of audiobooks).

I stick mine on in the car on my Saturday commute. Or on the very few occasions I've got the brushes and paints out.

Erik Setzer
09-22-2015, 12:03 PM
I stick mine on in the car on my Saturday commute. Or on the very few occasions I've got the brushes and paints out.

On the ride to work, I ride public transit, and if I try listening to something (or even watching something), I tend to doze off. For painting, I'm painting too much attention to realize what's going on, so the only thing I can listen to with a story is TV shows or movies I've already watched (like Starship Troopers), or just enjoy some dubstep or symphonic metal. I think my brain is too chaotic. :-P

09-23-2015, 08:00 AM
I know that when I was listening to the Dreams in the Witch House audio book I was working and doing other things, so I missed parts here and there.

My solution was to just loop it. After a bunch of listens I had the whole story memorized :D

Mr Mystery
09-28-2015, 05:25 AM
And OP updated for 'Prisoner of the Black Sun'.

Mr Mystery
10-12-2015, 05:51 AM
Copsys Bule is back in the fourth part of Call of Archaon.

Downloading it now to read on my commute home.

Mr Mystery
10-15-2015, 12:29 PM
Updated with Knight of Corruption.

Mr Mystery
10-25-2015, 05:13 PM
And now onto Hammers of Sigmar.

So far (Chapter 3) it's all written in the first person, which is a change.

Mr Mystery
10-27-2015, 02:34 PM
First story done, and it's a corker! Going to finish up the second story, then update the OP.

Mr Mystery
10-28-2015, 08:01 AM
OP update with Hammers of Sigmar.

Mr Mystery
11-03-2015, 12:34 PM
And for my next entry? Trial of the Chosen, part 5 of the Call of Archaon.

Currently watching Terminator Genisys, so will likely read it tomorrow.

11-11-2015, 08:54 AM
Order Battletome: Seraphon

What's it all about?
The new Lizardmen codex and how they have changed. Approximately half and half rules and fluff.

Who wrote it?

Who does it feature?
Seraphon very prominently, of course. Slaaneshi daemons, a combined Skaven (specifically Clan Pestilens) and Nurgle daemon teamup, and a three army allied battle with Stormcast vs Khorne Bloodbound all have feature in a several page story with accompanying scenario. Nurgle worshippers and Vampire Counts have short (several paragraph) fluff stories. Orruk, Tzeentch worshippers and Skaven have brief mentions or cameos.

Overall theme?
Slaan remember the Old World and are determined to utterly purge Chaos and disorder from this one. There are hints they don't actually care who is left in charge as long as the new rulers are sensible and well ordered; at one point they rescue a bunch of Orruks who were about to be overrun by Skaven. The non-slaan forces have been strangely twisted by the star magic and seem to only partially exist.

Points to the future?
Dracothion was directly involved in rescuing the Seraphon from the void. Slaanesh is most definitely missing, and hir forces are tearing about the Realms searching for hir. The Nurgle human worshippers are called 'Rotbringers'. There is quite a bit of art featuring Tzeentchian daemons, including a sorcerer that doesn't quite match existing models. According to the art, some of the Khorne Bloodbound have gone and stolen helmets from the 40k berserkers. :p

Worth a read?
If you have a particular interest in Seraphon, definitely. There is a reasonable chunk of stuff for Chaos in general that might be worth borrowing to read if you're interested in them. There are hints and snippets of some realms not really introduced in the fluff yet, but nothing worth grabbing the book for if you dislike the scalies.

Mr Mystery
11-12-2015, 06:52 AM
OP updated with Morgim's post above, and belatedly with Part Five of the Call of Archaon.

Hope to pick up the next audio book tonight. All depends on whether my Coach home from Nodnol gets me there in good time!

Mr Mystery
11-30-2015, 06:00 AM
And it's a double dip today.

Six Pillars - part four of The Black Rift of Klaxus

In The Lands of The Blind - part six of The Call of Archaon

Both now downloaded, and whoopsadoodle, coinciding with my lunch break!

Path Walker
11-30-2015, 08:39 AM
I need to catch up on my AoS reading, been distracted by the Time of Legends series that I didn't read first time, its been fun to see Sigmar as a mortal knowing what will happen!

Mr Mystery
12-01-2015, 06:34 PM

I've also subscribed to the Advent Calendar, so will be listing those stories too.

Path Walker
12-01-2015, 07:10 PM
Path to Glory seems pretty cool, need to give it a go soon.

Mr Mystery
12-03-2015, 06:37 AM
And updated with the first short story from the advent series.

And I've got the second audio story to listen to. At some point. Probably Saturday, as I'll be driving in to work for more overtime (have I mentioned I really like munneh?)

Mr Mystery
12-04-2015, 05:01 AM
New short story obtained....it's a Slaaneshi one - By The Horns (fnarr)

Shall read it today and update.

Mr Mystery
12-07-2015, 06:32 AM
Right, updated with the latest Advent story, and now just downloading the next volume in Call of Archaon.

Scratch that....I've managed to nab parts 7 and 8.....

Mr Mystery
12-08-2015, 06:08 AM
Updated with the final episodes of Call of Archaon.

Also got the next Advent story.

It's been a veritable tidal wave of fluff this week! And I've still got to finish listening to the second Audio Drama. And pick up the third on Saturday.

Mr Mystery
12-09-2015, 06:22 AM
Updated with 'Daemon of the Deep' from the advent series.

12-09-2015, 07:58 AM
Hows the situations with wimmins?

Mr Mystery
12-09-2015, 08:18 AM
Still disappointing.

They are in there, and what we see of them they're not especially trope for the most part.

Daemon of the Deep features a Princess type character who is very much a Princess type character - but given how life on the Shattered Isles is described, it's more of an air of historical (pacts are sealed by marriage, and the wimmins are brought up largely as well mannered chattel as a result)

12-09-2015, 09:31 AM

Mr Mystery
12-11-2015, 06:22 AM
Updated with The Last Gift.

Also....female presence in the second audiobook, which I've still not finished listening to. This weekend. I totes promise.

Mr Mystery
12-14-2015, 06:38 AM
And updated with the two latest shorts from the Advent.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-14-2015, 01:06 PM
I loved the suggestions people had of "female valkyrie" stormcast eternals. I also think Witch Elves should be expanded into a full faction with their own battletome too.

Mr Mystery
12-16-2015, 03:11 PM
Guess what?

OP updated again.

Mr Mystery
12-20-2015, 06:15 AM
Double update today.

The Eighth Victory and Godless.

Mr Mystery
12-20-2015, 10:03 AM
Godless has a better count of Wimmins, and a gender fluid character as well. Which is nice.

Mr Mystery
12-22-2015, 09:48 AM
And updated with The Sacrifice.

Mr Mystery
01-18-2016, 05:14 AM
Just nabbed the free e-short, Eternal Vengeance.

Particularly intrigued as the series it's part of promises to explore the impact Reforging has.

Mr Mystery
01-18-2016, 04:21 PM
And I promise to pick up the two other audiobooks this Friday and get properly up to date!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-18-2016, 04:30 PM
What are the audiobooks like these days? I didn't really like the format the ones i heard as I prefer a full cast drama lie the big finish dr who ones and the ones i heard seemed more narration focussed with some sound fx.

Mr Mystery
01-18-2016, 04:34 PM
They're full cast now.

Other than that, it's hard to say as I don't have any non-GW audiobooks - I prefer my physical paper books for the most part.

I've been enjoying them so far though.

Mr Mystery
01-23-2016, 10:00 AM
Got myself all up to date today, so the first post should be updated by Monday, once I've listened and read through it all.

Mr Mystery
01-23-2016, 02:34 PM
Good news, bad news.

Vampire Countess named in the Fyreslayer Battle Tome.

Looks like Isabella.

Mr Mystery
01-29-2016, 06:52 AM
Right......now far more up to date.

Just added the Fyreslayer collection, along with Parts 2 and 3 of the ongoing Audio Drama. Part four is in my car, awaiting me taking a suitably long drive to listen to the whole thing.

Mr Mystery
01-30-2016, 01:11 PM
Wardens of the Everqueen now procured :)

Might have to rejig the first post, as again it's getting kind of long and I don't know how much more I can get on there.

Will likely compress the part work stories into single entries.

Mr Mystery
02-01-2016, 02:41 PM
So far, Wardens of the Everqueen has kicked up a notch - there's actual threat, and some superb character writing.

Then, C L Werner is one of my favourite authors.

Mr Mystery
02-03-2016, 04:48 AM
Updated with Wardens of the Everqueen, and rejigged the formatting a bit - I've now made it clear which stories are parts of the ongoing narrative of the Realmgate Wars, and which are more side stories exploring the setting.

02-04-2016, 02:52 PM
What a helpful thread! Just reading call of archon and really enjoying it, will use this thread to decide my next purchase. Just registered to say thanks!

Mr Mystery
02-04-2016, 02:55 PM


And welcome to BoLS :)

Mr Mystery
02-08-2016, 06:22 AM
And at long last, updated to show the completed Nagash audio book series.

Mr Mystery
02-16-2016, 01:42 PM
Updated once again, this time with Righteous Blood from Bladestorm.

03-03-2016, 06:36 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I found this a useful primer on some aspects of the AoS background and it busts some (recurring) misconceptions about the AoS universe: http://www.tronhammer.com/2016/03/age-of-sigmar-mythbusting-fluff-edition.html

It also includes a very good - and hilarious - response from Josh Reynolds to the question/ whine 'but Stormcast are just Space Marines In Space In Fantasy!!!", the original of which can be found here: https://ask.fm/JoshMReynolds/answers/131488334559

It's worth reading for its description of Space Marines alone: "Well, for starters, Space Marines are chosen as children, tortured by SCIENCE!, and then drafted into an eternity of being monastic murder machines whose sole purpose is to hold up the crumbling foundations of an omnicidal dystopia in the name of a rotting carcass that eats psykers like chiclets..."

Mr Mystery
03-03-2016, 06:55 AM
Certainly does fit in :)

Good find duder!

03-03-2016, 09:26 AM

Josh Reynold's Ask FM is also worth a browse because he gives a lot of possibly-answers-but-possibly-very-informed-speculation about what happened during the End Times to those parts of the Warhammer Old World that didn't feature heavily in the End Times background books or novels, the same for a variety of Warhammer characters.

Mr Mystery
03-14-2016, 06:44 AM
Lawks! I'm starting to fall behind!

I've now got the third part of Bladestorm, and the seventh part of Black Rift of Klaxus.

Still to be procured? Beast Thingy, and Clans Pestilens 'Legends of Age of Sigmar'

I should be all caught up over the next couple of weeks.

04-23-2016, 03:13 AM
Getting stuck into God Beasts and there is human resistance against Chaos in the Realm of fire. Which is good news it seems like as the background is expanded there's more going on in the Realms other than Chaos (of course we did already know about the Slyveneth).

Also it appears that the realms aren't "planets" but more like self contained plains of existence with multiple stella bodies contained within them, although they seem to have more in common with a Magical plain of existence like the Realms of Chaos rather than a Physical reality like the one we inhabit.

Mr Mystery
04-23-2016, 06:01 AM

Got Godbeasts to read now. Am a wee bit behind on keeping this updated, but will sort it out over the coming week :)

Mr Mystery
04-23-2016, 06:47 AM
And just got Fury of Gork off iBooks.

So just needs the Pestilens novel, and the two latest audio dramas, which I'll get on CD.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2016, 04:05 PM
Ploughing through Warbeast.

Really enjoying it......and it seems we may have a most unexpected survivor from The-World-That-Was.....or at least an incarnation of her?

Mr Mystery
04-28-2016, 05:56 AM
No less than Gav Thorpe himself has confirmed my suspicions! Queen Katarin of Kislev lives - after a fashion!

Absolutely stonking read this one - good interplay between different Stormcast chambers. Feels much more like a novel set in the World-That-Was, and in turn this has served to anchor the other novels I've read (i.e. all of them, barring Pestilens, and the Orc one which is up next)

Mr Mystery
05-04-2016, 12:58 PM
Updated with Warbeast and Fury of Gork, you lucky things you!

Still need to write up Blackrift of Klaxus, but I want to re-read the whole thing. And as Bladestorm is nearly done, that shall follow soon too!

Oh, and Pestilens and the second audio series, once I've got them.

Mr Mystery
07-06-2016, 03:35 AM
Gah! Fallen well behind!

Will update soon with Blackrift of Klaxus, and Bladestorm.

Am currently re-reading Bladestorm, and I'm very nearly there.

Mr Mystery
07-23-2016, 08:50 AM
Right. Mortarch of Night procured. Shall probably have it read within the next couple of days :)

Mr Mystery
07-29-2016, 12:49 PM
Into the second half of Mortarch of Night now, and it's superb!

Bit of well 'ard Ironjawz action. Such as them exiting their own tower by kicking the doors in. Well, kicking the doors out. You know what I mean. Either way, it's well Orcy!

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-29-2016, 04:11 PM
Any hints of new Death models/units?

Mr Mystery
07-29-2016, 04:33 PM

No spoilers, but there's Ghoul-a-likes, with a distinctly wofly description?

Mr Mystery
08-01-2016, 12:34 PM
Bloody hell.

Nearly finished, and it's a corker! Good variety of races, solid pacing. This is the first print version of an audio drama I've read, and I'm wondering if that might be making a difference. This is definitely one well worth reading!

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-01-2016, 12:45 PM

No spoilers, but there's Ghoul-a-likes, with a distinctly wofly description?

possible undead werewolves maybe? wouldn't be too surprising, quite a popular trope.

Mr Mystery
08-02-2016, 05:42 AM
Updated with Mortarch of Night.

Just need to pick up the Pestilens and Sylvaneth books, and of course Lord of Undeath, and I'll finally, at long last, be up to date :)

Mr Mystery
08-13-2016, 01:32 PM
And that's Lord of Undeath added.

Mr Mystery
09-02-2016, 12:39 PM
Now reading through 'Sylvaneth'.

Like Fyerslayers, it's a compendium of short stories, and it's really rather good!

Mr Mystery
09-02-2016, 01:58 PM
Am on the last story....

As a massive fan of Horror, this one is beyond good!

09-03-2016, 09:32 AM
More wimmins?

Mr Mystery
09-03-2016, 09:59 AM

I mean, we're not talking a good proportion, but the AoS background certainly isn't shy of trying to be inclusive.

Probably my favourite one shows up in Bladestorm. De facto leader of some mortal survivors, and a total badass. Rather than simply being used to juxtapose how hard Stormcast are, Alzheer has a pivotal role, and is effing deadly with a bow, and shows how useful local/native knowledge is.

Mr Mystery
12-22-2016, 06:05 AM
I'm back for a bit, and so is this thread.

Just procured the three Advent stories for AoS released so far. The Road of Blades, Bear Eater and Pantheon.

Expect updates to the OP in the next day or so.