View Full Version : 2000pts Guard Rouge Trader List

07-06-2010, 12:30 PM
So in this Rogue Trader Tournament they are really stressing good sportsman ship but that doesnt mean the list needs to be... well terrible. this was just a basic of what i came up with.

330pts. - HQ.
275pts. - Company Command Squad, Creed, Medic, 3 plasma guns, Officer of the Fleet, Astropath
55pts. – Chimera APC

30pts. - Elites
30pts. – Ratling Squad

815pts. - Troops
115pts. - Veteran Squad, 3 plasma guns
115pts. - Veteran Squad, power fist, 3 meltaguns
115pts. - Veteran Squad, power fist, 3 meltaguns
50pts. - Platoon Command Squad, 4 flamers
55pts. – Chimera APC
65pts. - Infantry Squad, heavy bolter, grenade launcher
65pts. - Infantry Squad, heavy bolter, grenade launcher
65pts. - Infantry Squad, heavy bolter, grenade launcher
65pts. - Infantry Squad, heavy bolter, grenade launcher
105pts. – Heavy Weapon Squad, 3 lascannons

270pts. - Fast Attack
140pts. - Valkyrie, multiple rocket pods, heavy bolters
130pts. - Vendetta Gunship

555pts. - Heavy Support
185pts. - Leman Russ Battle Tank, w/ hull lascannon & heavy bolter sponsons
185pts. - Leman Russ Battle Tank, w/ hull lascannon & heavy bolter sponsons
185pts. - Leman Russ Battle Tank, w/ hull lascannon & heavy bolter sponsons

So the idea is that the melta vets hop into the vendetta and valkyrie and just zoom off popping armor and the taking objectives in the last turn and harrasing the enemy. Battle tanks move up in the middle drawing fire and killing infantry, infantry squads advance behind the battle tanks and move to take objectives. plasma vets hang back and can either hop in Creed's chimera or just guard ojective close to home. The ratlings are mostly there to annoying and maybe pin some stuff. Creed can direct the heavy weapons to gun down more armor and with his 3 plasma guns can deal with most things that show up via outflank or deep strike. It seems fairly flexible and initial playtest has shown it does very well against space marines and chaos marines, againts tyranids it is important to get the alpha strike. versus speed freak orks i had some terrible rolls and ALL of my plasma guns killed themselves (even with the medic) and i ended up drawing. So any thoughts? Thanks!

07-06-2010, 01:54 PM
I know this is off-topic, but why can't anyone ever seem to spell Rogue right? Rouge = a color category in makeup, it's french for red. Rogue = "a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel"...

"Rouge Trader" sounds rather feminine...

07-06-2010, 02:49 PM
hahaha thank you for the spelling tip, i appreciate it! :D now does anyone have any tips for my list? haha

07-06-2010, 06:57 PM
Maybe it's a rogue trader trading rouge to rouge-wearing rogues?