View Full Version : A new nidz player

07-19-2010, 11:22 AM
I am going away from chaos and trying to play a bugz army, however...... i really don't know how to strt building up the army.

So far, for a 500 point list i have built:

1 zonethrope

3 raveners with spinefists amd rending talons

10 termagaunts

5 stealers

i also have a box of 3 warriors at my house, and my plan is to make 2 primes to go into the 500 point, then for 100/750 downgrade them to normal ones, and build one w/ barbed strangler, and then get a tyrant:) any help would be greatly appreciated

also i want the warriors to have lash-whip/bone-swords, any idea on how to make them, i am thinking of using spine-fists w/ a scything talons on them, and for lash-whip... i idk... i have heard of a way to make them from rippers and green stuff

07-19-2010, 03:10 PM
Admittedly, a Trygon isn't particularly appropriate for a 500 pt. game, but planning for the future is always a good thing, and I've found that having a deepstriking monstrous creature (or two, or three!) in your list keeps things exciting. As for the rest of your army, the basic principles still apply: you'll need guys to claim objectives, guys to deal with heavy vehicles, guys to deal with transports, and guys to get in your enemy's face really fast. I'm a big fan of taking MC's as troop choices, who then spawn more troop choices, and genestealers, who despite not having frag grenades, are in my opinion one of the best assault troop choices in the game. They can outflank, too.