View Full Version : Heretic vs. Heathen

07-27-2010, 05:58 PM
So coming from a 40K background I am noticing a big difference in the structure of the fluff for WFB. I play CSM in 40K and everything about them is driven by the Heresy. Brother turned against brother and ruined the Emperor's idea for a perfect society etc. blah blah.

What I am really liking about WFB, especially for Chaos, is the fact that there is no hard and fast storyline structure. Characters have a backstory and races have a general history to them, but no one is set to a specific chain of events.

I would go as far to say that the Chaos armies of WFB are decidedly not evil. They are heathens that worship the 'old gods', and they are men that for better or worse must forge a life in an unforgiving environment. It is easy to draw a direct parallel between the WoC and the Vikings. Much of the wording and semantics are the same as what were used for the old Germanic and Norse tribes.

I know the game needs 'bad guys' and I am happy to take on the role, but I think the perspective offered by WFB paints the WoC as hard men in a hard world.

And yes, the Emperor is false. Death to the false Emperor. Lupercal!

07-28-2010, 04:04 AM
What you say is true for chaos marauders, but not necessarily true for chaos warriors.

There have definitely chaos of reiksguard, and other empire soldiers and knights who have been cast out of society travelling north and becoming chaos warriors. Archaon for one was once a templar of sigmar. the same is true for some wizards. There are also old chaos characters who were once elves.

As for evil, whilst thats subjective I'm pretty sure chaos warriors are the most evil of the human(ish) armies in fantasy.

07-28-2010, 04:13 AM
Altough your main point that all the 40k csms a re traitors, whereas the majority of warriors of chaos are not is still valid