BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum


Type: Posts; User: xllrapidllx

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  1. Horus Heresy (30k) Players in Central London UK

    Hi All,

    Looking to get back into the hobby by playing 30k, is there any good clubs in central London or Essex that has a large number of 30k players ?

    All the best,
  2. Replies

    Your argument is invalid... Unless you are a...

    Your argument is invalid... Unless you are a child molester.

    There is no pleasure in doing that, whilst getting something cheaper is very pleasurable.

    People will always go for the cheaper...
  3. Replies

    I'm not really interested in the ethics or morals...

    I'm not really interested in the ethics or morals of this debate.

    But if getting cheaper forgeworld models is making me happy, then I'll continue to do just that.

    Does anyone know the name of...
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