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Type: Posts; User: Haighus

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  1. Maybe they are to the tuck the arms in for...

    Maybe they are to the tuck the arms in for transport onboard the titan dropships.
  2. They do look good. Your attention to detail is...

    They do look good. Your attention to detail is impressive.
  3. Perhaps just modify the pistons into heavy duty...

    Perhaps just modify the pistons into heavy duty conduits and cables? Then it keeps the same aesthetic appearance, but has a definite purpose. Would also make sense, as the conduits would lead...
  4. It is good to see th detail developing. Do you...

    It is good to see th detail developing. Do you plan to complete the main body of the titan below the deck before moving on to the cathedral atop?
  5. I'm assuming the large gap is for the piston to...

    I'm assuming the large gap is for the piston to connect to the arm? Based on the above 3d model.
  6. Your attention to detail on this project is...

    Your attention to detail on this project is amazing. This beast will look magnificent once completed.
  7. Wow, serious progress has been made again! That...

    Wow, serious progress has been made again! That is shaping up to be quite the impressive monstrosity! Full of gothic grandeur and threat, and does indeed have a hefty plausibility to the construction.
  8. Looking really cool. You have made some serious...

    Looking really cool. You have made some serious progress since I last checked in!
  9. I think the canisters are meant to be the...

    I think the canisters are meant to be the speakers that the Titan uses to scream with. It is a feature of all Ad Mech Titans I think.
  10. It would also look badass, and aesthetically...

    It would also look badass, and aesthetically matches the rest of the Mechanicus vehicles.
  11. A series of overlapping layers perhaps? Like the...

    A series of overlapping layers perhaps? Like the laminated effect used in a lot of plate armour to allow movements at joints, but retain the protection. It would be complicated and difficult to make...
  12. It does look good. How are you planning to...

    It does look good. How are you planning to complete the corridor into the chin? It looks like there should be some kind of walls between the neck and the sides of the chin platform- having an...
  13. You're welcome :) Glad I could be of service to...

    You're welcome :) Glad I could be of service to such a monumental project!

    Look forward to seeing progress on the cockpit interior.
  14. If you want to learn more about Skitarii, check...

    If you want to learn more about Skitarii, check this link. It is a bit conflicting because it combines older background with the newer stuff since GW released a model range.

    The visor removable...
  15. That really looks great. Skitarii are the...

    That really looks great.

    Skitarii are the Adpetus Mechanicus foot soldiers whose role is to protect Ad Mech foundries and also the Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus. They are basically Tech-Guard....
  16. It is really taking shape now! The work on the...

    It is really taking shape now! The work on the visor is awesome.

    I reckon a couple of Skitarii with the rifles may match better than Cadians though?
  17. Looking great so far, although I agree that...

    Looking great so far, although I agree that something looks off about the chin dart.
  18. Well, I guess it isn't too surprising that it'll...

    Well, I guess it isn't too surprising that it'll end up a lot larger all round than a Warlord. After all, Emperor titans are supposed to overshadow Warlords ;)
  19. Looking good!

    Looking good!
  20. To be honest, I think the larger darts looks...

    To be honest, I think the larger darts looks better than those on the computer design. Deviating from it to create a better overall aesthetic shouldn't be compromise, think of it as improvement ;)
  21. Good looking crest. I am looking forward to...

    Good looking crest. I am looking forward to seeing the visor take shape.
  22. Bloody hell, this is an amzing project you've got...

    Bloody hell, this is an amzing project you've got going here! I am going to keep following this. Great work so far! I can honestly say that this is so far shaping up the be the best looking Imperator...
  23. Replies

    Oh yeah, and that variant.

    Oh yeah, and that variant.
  24. Replies

    The Predator was used, except for the...

    The Predator was used, except for the twin-Lascannon Annihilator variant, which was invented a few Millennia later. The Autocannon, Plasma cannon, Inferno cannon and Melta cannon variants were all...
  25. Replies

    Well, the way the formation is called a Golden...

    Well, the way the formation is called a Golden Host Task Force suggests to me that the Custodes have begun sending units abroad on specific missions deemed of critical importance, no doubt under the...
Results 1 to 25 of 300
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