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Type: Posts; User: SON OF ROMULOUS

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  1. Replies

    what did they do with blight drones did they stay...

    what did they do with blight drones did they stay at 2hp or did they go back to 3 hp? so far they have changed each and every time they have been updated?
  2. Replies

    blight drone

    which is the most current rules for the blight drone? i have imperial armour appocalypse but i also have an updated version on the website one version is 2 hull points and the other is 3 not sure...
  3. get a full battery of wyvrens dirt cheap points...

    get a full battery of wyvrens dirt cheap points wise and are an amazing unit.

    try a vendetta they went up in price but i don't leave home with out mine.

    if you guys play lord of war i...
  4. Replies

    This does not work when you go to a tournament......

    This does not work when you go to a tournament... and who is to say the guy he is playing against is a bad guy? i've had games where i've crushed and been crushed and both my attitude and my...
  5. ya it came up in a tournament but by then it was...

    ya it came up in a tournament but by then it was to late to make a difference i had posted about it in the chaos tactica but someone had told me i was wrong. was just trying to double check. for me...
  6. when i get home i will post the sections i have...

    when i get home i will post the sections i have in the book highlighted the challenge mechanic changed in 7th. both units are eligable targets as they are the only units in the combat. being a...
  7. some one said that in those situations with the...

    some one said that in those situations with the lord and the assasin the the acompanying squads would just sit there and that they would not strike as it was in 6th edition. now from what i have...
  8. combat with a necron lord on a chariot as well as combat against an assasin.

    in combat after you declare your challenges because well chaos has to the remainder of the unit get's to assault the unit in the challenge.

    senerio were chaos lord and world eater unit vs necron...
  9. Replies

    Sticky: no read your challenge rules again. the necron...

    no read your challenge rules again. the necron lord in combat with a single unit. that unit get's to make attacks against the lord or against the chariot. being a single model does not protect you...
  10. Replies

    Sticky: Well it is a new edition and there were alot of...

    Well it is a new edition and there were alot of subtle rule changes that people are not aware of and are still learning. both players were friendly and they were good games. the blame is mutual i...
  11. Replies

    I would completely disagree with that. If you...

    I would completely disagree with that. If you look at chaos focus its seperate from the psychic focus rule. I would push forth the concept that you are given the primaris or as some have said a d6...
  12. Replies

    Ya i am one of those who says that's what makes...

    Ya i am one of those who says that's what makes sense to me i wont argue for a 2nd primaris but i would strongly argue that you get to take the primaris which in turn counts as you mandatory chaos...
  13. Replies

    yes the CSM rule book states that a player must...

    yes the CSM rule book states that a player must select one power from their god's discipline... so which way do you rule that. the rule book tell you your getting the power for free and then the...
  14. Replies

    nurgle psycher questions

    so you already come with the primaris for the nurgle disciplines for both csm and deamons. that is a specific rule for them so a lvl 2 sorcerer would still get to roll 2 power from another...
  15. Replies

    Sticky: got in a local tournament this weekend and found...

    got in a local tournament this weekend and found out alot about the list I have been running as well as chaos in general. I can say I did not feel out classed or out outmatched in any of my games. ...
  16. To be honest never had any issues with having to...

    To be honest never had any issues with having to many points being held off the table. I have run everythign from heldrakes to hellblades to storm talons to storm eagle and fire raptor gunships. ...
  17. like the land raiders i run 2 for my world eaters...

    like the land raiders i run 2 for my world eaters they do do well for me every game. liking the list alof of firepower and some very nasty units. do have to ask why did you not try to take the new...
  18. Replies

    Sticky: herald of khorne on a blood crusher or skulltaker...

    herald of khorne on a blood crusher or skulltaker on a blood crusher oh woe is me the choice to make??? any suggestions?
  19. Replies

    Sticky: can say i got in 2 games so far with another 2...

    can say i got in 2 games so far with another 2 lined up this week one was world eater vs world eater mirror lists with a few tweaks here and there and it was bloody and alot of fun. had another...
  20. as a speed freak player i can guarantee that T5...

    as a speed freak player i can guarantee that T5 bikers even with one wound will do well and will make you a happy ork player. mega armored nobs are fine at 2 wounds what hurts them is not having an...
  21. Replies

    well i can tell you that when i play my world...

    well i can tell you that when i play my world eaters and khorne deamons there have not been any psychers present and i have not considered that a handicap. you can always use the rewards to take the...
  22. leave the canon on the table from turn 1. take...

    leave the canon on the table from turn 1. take sternguard and take 2 iron clad dreads. they compliment each other very well when you drop them in.
  23. Replies

    Poll: well i mean i haven't technically started a new...

    well i mean i haven't technically started a new army in a while but i continue to work on a build several armies simultaneously. it all comes down to what i am doing like i have a small eldar force...
  24. Replies

    Poll: all their accomplishing is to shift the winners...

    all their accomplishing is to shift the winners and the losers. by cherry picking who and what is deemed okay and what is deemed evil. heck i dont even play eldar or tau but i do not see a reason o...
  25. Replies

    Poll: Or how about you just play the game with the...

    Or how about you just play the game with the rules they have....I mean I know that's shocking, but maybe just maybe the game will be more interesting more diverse and will allow you to use and grow...
Results 1 to 25 of 300
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