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Type: Posts; User: imperialpower

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  1. Replies

    In my mind a space marine is not exactly what I...

    In my mind a space marine is not exactly what I would call stealthy in the first place so why bother concidering most people have the ability to hit somthing the size of a barn door anyway, but they...
  2. Yea a race that is supposed to have the power of...

    Yea a race that is supposed to have the power of forsight been beaten so offten is a tad stupid also they are supposed to value Eldar lives over anything else so why would they pick an engagement...
  3. An intresting wish list, I would say that Cadians...

    An intresting wish list, I would say that Cadians are the vanilla guard and all the other regiments should get a supplement book (not that there are any regiments left) or at least a special...
  4. Replies

    So they are, well that's somthing at least...

    So they are, well that's somthing at least concidering Praetorians are just Mordians with a head swap, strange that they have kept Tallarn in collectors and then moved the Mordians into the...
  5. Replies

    Yes thankfully there are it is just bad from an...

    Yes thankfully there are it is just bad from an effort point of view when I just want to buy and paint some bog standard Guardsmen to field instead of spending the time building and converting models...
  6. Replies

    So the last of the decent looking regiments have...

    So the last of the decent looking regiments have gone what fantastic news, if I were to get into the hobby now I doubt I would even concider Imperial Guard from the style of models that are left.
  7. Replies

    Imperial Guard regiments gone

    I was in the mood for buying some more Valhallans and Mordians yesterday but to my suprise they seem to have vanished from GW's 40K collectors range the only ones left been the Tallarn desert raiders...
  8. Replies

    Yea I think alot of people were hoping the bikes...

    Yea I think alot of people were hoping the bikes would get an update, hopefully FW will release a kit if they don't I doubt they will get an update any time soon. Also very much agree that some of...
  9. Replies

    Well this all sounds very depressing, I knew...

    Well this all sounds very depressing, I knew there was a reason I didn't read this thread.
  10. Intresting that they went to the trouble of...

    Intresting that they went to the trouble of making the uniforms and other props but use an SA 80/LSW and a C96 for weapons, although the Imperial Guard would probably be better of using them instead...
  11. Replies

    I must admit I was a bit underwhelmed at the...

    I must admit I was a bit underwhelmed at the amount of new stuff the Eldar got and the lack of new jet bikes is annoying but that didn't stop me from buying a few hundred pounds worth of stuff so in...
  12. Replies

    The best GW army gets an update at last! nice of...

    The best GW army gets an update at last! nice of GW to let me know the date I will bankrupt myself.
  13. Replies

    It must have taken a lot of time and skill to get...

    It must have taken a lot of time and skill to get it looking that good.
  14. Nice model, I was going to agree that a Banshee...

    Nice model, I was going to agree that a Banshee would be better but in that scale it would be like having a future barbie.
  15. Replies

    Agree with Eldargal 100% on this, I find it wierd...

    Agree with Eldargal 100% on this, I find it wierd that they would change such an iconic race and make them look worse, what I do not get is the directors rational behind it saying he didn't want to...
  16. Sounds like a good book from that review although...

    Sounds like a good book from that review although reading that the hades is now unbroken is bad news for my Krieg.
  17. Replies

    Just giving an answer to the statement Power...

    Just giving an answer to the statement Power Klawz made about seeing no sence in there been mulitpul marine codicies, I personally agree with you looking at it from a gaming perpective but then again...
  18. Replies

    @ Power Klawz- Space marines are popular and make...

    @ Power Klawz- Space marines are popular and make GW a lot of money that is why we have multipul codecies for them, if Eldar made them as much money instead we would have different craftworld...
  19. Replies

    People play the game for different reasons if...

    People play the game for different reasons if list building does not do it for you then why not take a list from the net, I think been asked if you did copy a list off the net just suggests that you...
  20. Replies

    Yea I got your point and even said in my post...

    Yea I got your point and even said in my post that it was a short sighted view to kill off species to protect Human livestock and I also said that MOST predatory species were whiped out before the...
  21. Replies

    Yes we did and most of predatory species were...

    Yes we did and most of predatory species were gone before the gun was even around and yes they were killed to protect the food Humans need which was very short sighted and wrong but that wasn't my...
  22. Replies

    Glad you agree.

    Glad you agree.
  23. Replies

    If I didn't use my guns for pest control and to...

    If I didn't use my guns for pest control and to put a bit of food on the table what would be the alternative? Poisen or traps both of which do not target a specific problem animal and can kill none...
  24. Replies

    Battle cannons love to squash marines and like...

    Battle cannons love to squash marines and like Wolfshade has said as long as you keep the front armour faceing any incoming fire they should last, also if you have the board size and terrain blocking...
  25. Very nice models really like the Vanenum...

    Very nice models really like the Vanenum assassin, hope you get them painted and showed off soon.
Results 1 to 25 of 208
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