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Type: Posts; User: Xaric

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  1. Replies

    Most of the activity of AOS has moved away from...

    Most of the activity of AOS has moved away from forums and more onto groups on facebook because when AOS first came out it showed the true nature of a toxic community on forums and people just don't...
  2. Page 131 Bloodbound Battletome (The Blood God's Scorn)

    Okay I am a little boggled here about the rule itself it states in bold Mighty Lord of Khorne yet in the formations restrictions it clearly states battalions that don't have a mighty lord of khorne...
  3. Replies

    "No company cares what their customer wants" This...

    "No company cares what their customer wants" This made me laugh and this is stupid and ignorant to think this a company cares what there customers want because that is what makes them customers to...
  4. Take them with a warshrine of khorne just being...

    Take them with a warshrine of khorne just being near it they gain +1 attack and a 6+ shield also if blessed by it all models in that unit re-roll all failed to hit rolls on a fluff point they protect...
  5. When playing age of sigmar do you aim for fluff?

    Just a curious question to you enjoy playing age of sigmar with fluffy army's/narrative and what books do you mostly use?

    As for me I use bloodbound formations from the khorne bloodbound...
  6. Replies

    They are doing that with each faction to have a...

    They are doing that with each faction to have a center piece model stormcast got theres khorne and nurgle got theres undead have theres and next is chaos undevided.
  7. Replies

    If anything it will be the realm of metal next...

    If anything it will be the realm of metal next involving both the dwarves vs Tzeentch because in the old world tzeentch as one of his primary winds of magic was infact metal and dwarfs well they love...
  8. Replies

    Big fluff army inbound Khorne would be proud :D

    Bloodbound Warhorde (238 Model count)

    The Warlord
    1x Mightylord of Khorne

    The Gore Chosen
    1x Exalted Deathbringer
    2x Aspiring Deathbringer
    5x Slaughterpriest
  9. possibly with daemons I was thinking as a ally.

    possibly with daemons I was thinking as a ally.
  10. Replies

    1 of the things I enjoy about age of sigmar its...

    1 of the things I enjoy about age of sigmar its now chaos dominates everything in some way and others are pushing it back rather then the typical good tramples all evil goody goody two shoes story...
  11. Replies

    what about sisters of sigmar?

    what about sisters of sigmar?
  12. Replies

    I love how people will judge something in a...

    I love how people will judge something in a comparison perspective and proclaim it is bad lets look at some other things in the hobby and make comparisons shale we.

    Look there's chaos gods in 40k...
  13. Replies

    Feel free to ignore this guy please I've seen him...

    Feel free to ignore this guy please I've seen him trying to invoke rage with his trolling.
  14. Replies

    I think its growing quite on the forum this is...

    I think its growing quite on the forum this is because well people who enjoy age of sigmar like myself have grown tired of those people who invoke negativity to the game and lets just put it this way...
  15. Inspireing your army layout using a fluff theme

    I have been hearing people are having issues over no points finding it hard to make a army but I have a idea in a very fluffy format but using various templates from the big campaign books how about...
  16. Replies

    It is soooo epic cant wait till the next one :D

    It is soooo epic cant wait till the next one :D
  17. Replies

    I like this idea :)

    I like this idea :)
  18. Replies

    I wonder how much the lizards have evolved since...

    I wonder how much the lizards have evolved since after end times because I believe that much time as passed since end times the new kits will show us :D
  19. Replies

    Things to take into account when playing age of...

    Things to take into account when playing age of sigmar

    Number 1 and the most important Synergy in age of sigmar there are a number of units that will gain more bonuses when in range of another...
  20. GW gave me a battleplan via webstore product i ordered


    Sorry about quality my webcam is not that great hope its readable but I got it today when I ordered my blood warriors in the mail.
  21. so it looks like the current state of games is 50...

    so it looks like the current state of games is 50 - 100 model count just because I am doing a khorne warband of tribes and my model count is currently.

    21 for 1 tribe of bloodreavers (reaver...
  22. What is the model count you are currently playing at?

    Well curiosity has struck and I wish to find out what is your army model count when you play age of sigmar in these category's if it has two profiles use the highest on the list as its primary...
  23. Well so far I have 3 clans made now Clan of...

    Well so far I have 3 clans made now

    Clan of Khornes Aegis
    +Exalted deathbringer
    +Blood warriors

    Clan of Khornes Madness
    +Meatripper axes
    +Chaos Shrine of Khorne
  24. Replies

    Custom fun house rule for a battle

    These are house rules not core rules so please understand that they can be unbalanced to some army's as I don't play every army in the game feel free to comment if this does effect your army just to...
  25. nah I wont talk to my opponent into bending the...

    nah I wont talk to my opponent into bending the rules for my needs ill play as intended of the rules as I have always done :D thanks for clearing that up its not a big deal just have to make khornes...
Results 1 to 25 of 300
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