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Type: Posts; User: vonDietdrich

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  1. Replies

    I enjoy Infinity's list-building. It's elegant...

    I enjoy Infinity's list-building. It's elegant and challenging with a wide variety of different options. As far as 'safe' recommendations, having some armor-piercing bullets and a MSV (for people who...
  2. Replies

    The easiest way to learn Infinity is to watch...

    The easiest way to learn Infinity is to watch some of the game tutorial videos on Youtube. Operation Icestorm also has some really great 'learning scenarios' that walk you slowly up to more complex...
  3. Replies

    Yes, you probably could, but then that gets into...

    Yes, you probably could, but then that gets into the issue of summoning extra wounds onto the battlefield. If you're forced to take X amount of regular line infantry in the list-building phase, and...
  4. Replies

    Yeah but then you've got an equivalence between...

    Yeah but then you've got an equivalence between things like clan rats and white lions or executioners.
  5. Replies

    To balance AoS, someone would have to come up...

    To balance AoS, someone would have to come up with a formula for how points costs are calculated for a basic statline and then go in and manually value each of the special abilities/synergies in the...
  6. Replies

    It's not really luck on saves so much as how...

    It's not really luck on saves so much as how steep saves are now, with FNP or equivalent being common on MEQ (and DE have no good way to punch through 3+ anyway). Dark Eldar guns really weren't...
  7. Replies

    Short answer: there isn't one. Scourges and...

    Short answer: there isn't one.

    Scourges and Trueborn can do the trick if you equip them with blasters... but that's really expensive and squishy just to kill MEQ. You can potentially run Pain...
  8. The only time when bulk shopping is really...

    The only time when bulk shopping is really effective, is if you can find a decent bulk lot on Ebay for substantially under retail with either naked plastic, black or white primer, or a paint scheme...
  9. I agree with Haten, Dark Reapers definitely don't...

    I agree with Haten, Dark Reapers definitely don't need a transport to get into range and in fact leaving them in Reserves is counter-productive. They do just fine with some elevation. Multiple squads...
  10. Replies

    Wraithguard and Windriders are all the rage right...

    Wraithguard and Windriders are all the rage right now. But saying 'do whatever' isn't very helpful so here's a core, basic list using the Eldar Warhost from the new book and a run down of what...
  11. Replies

    Yeah, new Hacking in 3rd is just brutal. Hacking...

    Yeah, new Hacking in 3rd is just brutal. Hacking Device Plus and Assault Hacking are easily some of the best assets in the game. Combined with an EVO Repeater? Whew.

    My point is, it's not that...
  12. Replies

    Ah, it's prone and cautious move that I'm...

    Ah, it's prone and cautious move that I'm thinking of. Got the Vehicle and TAG rules confused, goes to show I don't use either. My mistake.

    But yes, you will rarely run into a piece of cover that...
  13. Replies

    Uh. Remotes, TAGs, vehicles and motorcycles don't...

    Uh. Remotes, TAGs, vehicles and motorcycles don't benefit from partial cover.
  14. Replies

    The thing about Infinity is that the core rules...

    The thing about Infinity is that the core rules and assumptions the game makes are more important than an individual model's 'power level'. This is based on the fact that weapons are dangerous to...
  15. Replies

    Assault termies are a pale shadow of what they...

    Assault termies are a pale shadow of what they used to be, as far as close combat effectiveness versus point cost goes. Assault marines would be a better metric, since often the best defense against...
  16. Necrons were primarily buffed in the defense...

    Necrons were primarily buffed in the defense department and certain things were made nigh unkillable (except to the now-plentiful Strength D weapons). While certain mechanics in the army are quite...
  17. Pick one. Or resorting to ad hominem...

    Pick one.

    Or resorting to ad hominem attacks is tasteless and insulting. Keep it classy, dude.

    As far as the topic goes... okay, so "Balance is impossible", whatever that means.

    I was...
  18. Replies

    This is pretty much what 40k and Fantasy have...

    This is pretty much what 40k and Fantasy have become since they opened the floodgates to list-building 'whatever you want', unfortunately. It hit 40k first, so I kept playing Fantasy a bit, but as...
  19. While it's certainly never going to be chess,...

    While it's certainly never going to be chess, most 'games with dolls' that sell rulebooks recognize that those rules ought to possess at least some claim to quality, consistency, and fairness for...
  20. Replies

    The Warhammers are still, by far, the most...

    The Warhammers are still, by far, the most expensive games to get into, for a variety of reasons. So long as GW continues its triple-tap business strategy (charging for the rules, codex, and the...
  21. Unlike a lot of tabletop war games, you really...

    Unlike a lot of tabletop war games, you really don't need much more than the starter pack and a few supplemental models to have a full and functional Infinity army. If you do get Operation Ice Storm...
  22. I've been playing Warmahordes for a bit after...

    I've been playing Warmahordes for a bit after coming over from 40k. Protectorate is one of my armies, and yours looks solid, but a couple of things.

    Dartan Vilmon and Paladins are /fantastic/...
  23. Replies

    To be fair, the price tag would be a lot easier...

    To be fair, the price tag would be a lot easier to swallow if they'd tacked on an extra $10-$15, added an extra hundred pages to the rules book, and included everything you needed to play both/all...
  24. Replies

    The 'sky is falling' bit is a dead horse that...

    The 'sky is falling' bit is a dead horse that people like to beat to dismiss people's complaints as illegitimate, and polarizing a review right at the start with a statement like that is pretty...
  25. Replies

    Meh. I'll revisit this when I'm less fatigued....

    Meh. I'll revisit this when I'm less fatigued. Yeah, for some reason I blanked on the probability rules for disjointed events.

    Alright, calling it even a fake 2+ is hyperbolic, entirely setting...
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