BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum


Type: Posts; User: Warmaster

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  1. Replies

    Overall I had a great time and had a lot of fun...

    Overall I had a great time and had a lot of fun in all of my games. I liked all the missions and I actually liked the spread on the points however I would say that I dislike giving the massacre the...
  2. Replies

    Is this considered thread necromancy? List...

    Is this considered thread necromancy?

    List deadlines are due on July 1st. I'm just wondering if we will see primer scenario's or anything before that happens?
  3. Replies

    Another suggestion would be to increase the...

    Another suggestion would be to increase the picture count for this forum. 4 images barely gets you through deployment and the first turn I was going to put up a batrep but the picture limit threw me...
  4. Replies

    The mono tzeentch gunline is definitely an army...

    The mono tzeentch gunline is definitely an army to be feared. I've taken it to several tournaments and a lot of pick up games. It's a very tough nut to crack except for large horde lists, they give...
  5. Every now and then they take pictures of the...

    Every now and then they take pictures of the painters desks at the studio. So unless they sanitize the pictures I just don't see them using non-gw product. Man those desks are almost as messy as...
  6. Thread: Help

    by Warmaster

    I have to agree with what everyone else is saying...

    I have to agree with what everyone else is saying you really need some marauder horseman and hounds. I always start off every WoC army I build with 2 units of hounds and 2 units of marauder horseman...
  7. The easiest thing is to get some fast movers to...

    The easiest thing is to get some fast movers to threaten while your better stuff moves up and only engage his shooting elements. Just don't fight the nasty iron breakers, kill all his shooting and...
  8. Replies

    Another one for Multi-laser, Heavy Flamer. It...

    Another one for Multi-laser, Heavy Flamer. It just makes the tank so versatile it's not funny. It can take out light vehicles, take pot shots at far away targets and fry anything that gets close.
Results 1 to 8 of 8