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Type: Posts; User: ReveredChaplainDrake

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  1. Just to point this out, but in WMH, 50 models is...

    Just to point this out, but in WMH, 50 models is a stupidly large amount of models, and is usually vulnerable to heavier units because boosted POW12 doth not a can opener make (unless thou art Cryx...
  2. Replies

    Strictly speaking, Iron Warriors did have...

    Strictly speaking, Iron Warriors did have downsides. They were basically barred from taking any of the Daemon (not Daemonkin or Daemon Engine) units. And back then, that was pretty huge. ...
  3. I think only Guilliman could successfully disband...

    I think only Guilliman could successfully disband the chapter splitting. It's his rule, after all.

    I think the Chaos Legions might have a better shot at it than the Imperials, or at least a...
  4. Replies

    You would be surprised what I find enjoyable,...

    You would be surprised what I find enjoyable, like the Total War engine I'm working on. Ever seen logistics like territory or supply lines actually matter in 40k? Because they're front-and-center...
  5. Replies

    I shouldn't even have to respond to something so...

    I shouldn't even have to respond to something so asinine, but having a hobby != having no life. Does this really need to be pointed out? I can have a life and poke enough holes in 40k's miserable...
  6. Replies

    Oh boy, buckle up. I feel a tirade coming... ...

    Oh boy, buckle up. I feel a tirade coming... *deep breath*

    -Instinctive Behavior is still a thing, but Phase Out is not.
    -Tervigons do more to hurt Termagants than actually help them.
  7. Replies

    Tacking Electroshock Grubs onto the Flyrant...

    Tacking Electroshock Grubs onto the Flyrant caught on pretty quickly after Knights became such a big deal, but the main chassis (wings, 2x TLed BL Devs) remained largely unchanged. I got so annoyed...
  8. Replies

    Skarbrand is basically a given. So Skarbrand,...

    Skarbrand is basically a given. So Skarbrand, standard 'Thirster, and some End Times guy?
  9. If you can price a Warlord Trait, you can poorly...

    If you can price a Warlord Trait, you can poorly price a Warlord Trait. And if you can poorly price a Warlord Trait, GW will poorly price that trait.

    Oh, sure, Descent of Angels can totally go...
  10. Unfortunately, even $400 goes absolutely nowhere...

    Unfortunately, even $400 goes absolutely nowhere very quickly at GW's prices. Maybe get my "Night Lords" back on their feet with the new Codex and some Tacticals. Definitely gonna' need some pods. ...
  11. Overwatch itself is a really silly rule that...

    Overwatch itself is a really silly rule that needs to be sent back to the devs for a total overhaul. At the very least it should have to spend an edition sitting in the time out corner, thinking...
  12. Replies

    And that is precisely the problem. Considering...

    And that is precisely the problem.

    Considering Eldar and Dark Eldar are at least written like they're Yin and Yang opposites, why not make Bladestorm just confer Shred? Blasting giant monsters...
  13. Replies

    Poll: Pfft, even if I could give my Tyranids access to...

    Pfft, even if I could give my Tyranids access to any one lore from the main rulebook, my first choice would not be the Perils Harder table. The thought of Tyranids and Daemons even fighting against...
  14. Poll: When I first saw "HP3" as a way to improve...

    When I first saw "HP3" as a way to improve Dreads, my first reaction was... "...What, they don't have 3 Hull Points?!" That'd be a good place to start. Make 'em AV13 on the front so they don't get...
  15. Replies

    A Tervigon is how you get the Battle-Forged...

    A Tervigon is how you get the Battle-Forged Tyranid lists to work. (And I stress a Tervigon. Multiple Tervigons extends their death tantrum blanket even further.) I've got a couple of Tervigons...
  16. When I put together my Seether, I nicknamed it...

    When I put together my Seether, I nicknamed it Brock. Because he was from Pewter City. :)
  17. I dunno. Sure my Archon is still going strong,...

    I dunno. Sure my Archon is still going strong, but I had a Venomthrope tip over by just standing up in a hot car. Due to tipping over like he was made of rubber, he earned the nickname "Señor...
  18. Replies

    It's considerably better as a Troop. Objective...

    It's considerably better as a Troop. Objective Secured shenanigans are pretty much the only reason you ever see them anymore. Taking it as an HQ means less shenanigans.
  19. Replies

    Stealers are at best remarkably high-maintenance....

    Stealers are at best remarkably high-maintenance. The biggest maintenance of all is to figure out how to charge with them and (1) destroy your opponent on the magic even-numbered rounds, and (2)...
  20. Replies

    Poll: If you're going to employ true line of sight, you...

    If you're going to employ true line of sight, you had better use true scale. If using abstract line of sight, then go ahead and do whatever you want because it doesn't really matter.
  21. I'm curious to know if this would work for things...

    I'm curious to know if this would work for things like Orcs, Chaos Warriors, or Lizardmen, who are all a lot bigger, bulkier and heavier than Dwarf models.

    Nice to know that...
  22. Replies

    Eldar would probably be some hybrid of Exodite,...

    Eldar would probably be some hybrid of Exodite, Craftworld and Dark at this point in their history. I'd imagine the Imperium would mostly be bumping into Rangers. The rest of the Eldar are probably...
  23. Replies

    Poll: If you port the WHFB Carnosaur into 40k, you'll...

    If you port the WHFB Carnosaur into 40k, you'll get a pretty good idea of what a T-Rex can do. And if you do... Oh. Oh dear. That critter goes down faster than the 3rd edition Avatar. Possibly...
  24. From what I saw of its rules before, imagine...

    From what I saw of its rules before, imagine something that's essentially a Trygon, give or take. It has some cool abilities to mess things up in melee, and it gets better in melee when it kills...
  25. Replies

    Poll: When I think of navigators, the one that comes to...

    When I think of navigators, the one that comes to mind immediately is Eurydice Marvellion / Octavia from the Soul Hunter series. In particular, I remember one scene where Ruven (the resident Chaos...
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