BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum


Type: Posts; User: Mayhems_Muse

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  1. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Necrons vs Custodes (4/11/2018)

    Custodian Patrol

    Captain-General Trajan Valoris- 250

    3x Vertus Praetors w/ hurricane bolter and misericordia- 282

    9x Custodian Guard 6x Guardian Spear, 3x Steninel blade and storm shield,...
  2. Sticky: BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Drukhari vs Tyranids (4/4/2018)




    30x Termagants

    3x Warriors
  3. Sticky: BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Drukhari vs Necrons (4/3/2018)



    1500 pts 6/6 cp

    Kabal of the Flayed Skull Patrol

    Archon w/ blaster and huskbalde- 93
  4. Sticky: BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Drukhari vs Custodes (4/2/2018)

    Adeptus Custodes

    Supreme Command Detachment

    Shield -Captain On Dawneagle jetbike w/ hurricane bolter and misericodria- 164

    Shield -Captain On Dawneagle jetbike w/ hurricane bolter and...
  5. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Aeldari vs Necrons (3/28/2018)

    Craftworld Eldar Biel-Tan

    Warlock Conclave x3 w/ x3 Singing spear – 105

    Farseer w/ singing spear – 105

    5x Dire Avengers w/ Exarch has 2x catapults – 64

    5x Dire Avengers w/ Exarch has 2x...
  6. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Necrons vs Custards (3/27/2018)

    Necrons – Nihilakh
    Cryptk w. chrono- 85

    Catacomb Command Barge w/ guass cannon, staff of light and res orb-203

    10x Necron Warriors -120

    5x Immortals w/ Tesla Carbines- 85
    7x Immortals w/...
  7. Replies

    Hey folk! Here's the permanent link to add the...

    Hey folk! Here's the permanent link to add the Discord channel. Larry says we'll be adding it to the Nav bar on all the servers soon!
  8. Replies

    Hey folk! I'm Jenn, the Community Manager for...

    Hey folk! I'm Jenn, the Community Manager for BoLS. I'm on discord, I'm #5078. my handle is MayhemsMuse. Add me and I'll pop in!
  9. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Necrons vs Death Guard (3/26/2018)


    Cryptk w. chrono- 85
    Catacomb Command Barge w/ guass cannon, staff of light and res orb-203

    20x Necron Warriors – 240
    20x Necron Warriors – 240
    20x Necron Warriors – 240

    Lord w....
  10. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Khaine vs Stormcast (3/20/2018)

    Daughters of Khaine & Friends


    5x Bloodstalkers

    5x Khinerai Heartrenders

    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  11. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Necrons vs Ad Mech (3/19/2018)

    Ad Mech Super Heavy Detachment

    Knight Warden w. Thunderstike guantlet, Avenger Gatling cannon. hvy stubber, and stormspear missile pod – 499

    Arminger Warglaive w/ Meltagun – 240

  12. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Orkz vs T'au (3/14/2018)

    T’au Empire

    Battalion Detachment – Farsight Enclaves

    Commander Farsight – 151

    Cadre Fireblade – 42

    Crisis Suit “Aarra’kon” w/Airbursting Frag Projector, Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle –...
  13. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: T'au vs Aeldari (3/13/2018)

    T’au Empire

    Battalion Detachment – Vior’la Sept

    Commander w/Cyclic Ion Rakers x3, Advanced Targeting System – 138

    Cadre Fireblade – 42

    10x Breacher Team w/Marker Drone and Guardian Drone...
  14. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: T'au vs Ultramarines (3/12/2018)

    T’au Empire

    Battalion Detachment – T’au Sept

    Commander Shadowsun w/Command Drone and MV57 Shield Drones – 195
    Darkstrider – 45
    5x Strike Team w/Pulse Rifles, Photon Grenades – 35
    5x Strike...
  15. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Chaos Daemons vs Blood Angels (3/7/2018)

    Blood Angels

    Captain Oilivander – 140
    Lt w. power sword w/Jump pack -82
    5x Tactical Squad- 65
    5x Tactical Squad- 65
    5x Tactical Squad- 65
    Brother Corbulo- 94
  16. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Chaos Daemons vs Ultramarines (3/6/2018)



    Captain Arnold- 8

    LT Danius – 6

    5x Intercessors -5
    5x Tactical Squad- 5
  17. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Sisters of Battle vs Chaos Daemons (3/5/2018)


    Canoness Gertrude- 5

    Canoness- 4

    Imagifier -2

    Imagifier -2
  18. AoS BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Daughters of Khaine vs Beast Claw Raiders (2/28/2018)

    Daughters of Khaine & Friends


    5x Bloodstalkers

    5x Khinerai Heartrenders

    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  19. AoS BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Daughters of Khaine vs Khorne (2/26/2018)

    Daughters of Khaine & Friends


    5x Bloodstalkers

    5x Khinerai Heartrenders

    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  20. AoS BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Stormcast Eternals vs Daughters of Khaine (2/26/2018)

    Daughters of Khaine & Friends


    5x Bloodstalkers

    5x Khinerai Heartrenders

    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  21. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Ultramarines vs Aeldari (2/21/2018)



    Captain Arnold- 8

    LT Danius – 6

    5x Intercessors -5
    5x Tactical Squad- 5
  22. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Blood Angels vs Tyranids (2/20/2018)

    Having learned the threat Drakharr’s Blood Crusade poses from the beaten T’au, Inquisitor Hilde sends out messages to the scattered Imperial forces in the Engimus Sector to gather. The messengers...
  23. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: T'au vs Inquisition (2/19/2018)

    Forced to retreat from the outpost world of Voss’ho the T’au under the commander of Ironsights attempt to make it back to friendly territory. Yet they find their paths blocked again and again by the...
  24. BATTLE REPORT THREAD: Orks vs Custodes (2/13/2018)

    Far to the southeastern quadrant of the Enigmus sector, something stirs. From the fallen Forge World of Sallverno, a nascent WAAAGH is unleashed unto the galaxy. First to feel it’s bloody wrath is...
  25. Replies

    Survey says our first movie will be... TOP...

    Survey says our first movie will be...

    TOP GUN.
Results 1 to 25 of 106
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