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Type: Posts; User: volrath8754

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  1. I didn't think you could take just veterans in...

    I didn't think you could take just veterans in that formation. Are you suggesting grab a normal am detachment?
  2. Cadian battle group in blood angels drop pods

    So the cadian battle group allows for 1+ company command squads. The flesh tearers FOC allows up to 6 fast attack slots. I'm thinking about running company command squads in drop pods. LOTS of...
  3. Replies

    Two new pics in the comments of the forge world...

    Two new pics in the comments of the forge world article!!!!
  4. Cool glad to hear I'm not crazy. I am kind of...

    Cool glad to hear I'm not crazy. I am kind of surprised that everyone seemed to think they are so good. They definitely kill infantry but I could see a problem playing any competitive army like...
  5. IG Forge world HEAVY ARTILLERY Is it viable???

    Hey guys I'm wondering if a guard list with 6x heavy artillery carriages with earth-shakers and a squad of thudd guns can be competitive. I'm thinking about getting me some artillery for a holiday...
  6. Replies

    1750 New space marine drop pod list.

    Hey so I'm pretty sure I'm going to try a drop pod army with the new marine dex what does everyone think about this? Total points 1744.

    Chapter tactics: Ultra Marines

    HQ: 255 points
  7. My bad you are correct it does state flying...

    My bad you are correct it does state flying monstrous creature and access points as model.
  8. Ok happy to help. I picked up my firestorm...

    Ok happy to help. I picked up my firestorm redoubt yesterday.

    Firestorm Redoubt
    Classification: Medium bunker
    Cost: Not sure if a number is A ok so well just say its equivalent to 20x IG...
  9. Replies

    Ok so I didn't read threw all of this tread but...

    Ok so I didn't read threw all of this tread but If no one has said it yet the Apocalypse terrain is showing up in stores. I bought a Firestorm Redoubt and yup it does indeed have 40k rules in the...
  10. Grey Knight 1850 dual raider 89 points left.

    So I'm interested in trying dual raiders with a combat squad-ed purifier unit in each. My thought is that 2x cleansing flame might be pretty cool. it is only coming to 1761 points. Any thoughts on...
  11. Basilisk on back order for two weeks in USA???

    Hey guys I ordered a basilisk from my FLGS last week. Today I got a call from the store owner telling me they are back ordered two weeks. I live in Wisconsin in the USA. Has anyone had similar...
  12. ya...

    So at my local shop were all fairly competitive but like having a good time. As such I haven seen a single person use terrain setup rules. Their is no way u get to move terrain in a tournament so we...
  13. Replies

    Mech Guard 1850

    Hey I've been playing this list since 6th came out. Its treated me well been 9/1/1 so far. Tyranids have been the 1/1 dang T9 flyers causing havoc. So whats everyone's thoughts?

    HQ: CCS 4x...
  14. Replies

    Fair enough It certainly has its problems. I had...

    Fair enough It certainly has its problems. I had a good laugh today my buddy brought 3x land raiders with wolf guard and rune priest with 2x scouts. turn two every thing on the board was dead. ...
  15. Replies

    Pure guard 1850 what do you guys think

    So i've gotten four games in of 6th so far and won them all (one by a very slim margin) and this is what i've been using.

    HQ (165pts)
    Company Command Squad (165pts)
    4x Plasma Gun
  16. Man am I seeing that right the storm eagle holds...

    Man am I seeing that right the storm eagle holds 20 models???? SWEET.
  17. Replies

    Lord I hope so. It would break my wallet but man...

    Lord I hope so. It would break my wallet but man that would be cool.
  18. Replies

    I think we have a winner!!!

    I think we have a winner!!!
  19. Replies

    While I don't fall into the "math hammer" crowd I...

    While I don't fall into the "math hammer" crowd I definitely am guilty of spamming the hell out of units. I own a all terminator (no paladins) GK army and a 12 chimera guard army. Frankly some...
  20. Replies

    When in doubt add more plasma... Fantastic work...

    When in doubt add more plasma... Fantastic work man think we'll get to see it painted?
  21. Replies

    Fantastic painting man out of curiosity what were...

    Fantastic painting man out of curiosity what were you charging for this particular commission.
  22. Replies

    1850 Imperial guard Need advice!!!

    Hey Gals and guys I would appreciate any feedback on this list I'm planning on bringing to a tournament in April. It just feels... off i guess like I'M missing something. But hey any comments are...
  23. Replies

    Necrons Lord of the Swarm.

    Necrons the Swarm Lord...

    Ok so I have had real issues figuring out where the heck the reliable Necron AT is at (in models released) and I just kinda gave up and think this might be cool any one...
  24. Actually thats not a bad Idea I have a few of...

    Actually thats not a bad Idea I have a few of those myself and a bunch of the Quantum Gothic walls / bunkers I might actually just sink those into the foam come to think of it.
  25. Builing a Trench warfare Table NEED ADVICE

    Hey guys and gals I have finally got the time to build a trench board and the forge-world Trench system is still not available. So I was wondering if anyone has seen something similar for sale any...
Results 1 to 25 of 59
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