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Type: Posts; User: CrimsonTurkey

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  1. I certainly don't mind either, I'm just raising...

    I certainly don't mind either, I'm just raising the point that it seems amateurish to not take into effect that not only do good licensed products bring in income via the licensing agreements, but...
  2. Total War: The Best Possible Marketing For A Discontinued Product

    Remember when a successful games company destroyed its whole setting just before a major game released? Then that game reinvigorated interest in the old setting and game stores started selling used...
  3. I would love to play/work on this. It looks like...

    I would love to play/work on this. It looks like a bloody blast to me.
  4. Replies

    The Fire Raptor also has the advantage of not...

    The Fire Raptor also has the advantage of not looking godawful, like the Stormraven does.
  5. Replies

    I'd just throw a brood or two of toxin sac...

    I'd just throw a brood or two of toxin sac hormagaunts at it.
  6. Or we could go back to termies having a 3+ on...

    Or we could go back to termies having a 3+ on 2D6.:cool:
  7. I've DMed/GMed/STed a lot of games in various...

    I've DMed/GMed/STed a lot of games in various settings, and these would be my tips:

    1. Let the players drive the action, but come up with a few side plots and tertiary characters than flit in and...
  8. Indeed, with the whole CEO search I was really...

    Indeed, with the whole CEO search I was really hoping they would get someone who would look at GW like Jorgen Vig Knudstorp looked at pre-turnaround Lego. Both companies are primarily marketed to...
  9. Replies

    Welcome to Titan. Psycannons are fantastic...

    Welcome to Titan.

    Psycannons are fantastic and make up the vast majority of my special choices, but I still like to have an incinerator or two on hand. Especially if you're going terminator...
  10. Replies

    Eldrya certainly kept up her MO of being a...

    Eldrya certainly kept up her MO of being a badass, but I was really hoping for a new model and character for my undead. A vampire elf princess antihero would have been amazing.

    Also, I was under...
  11. I'd go for that cool Forge World project or army...

    I'd go for that cool Forge World project or army that you've always wanted, but could never justify starting because of the expense.

    For me that would be a gargantuan Tyranid or two, or enough...
  12. That's the plan at the moment, I was just hoping...

    That's the plan at the moment, I was just hoping to not have to deploy anything, so I could arrive in style and to use vultures and vendettas as support without needing to throw some low level grunts...
  13. Elysian Dedicated Transports and Scions

    For as long as the Valkyrie has existed, I've wanted to field an army of Inquisitorial storm troopers mounted in them as my exclusive troop choice. Of course, you'd need a "drop assault" type of rule...
  14. Replies

    If you take the time to magnetize a Trygon/Mawloc...

    If you take the time to magnetize a Trygon/Mawloc kit you have two very solid choices. I particularly like the Trygon Prime on account of the 12 S6 shots which is great for can opening after a deep...
  15. Replies

    I'm very fond of the flying dudes right now. You...

    I'm very fond of the flying dudes right now. You could run a Skyblight formation at 850 with some bare-bones upgrades, or with a good number of (respawning, objective secured) gargoyles at 1000. The...
  16. Replies

    What if the "no mortal man" bit ends up referring...

    What if the "no mortal man" bit ends up referring to Vlad? Archaon and Nagash or Franz could go to town on one another leaving the opportunistic vampire to sneak a quick stab in there to finish...
  17. I hadn't considered summoning BSBs yet. That's...

    I hadn't considered summoning BSBs yet. That's really nasty, and not something that the average opponent will see coming. I like it just as much as I like the ability to say "SUDDEN TERRORGHEIST!"
  18. Favorite New Undead Legion Tricks and Combos

    We have a whole new can of (gross, decayed) worms to play with. What are some of your favorite combos thus far?

    I've taken to liking a big block of VC skeletons with the screaming banner lead by a...
  19. The stuff about Throgg is interesting... I'll...

    The stuff about Throgg is interesting... I'll have to get myself a copy of that book. I love all of the understandable but unlikely alliances that a forming. I found Vlad to be both very interesting,...
  20. The Skyblight formation is what gives the...

    The Skyblight formation is what gives the gargoyles objective secured.
  21. 2000 Pts: Skyblight, Endless Swarm, and Some Trygons


    Hive Tyrant: 230
    Wings, 2x Brainleech

    3x 10 Gargoyles: 180

    Crone: 155

    Harpy: 135
  22. Replies

    Perhaps it might work if you're already basing...

    Perhaps it might work if you're already basing your army on a sky swarm with objective secured gargoyles.
  23. Replies

    Perhaps including a number of lone pyrovores in...

    Perhaps including a number of lone pyrovores in an unbound detachment could provide a decent secondary threat. Nobody is really going to want to waste a unit's shooting at a single pyrovore, but if...
  24. Replies

    I think area denial is the only thing they can...

    I think area denial is the only thing they can really be good at. If you can place an objective so that it really easy to keep the pyrovores out of line of sight on said objective, they could slow...
  25. Do you mean Los Angeles or Louisiana?

    Do you mean Los Angeles or Louisiana?
Results 1 to 25 of 186
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