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Type: Posts; User: xsquidz

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  1. Replies

    It depends who you are playing against and how...

    It depends who you are playing against and how competitive a tournament this is. I find swarm armies tend to fall apart really fast against Tau or Eldar shooting. Also, if you take the gargoyle...
  2. One of the main thing tyranids lack are...

    One of the main thing tyranids lack are invulnerable saves. So we rely on cover saves. Get him a brood of 3 venomthropes (the new box from GW is great) and he can make 3 units of 1, they give...
  3. Replies

    There are a bunch of issues with this list. If...

    There are a bunch of issues with this list.

    If you take the vox caster in the PCS, you need it in the squad you want to give orders to as well or it does nothing. You may want to hit the...
  4. Here is my standard list that is similar to...

    Here is my standard list that is similar to yours. It has anti tank, anti air, anti infantry, it has regular infantry to bubble wrap tanks/units in the case of deep striking armies. I normally...
  5. Replies

    Aegis defence lines can't be destroyed by...

    Aegis defence lines can't be destroyed by shooting so they are still pretty good. Take a comms relay and you can reroll your reserves, that is pretty sweet.
  6. Replies

    2 fun/solid lists. MC spam: HQ 1 Flyrant with...

    2 fun/solid lists.

    MC spam:
    HQ 1 Flyrant with DD
    1 Flyrant with DD
    H 1 Carnifex with DD
    1 Carnifex with DD
    1 Carnifex with DD
    T 11 Termagaunts
    11 Termagaunts
  7. Replies

    Fire with the TL'd scatter laser first, sure its...

    Fire with the TL'd scatter laser first, sure its hitting on 6's but you get 4 shots and then 4 rerolls to get one 6. Then if you do get that one 6 the serpent shield and its bottom guns are twin...
  8. Replies

    Your army would get torn apart by anything with...

    Your army would get torn apart by anything with 2+ riptides, 2+ wraithlords, imperial knights would give you problems, heck even nid MC spam would be tough. A 2nd vendetta would do great against all...
  9. Replies

    Get them camo cloaks as well! That way you have...

    Get them camo cloaks as well! That way you have 3+ if you get cover, 4++ if not. They are also 12/12/10 so its not bad vs. S7. If you really want to go crazy, get a void shield for them as well....
  10. Replies

    Is the Baneblade the only variant you have? I...

    Is the Baneblade the only variant you have? I much prefer the hellhammer. Its half the range, a slightly smaller blast, but its higher strength means it can instant kill T5 models and it ignores...
  11. Replies

    You could dump the walking vets with plasma. ...

    You could dump the walking vets with plasma. They are going to get murdered before they are in range anyways in the list you have right now. I would take the plasma off the vanq, if anything chance...
  12. Replies

    You might want to get an aegis to take full...

    You might want to get an aegis to take full advantage of the camo nets, plus to give your guard more chances at getting a save. Do you expect there will be lots of terrain already? You could also...
  13. Replies

    Yep depends on the game and the setup, plus who...

    Yep depends on the game and the setup, plus who is going first. If I am going first I almost always leave them on the table to not lose a turn of their firepower. Plus you can hide them in a ruin...
  14. Replies

    Assuming your army doesn't have twin linked, or...

    Assuming your army doesn't have twin linked, or is spread-out so that 1-2 of the units will be shooting at its side as it advances up which means less AV and shield choices. If it hangs back...
  15. Replies

    Superheavies and Knights are a whole different...

    Superheavies and Knights are a whole different story. My old marine army I used to take 3 units of devastators with 4 missiles, that should be enough to glance a knight to death in 1-2 turns I would...
  16. Replies

    What about a unit of 3 war walkers with dual...

    What about a unit of 3 war walkers with dual bright lances? Outflank and then come in to wreck the Tau face. Good vs. vehicles and vs. T4 units with multiple wounds.
  17. Replies

    7th even more than 6th is about glancing vehicles...

    7th even more than 6th is about glancing vehicles to death instead of counting on blowing them up with one shot. If you want to blow them up in one shot take meltas in drop pods etc. Missiles are...
  18. Replies

    If those are pretty much all the models you have,...

    If those are pretty much all the models you have, not much advice we can give you on what to bring. However, for next things to get, venomthropes would be good to give your army shrouded as it...
  19. I like the list as vehicles got a nice boost in...

    I like the list as vehicles got a nice boost in 7th. I agree you should put pask in a punisher as he was built for it! I also like the manticore over the death missile, just because you get between...
  20. Zoans are ML2, so his list has 10 warp dice,...

    Zoans are ML2, so his list has 10 warp dice, that's a lot for most armies! Should be enough to get a few powers off at key times.
  21. I don't love harpies in the new rules so I would...

    I don't love harpies in the new rules so I would suggest dropping it and maybe 1 genestealer and get 4 units of a single biovore. :) In 7th all you need to do to get a second FOC is to take 2 HQ and...
  22. Replies

    Sticky: I am playing in a league soon with IG as my main...

    I am playing in a league soon with IG as my main and 2 sets of nid allies and both have rippers with DS for that exact reason! :) Dis is what I'm talkin' bout!
  23. Replies

    Sticky: Any chance we are going to see an update to these...

    Any chance we are going to see an update to these tactics for 7th ED? Sure some things didn't change much at all, others changed a lot. For example, I love my dakkaflyrants even more now. Much...
  24. Replies

    Don't forget that flamers are now much better vs....

    Don't forget that flamers are now much better vs. open topped vehicles. Just a small boost to pyrovores. Works well with the crones flamer as well.
  25. Replies

    If only nids could get endurance! Rippers!

    If only nids could get endurance! Rippers!
Results 1 to 25 of 54
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