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  1. Replies

    Tzeentch has many Silver Towers floating through...

    Tzeentch has many Silver Towers floating through the Mortal Realms, but the one I am building is full of throwbacks to a time when metal miniatures reigned supreme. Welcome back to my Silver Tower of...
  2. This March I am proud to present an Ultramarines...

    This March I am proud to present an Ultramarines combat squad deliberately contrived to conjure up a very particular point in time – November 1990. It’s March for Macragge.

  3. Replies

    Thanks May_Flower! When I was a child watching...

    Thanks May_Flower!

    When I was a child watching Doctor Who, I was fascinated by the idea that in the future the Doctor would undergo his twelfth and final regeneration into the thirteenth Doctor,...
  4. Cheers Zahnib! The texture is cast onto the...

    Cheers Zahnib! The texture is cast onto the huts, they come like that.

    More Nemesis coming soon...

    It’s Bob Naismith Challenge Time on the Oldhammer Community. Painters the world over are...
  5. I ni ce Ninjabread readers. Fogou Models recently...

    I ni ce Ninjabread readers. Fogou Models recently sent me advanced castings of their brand new mud hut range, on the condition I sent them back painted photographs for their Kickstarter. And now I...
  6. Replies

    Len suilon Ninjabread readers. I’ve painted a set...

    Len suilon Ninjabread readers. I’ve painted a set of Dúnedain Rangers in order to play some Fellowship of the Ring games set on the borders of the Shire.

  7. Buenos dias, Ninjabread readers. Today my...

    Buenos dias, Ninjabread readers. Today my Mexican-flavoured vintage Space Marine army gets some Adeptus Mechanicus reinforcements. An “Adeptus Mexicanicus”, if you will.

  8. Thanks Krastellian! Space Marine Chapter...

    Thanks Krastellian!

    Space Marine Chapter founders love a good animal name. Mythical beasts of terror (Howling Griffons, Minotaurs, Silver Drakes…), apex predators (Space Wolves, Celestial Lions,...
  9. It was competition time again over at the...

    It was competition time again over at the Oldhammer Community. The friendly neighbourhood Jeany-Bap-Baps challenged hobbyists to paint miniatures sculpted by the great Bob Olley, and have them judged...
  10. The gaming table at Ninjabread HQ has a new...

    The gaming table at Ninjabread HQ has a new centerpiece in the form of an absolutely giant space castle. This humungous 18″ x 18″ fortification dominates the desert landscapes of the far future – a...
  11. Replies

    Thanks Abraham! Q. What do you get if you...

    Thanks Abraham!

    Q. What do you get if you cross a Chaos Centaur of Tzeentch, and a zebra?
    A. A “Tzebra”.

    Presenting Tzebra Doomstripe, the latest monster to swell the ranks of my vintage...
  12. Replies

    Back into Tzeentch’s Silver Tower! But this is...

    Back into Tzeentch’s Silver Tower! But this is not just any Silver Tower, this is a Silver Tower stuck in the past – when metal miniatures reigned supreme. I’ve painted six Citadel Tzaangor from 1990...
  13. With Space Marine players jumping for joy that...

    With Space Marine players jumping for joy that the new Primaris miniatures get jump heavy weapons, I’ve jumped at the chance to do a Rogue Trader era squad – when jump heavy weapons were also a...
  14. I normally have a cooling off period before I buy...

    I normally have a cooling off period before I buy new Games Workshop releases, as every miniature is turbo-exciting on first reveal and owning all of them is impossible. But the new Genestealer Cult...
  15. It was Christmas 1987, and Games Workshop...

    It was Christmas 1987, and Games Workshop celebrated the festive season by releasing two limited edition Space Marines (or “Spaced Out Marines” as the advertising called them). I’ve painted the pair...
  16. Thanks Salvage! You're pretty spot on there –...

    Thanks Salvage! You're pretty spot on there – the kit is a bit like the Tzaangor from Silver Tower that have a limited potential you have to really work through. But GW followed them up with a much...
  17. Replies

    It’s Christmas time, so enthusiasm for the...

    It’s Christmas time, so enthusiasm for the ultimate Christmas films – The Lord the Rings Trilogy – has enveloped Ninjabread towers. While binging on DVDs and mince pies, I’ve painted a breakfast...
  18. Thanks Meph! Golden Demon! Games Workshop’s...

    Thanks Meph!

    Golden Demon! Games Workshop’s prestigious painting competition I’ve dreamed about winning since I was an eleven year old boy. Like the Oscars – there’s big statuettes. Like the...
  19. Replies

    It’s Samhain, so let’s celebrate this Celtic...

    It’s Samhain, so let’s celebrate this Celtic pagan festival with a classic druid miniature. It’s the Albion Truthsayer! Tha a’ bŕta-falbhain agam loma-lŕn easgannan!

  20. British comics lost an icon this week with the...

    British comics lost an icon this week with the death of Carlos Ezquerra – the creative genius behind Judge Dredd and Johnny Alpha. Carlos’s character designs and universes underpin a lot of...
  21. Replies

    This miniature is a mystery – an unreleased...

    This miniature is a mystery – an unreleased Warhammer treasure from the vaults of Citadel Miniatures. Who is he? Why have I got (perhaps) the only casting in existence?

  22. Replies

    It's Age of Sigmar time! Here's a nine-strong...

    It's Age of Sigmar time! Here's a nine-strong cluster of Grot Scuttlings from the modern (gasp!) Warhammer Quest Silver Tower game. There's only eight in the box, but I painted a bonus one as PRAISE...
  23. Thanks monkeytroll! I loved doing her trousers....

    Thanks monkeytroll! I loved doing her trousers.

    Thanks Insaniak!

    The Crimson Fists are getting reinforcements, hand over fist. My 1980s Rogue Trader Space Marine grows with the addition of...
  24. Replies

    It’s the end of the line for the Blandford...

    It’s the end of the line for the Blandford Warriors! All twelve in this limited series of classic 1988 Citadel Miniatures are now painted and standing alongside each other in the cabinet, jostling...
  25. Replies

    I’ve finished painting ALL the Shadespire Orruks!...

    I’ve finished painting ALL the Shadespire Orruks! A whole plastic force, fully painted, with modern miniatures, for a current Games Workshop game. WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!?! Gods of Oldhammer, I have...
Results 1 to 25 of 80
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