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Type: Posts; User: Anthrax ion pusscabe

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  1. 16236 Here's a idea for skaven, have a gap in a...

    Here's a idea for skaven, have a gap in a unit of stormvermin for your warlord to move forward into combat, attack and then use their ability to retreat into the unit away from retaliation
  2. The chokepoint was a bridge over a deep water...

    The chokepoint was a bridge over a deep water feature that didn't run the whole length of the board but the dwarves established a second chokepoint with two units of warriors at the only other path...
  3. 16235 This is what my friend did in our last...

    This is what my friend did in our last game, the positioned a ranged unit on a choke point with enough space between the models to charge a melee unit through, unfortunately I couldn't get...
  4. I just haven't had any ideas worth sharing

    I just haven't had any ideas worth sharing
  5. The height factor also makes the catapult a bad...

    The height factor also makes the catapult a bad idea, though I wonder if I could make lanes of fire for warpfire throwers and ratling guns through the clanrat formation, could potentially be done
  6. Maybe even some Stormfiends with wind launchers

    Maybe even some Stormfiends with wind launchers
  7. Poison wind mortars can fire without LOS and that...

    Poison wind mortars can fire without LOS and that is in fact the plan, may be worth looking into poisoned wind glabardiers as well (another LOS un required ranged unit)
  8. Now I want to deploy a circle of like 70 clanrats...

    Now I want to deploy a circle of like 70 clanrats with three poisoned wind mortars at the centre so the mortars are as far away from danger on all sides as possible
  9. This is a quick skryre army I can field ATM that...

    This is a quick skryre army I can field ATM that meets the balancing mechanic me and my friend use of within a third on model count and within ten on wound count for his dwarves/duardin
    Warlord (5)...
  10. I plan to get Stormfiends but first I have to...

    I plan to get Stormfiends but first I have to repaint all my undead to actually have the same colour scheme before I can get more miniatures (that's part of how my budget works, have to finish a...
  11. Because unfortunately I have no stormvermin, my...

    Because unfortunately I have no stormvermin, my skaven have always be based around a large horde of clanrats, partially because I'm not paying a bit over $80 au for twenty models I'll need sixty of...
  12. It is a extremely skavenie tactic isn't it, you...

    It is a extremely skavenie tactic isn't it, you can imagine the warlord of the clan somewhere away from the battle rubbing his paws together about getting rid of a rival clans contingent
  13. Clanrat bum rush of death and enevitability army concept/build

    So it what is either a fit of pure brilliance or madness I've come up with how to make a next to unstoppably brave skaven army, downside it's a single unit, I'm calling this army the clanrat bum...
  14. How me and the friend I play with tend to size...

    How me and the friend I play with tend to size games is model count within 1/3 of each other but also wounds within 5 of each other, so far we've done 64models/75 wounds
  15. And models resurrected with banners also count as...

    And models resurrected with banners also count as additional casualties after their first death
  16. Ok while I haven't played ogres I have read...

    Ok while I haven't played ogres I have read literally every warscroles, so one thing you can do to snip enemy heroes is a goblin spearchucka if you want to stick to units from the grand alliance of...
  17. Ok I've had another game of AOS, deployment was...

    Ok I've had another game of AOS, deployment was the biggest factor in the battle in question, the battlefield had four "ruined towers" around the middle that we decided where impassable and my friend...
  18. I'm planing to re paint the older undead I have...

    I'm planing to re paint the older undead I have to match the new colour scheme, but unfortunately I'm out of undercoat
  19. I like it because I pretty much always play...

    I like it because I pretty much always play against the same opponent (a friend who has dwarves and also does fluff list) and most of the games we play will be part of a continuing narrative of a...
    First unit of skeleton spearmen with tomb shields and re painted wight king in my skeleton only hordes colour...
  21. It's ok I got my mate back in the next game with...

    It's ok I got my mate back in the next game with a sweeping advance of nine black knights and mounted vampire that did more damage then nagash and a terrorghast combined by getting really good roles,...
  22. I tunnelled 25 clanrats and a warp grinder onto...

    I tunnelled 25 clanrats and a warp grinder onto the board and attempted a first turn charge, snake eyes on the charge role, then lost ten clanrats between thunderous musket fire and belegor iron...
  23. My theory is the realms are the actual origin...

    My theory is the realms are the actual origin point of each wind of magic, because I'm pretty sure I've seen a "wind of chaos" mentioned as a ninth wind of magic in a novel (may have been a thanquol...
  24. Replies

    Ok I'm planing a campaign home rule set I'm still...

    Ok I'm planing a campaign home rule set I'm still thinking of a name for but it's designed for long term narratives
    Each unit earns the following levels of XP for criteria
    Deployed 1 XP
    Killed at...
  25. Replies

    Though it'll be interesting to see how my army of...

    Though it'll be interesting to see how my army of nothing but skeleton key worded units will go, especially with the new shieldwall ability
Results 1 to 25 of 163
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