BoLS Lounge : Wargames, Warhammer & Miniatures Forum


Type: Posts; User: 9breaker

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  1. Murder Talon + Grand Cavalcade Synergies - Return of the Daemon Bomb

    With the new rules for the Night Lords posted up, there are some great synergies between the Murder Talon detachment (based entirely on the rumored rules and formations so take with the normal...
  2. Replies

    So rumors of 8th edition are getting louder by...

    So rumors of 8th edition are getting louder by the day. Its nice how we get the first codex in 6th, and wait till the end of 7th to finally get legions. If there is a huge AoS style shake-up, it...
  3. I would argue that most games were not designed...

    I would argue that most games were not designed with time constraints in mind, but most tournament scenes enforce a time constraint to the game anyways. I feel that the death clock model is better,...
  4. My apologies, I misread your comment.

    My apologies, I misread your comment.
  5. Death clock timers are used in the Warmachine and...

    Death clock timers are used in the Warmachine and Hordes tournaments, and works as how nsc summarized it. Purposely playing slow would only be to your own detriment. I don't think we are talking...
  6. Death Clock - Balancing a system without Points

    I posted this on Warseer before, figured I would post it here too.

    Had an interesting thought of a balancing mechanic for AoS in competitive play. Rather than playing to a given point limit, games...
Results 1 to 6 of 6