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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Frisco, Texas

    Default New Warmachine Player and my list O.o

    Hey there guys.

    I've just recently started playing Warmachine even though their pretty models have been waved in my face for ages now, I've finally succomed and started a Menoth army. Now, I know that the whole bit about "you gotta have a pair" in this game, but I kinda try and bend that a bit with this list. I'll let you all have a look. It's a 50 point list, and I intend on testing it in the morning on Vassal. Woot.
    Anywhoo, I've just recently reading over all the rules, so I've got a fairly decent understanding on how everything works. So here's my list:

    Warcaser - High Exemplar Kreoss

    2x Redeemer
    Avatar of Menoth

    Choir of Menoth (Leader & 5)
    Daughters of the Flame (Leader & 5)
    Deliverers (Leader & 9)
    Deliverer Sunburst Cred (Leader & 2)
    The Covenant of Menoth
    Paladin of the Order of the Wall
    2x Vassal Mechanik

    The way I basically plan on using this list, is by bashing my enemy from long range with my Deliverers as they kind of bring up the rear far behind my Warcaster and his warjacks (the Redeemers also raining hell, and my Revenger popping out some Spell attacks and whatnot). I've got the Covenant up their with them, helping them out along with one of my Mechaniks.

    While they're doing that, I've got my Avatar of Menoth just mosying up the other side of the table, all but totally protected from ranged attacks with my Choir. I've got my Deliverer Sunburst Crew popping shots at heavier units coming his way, just to weaken them down a bit before they get to him. Tagging along I've got the Daughters of Flame and the Paladin to help out in melee. I've also got a Mechanik to heal my Avatar in case any damage is actually dealt to him. And when he actually does get into close combat range, and if my choir is still alive at this point, they can "jack" up his attack to deliver even more pain.

    Oh and my wracks are just kinda there : P To be all awesome when the time comes.

    Opinions? Comments? Criticism? Thanks in advance : D

  2. #2


    I think you're lacking a bit of hitting potential for a 50 pointer. I think it might be good to drop a redeemer and the sunburst crew for a Vanquisher, and maybe drop the paladin for a Vassal. That can give you two 4" AoEs that do auto fire and have a higher base Pow along with a heavy who can hit harder as well. OR the vassal can give the Avatar an extra attack. The Redeemer might be better for a pop and drop but you've already got all those deliverers.

    I also don't personally tend to run an arc node in my Kreoss lists since a lot of times he spends 5 focus a turn to: upkeep defender's ward, upkeep Lamentation, cast purification. That leaves you with 2 (3 with wracks) focus to cast immolation (or cleansing fire) through your node, but none to put on 'jacks. Since Kreoss is a fairly squishy guy you might consider putting those points toward a devout. Which would leave you with 1 that you could use to upgrade one of your mechanics back up to a paladin or your wracks to a Heirophant.

    At any rate, you plan on using vassal so you'll get plenty of time to try out your list or any variations thereof. Experience is the best way to know for sure. I haven't used prime kreoss too much since MkII came out so... grain of salt and all that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Frisco, Texas


    Thanks for your input. I'm a little strapped for time at the moment, but when I've got the chance later I'll check out my list with your suggestions and see how it all works out. *shrugs* We'll see how it goes But thanks again. I'm not too familiar with how well things work in the game so far, and I think I understand a bit better what'll stand out in an army now with your help.

  4. #4


    A couple of things:
    > Gentle Ben is right about the Arc Node, it can do wonders, even if only as another threat the enemy has to take into account when planning their moves.
    > Heavy warjacks are where it is at, you might want to look at Fire of Salvation as he is meant to be with Kreoss and hits like a truck, but a Vanquisher would be an excellent addition... that and never count out the potency of a Reckoner
    > Exemplar Errants are a great addition, especially with Kreoss giving them Aegis. I got to remind Gentle Ben when he was trying to use Corrosion on them
    Favorite Team Mate - 40k Narrative (Heresy) WARGames Con 2013
    Favorite Player - 40k Narrative (Armageddon) WARGames Con 2011
    Favorite Opponent - Warmachine Steamroller - WARGames Con 2010

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by rabscutle View Post
    > Exemplar Errants are a great addition, especially with Kreoss giving them Aegis. I got to remind Gentle Ben when he was trying to use Corrosion on them
    Wrong Kreoss unfortunately. Grand Exemplar Kreoss gives Aegis.

    Although KEE aren't bad since the knockdown feat means on feat turn they can reliably kill most infantry they can shoot at, save those with arcane shield or shield wall. Defender's Ward will also put them into ridiculously hard to kill territory with def 14 and arm 18. With stats like that you can nearly ignore light arms fire.

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