See the latest Talion Charter updates and hear from the Development team at Privateer Press. They had to hide in a Tauntaun to survive the Seattle Snowpocalypse to bring this devchat to you.
The post [URL="http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2019/02/warmachine-developer-hangout-talion-charter-week-2-cid-update.html"]Warmachine: Developer Hangout – Talion Charter Week 2 CID Update[/URL] appeared first on [URL="http://www.belloflostsouls.net"]Bell of Lost Souls[/URL].

[url=http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2019/02/warmachine-developer-hangout-talion-charter-week-2-cid-update.html]Click to read the full article.[/url]