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Thread: BOLS and WHFB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO

    Default BOLS and WHFB

    I'm curious, did BOLS give up on Fantasy? Most of the initial articles that were posted when 8th Edition came out were pretty weak, so did you give up on posting anything that is remotely interesting? I keep looking for something that will pique my curiosity or entice me to make a comment, but I usually just give up and go back to Warseer to find something that is relevant. I thought you had one of the 'Greatest WHFB players ever' in J.B., but apparently he has retired...

    I enjoy reading about 40K, but as a player of a tactical game I'm a bit disappointed in your lack of articles. Is it too complicated for you? Duke, who is a friend (and plays in my Deathwatch RPG) and Lux (an old friend who was exiled to Texas) have told me what a great community of serious gamers you guys are, yet you haven't put up a serious article about WHFB in a very long time. So, how about stepping up and giving us something to read?

    If the community down there isn't capable, just whistle..or hoot and holler..whatever you people do..and we can contribute some tactical incites on how to play 8th Edition.

    Yours truly,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Dallas, Tx


    I just got into WHFB so I'd also like to see some more articles. That being said, there for like 3 months there was NOTHING (save for a couple foggy rumors) on the 40k front right before and right after the 8th edition release. I was completely burned out on hearing things about Fantasy because it just oversaturated all the articles (and I didn't start Fantasy til September). To be fair, celebrating a new edition of a game should garner that kind of attention. I guess what I'm getting at is that the "airwaves" were dominated by one system and people got sick of hearing about it. I'm just now ready to start reading a bunch of Fantasy articles again, but I imagine that those that only play fantasy are getting to the breaking point of being completely burned out. I imagine that things will probably start getting more balanced here pretty quick, might be after the holidays if I had to guess though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Southern California


    In case you didn't notice, most of the contributors are predominately 40K players, but they do throw WFB players a bone from time to time. The dearth of WFB articles can mainly be attributed to the Dark Eldar release, and Grey Knights being on the horizon, as well as the Stormraven model (for both BA and GK). Skaven are coming out next month, but GW hasn't said much officially about them yet.

    When the upcoming Skaven articles come out, just look at the number of comments (15-30) and then look at the comments for the 40K articles (often over 100 and sometimes over 300 like with the Duke Sliscus rule question). I think that will answer your question.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Boulder, CO


    Hey Quinn,
    First of all it's good to see you posting on here.
    BolS has become a profoundly 40K based forum, but that doesn't mean it needs to be. Other games that trickle in are Flames and Warmahine and such... but I'd say nearly 2/3 of the articles remain 40K based. This has been discouraging for me as well. I started playing Warhammer years ago as a Fantasy player (High Elves)... and with the realease of the BEAUTIFUL new whitelions and other kits it's rekindled my interest (as I've mentioned to Quinn in person)... but I've been so far out of the game that I really don't know where to start.
    Anyways... all that means is that I agree with Quinn. There is interest out there, but it is overshadowed by 40K. If they are written, they will be read, comments don't always properly gauge the interest level.


  5. #5
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    It turns out that we do follow Fantasy ( you can check out our pretty heavy Fantasy coverage during the summer and Fall with 8th edition)

    That said, with the arrival of Dark Eldar, and the upcoming Grey Knights, 40K has sucked a lot of the air out of things on the Games workshop side.

    You also need to factor in the vacuum that always happens right after a new edition, as all the players have to readjust to the new ruleset.

    There will be good ongoing coverage. That said, if you know any Fantasy ringers, with a great flair for the pen, send them our way... We are always looking for new voices.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO


    First of all, I wrote that with a sense of humor in mind...just so you know. I know that BOLS is dominated by 40K, I do read most of what's written on here. I'll look forward to seeing some more coverage of WHFB in the future. I also think we can scrounge up some interesting (hopefully) future articles if you are indeed interested. I'll talk to Duke about it and see what you're actually looking for.

  7. #7


    Well as both a fansty and a 40k player i would like to see a few more artcile on WHFB but with the writers of the articles being 40k plays its hard to focus on the other system. But as longs as we get some of each its ok right, as having only one with artciles sort of makes the other players turn off but that said this is GW market scheme which were responding to so theres always going to be a senese of on logic

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Boulder, CO


    I was going to let this thread just die a natural death. After reading that incredibly inane article by 'ZombieJoe' about a so-called VC Deathstar, I can't let it lie. Other than the actual merits (or lack of) of the article..'Deathstar' gets thrown around here as much as 'Leafblower' and seems to be understood at the same level..not at all. So, send me your requirements for writing an article and I'll make it happen. It will either be me or Elliot Vigil or another of the locals that actually have a clue about playing 8th Edition, I promise.

    Next time someone wants to write about a 'Deathstar', make sure they have an understanding of what it truly is. Warhammer Tactica by Deathless Draich is a good place to start. It may have been written for 7th Edition but a lot of it still pertains to this Edition, and in this case his definition of what constitutes a Deathstar should be required reading.

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