I've become more and more interested in titans as I've read Abnett and McNeill's books, and I've been investigating the super old game system Adeptus Titanticus (realising it's a precursor to Epic, so that's why I'm posting here), but it's so difficult to gather all the 20 year old documents together to get the complete picture.

I have the original rules pulled down from GW SGs section, and also AT II rules, but with a small glance over them I think I prefer the original since it uses plasma reactor scores or whatever to dictate orders. Seems more like Battlefleet Gothic to me, which I like, as opposed to just getting a move and an attack regardless.

At any rate I have almost all races documents for ATII adding their titans, but I'm missing key parts from all over, like the cards from AT that give examples of known titan loadouts, and if there's anything besides just Imperial titans for AT I can't find them. I guess I could just add reactor points to the ATII units, as that seems to be the only difference in the unit cards.

There's just tons of allusions to parts of these documents I don't have from other documents, like unit cards, campaign rules and all sorts of missing pieces from mostly magazine articles it seems, all of which are like 20 years old. But also core releases like Codex Titanicus and Titan Legions (some of which are early Epic rules, no?). I also found what seems to be a fan-version called Codex Titanicus Online with absurdly over complicated rules.

I'm interested in Knights as well, which seemed to have come out with Titan Legions, but the game is probably completely different by that point.

The whole thing is just a mess - what I want to know is, is there a definitive resource for all of these ancient systems? I can't for the life of me connect all the dots with bits and pieces strewn all over the internet. I'm hoping someone knows for sure how all this is supposed to make sense.