Hi folks!

Got to field the blast bomber this weekend at a local Apoc game. It was fun but didn't really do much except wow the other players. Apoc has definitely changed with the adoption of 6th Edition.

In our local gaming group, there was a trend towards aerial navies since they were so fast and nearly impossible to take down. It's one of the reasons I started the blast bomber and added three Dakka Jets before this game. The only real flyer rules to go by were the Forgeworld ones. Must move 36" or more per turn, pretty much giving you infinite movement. You could turn any which way you wanted so this made it really easy to choose your next target for things like bombing runs and the like.

Now with 6th Edition having very clearly defined rules (and very different) for flyers, they aren't quite the super badass units they used to be. Granted they're pretty tough to take down (Massed fire will still help) and most other aircraft having Skyfire rules helps when there's a lot of flyers on both sides. What changed the most is they only move 18"-36" per turn and then only allowed one 90 degree facing change. These two changes really brought flyers down a notch and will make me rethink for my next Apoc matchup.

That being said, I'm a huge fan of the Dakka Jets! It's gonna be a while though before I play again and probably as long before I get to paint anything. Next week school starts up again and not only am I still doing my regular agency job at 3/4 time, I'm teaching 7 credits worth at the tech college AND taking 10 more credits in an attempt to pick up 16 credits to obtain my AAS degree in Advertising, Communication and Design by the end of fall semester so I can continue teaching. Needless to say, I will be very, very busy for the next four months!

I won't be starting any new projects for probably a year so the time I do have will be aimed at painting. I've got the bomber, 20 stormboyz to finish, three dakkajets and I've promised myself I would have the stomp painted before I started any other large project. I know what it's gonna be but I'll keep it a secret until I can start on it.

Until then, I'll be lurking around and to posting much, but still here. Here are some game pics to keep you interested until then!


(and yes, that's a Capitol Imperialis in process...)