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  1. #1
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States

    Default Bigred's Chaos Legions - Quick and Dirty

    Design Goals:
    1) This is a "quick and dirty" ruleset. It will not attempt to create new units, new wargear and such. The goal is not to create a totally new codex from the ground up - that is the GW Design Studio's (save us Phil Kelly, you're our only hope) job. The overall goal of these is a "less is more" mindset.

    2) The goal here is to use lifted units from other codices, and some quick unit restrictions and Force Org shifting to get us halfway to our goal fast.

    3) Narrative wise, these rules reflect the Legions as they exist in the 40th Millennium. These are NOT Heresy era forces.

    Legion Generic Rules:
    1) The rules are all based on Codex: Chaos Space Marines

    2) Units imported from other codices retain their original Force Org categorizations.

    3) Icons are purchased for squads as normal (with Legion Restrictions), but their effects are permanent until the unit is destroyed. The loss of the Icon bearer only limits the beneficial effects on daemonic summoning and deepstriking units reserving onto the table.

    4) All summoned daemon units from C:CSM work exactly as stated in that codex.

    5) All units from C:CD work exactly as stated in that codex, with the following exceptions: Units from C:CD are all held in reserve at the start of the game. These units enter play via deep strike using the reserves rules listed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. When entering play via deep strike, these units will scatter 2d6 as normal. They cannot charge on the turn they enter play unless a ‘hit’ was rolled on the scatter die. These units may avoid scattering if they enter play within 6” of an Icon (per C:CSM). If they enter play within 6” of an Icon, roll a scatter die, ignoring any other roll than a ‘hit.’ If a ‘hit’ is rolled, the unit does not scatter, and may charge on the turn it enters play.


    Emperor's Children - Legion III

    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Slaanesh.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Fabius Bile, Lucius, 0-1 Keeper of Secrets
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Fiends
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Noise Marines, Daemonettes
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Seekers
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

    Iron Warriors - Legion IV
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Master of the Forge (C:SM – loses ATSKNF & Combat Tactics)
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Dreadnought, Techmarine (C:SM – loses ATSKNF & Combat Tactics)
    Troops: Chaos Marines
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider, Ordinance Battery (C:IG)

    Night Lords - Legion VIII
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought
    Troops: Chaos Marines
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Furies of Chaos
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -All non-vehicle units have the Acute Senses USR
    -Chaos Lord or Sorceror mounted on a bike can make Chaos Bikers troops or FA.
    -Chaos Lord or Sorceror with a jumppack, or a Winged DP, can make Raptors troops or FA.
    -Raptors and Chaos Bikers bought as FA choices gain the Scout USR

    World Eaters - Legion XII
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Khorne.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Daemon Prince, Kharne, 0-1 Bloodthirster
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Bloodcrushers
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Berserkers, Bloodletters
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Fleshhounds
    Heavy Support: Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

    Death Guard - Legion XIV
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Nurgle.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Typhus, 0-1 Great Unclean One
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Beasts of Nurgle
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, Nurglings
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Spawn
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -Chosen, Chaos Marines, Havocs may not be equipped with the following weapons: Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Autocannon

    Black Legion - Legion XVI
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Summoned Greater Daemon, Abaddon
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Berserkers, Thousand Sons, Summoned Lesser Daemons
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -Disciplined: Icons and Marks of Chaos Glory additionally grant Combat Tactics (C:SM)
    -Speartip: 1/2 of teleporting and deepstriking Black Legion units (chosen by the Black Legion player) will arrive from reserve on turn 1. The remainder arrive normally.

    Thousand Sons - Legion XV
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Tzeentch.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Ahriman, 0-1 Lord of Change
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Flamers
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Thousand Sons, Pink Horrors
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Screamers
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -Chaos Sorcerors (not Aspiring Sorcerors) may select from any of the powers in C:CSM, including those that normally require other marks.

    Word Bearers - Legion XVII
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, 0-1 Bloodthirster, 0-1 Great Unclean One, 0-1 Lord of Change, 0-1 Keeper of Secrets
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Bloodcrushers, Fiends, Flamers, Beasts of Nurgle
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Conscripts (C:IG), Daemonettes, Bloodletters, Pink Horrors, Plaguebearers, Nurglings
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Fleshhounds, Seekers, Screamers
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -Lords gain Litanies of Hate (C:SM) for +15 pts.
    -Conscripts are taken as stand-alone units as seen on p.97 of C:IG (ie, no Command Squad)

    Alpha Legion - Legion XX
    All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.
    Allowed units:
    HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince
    Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Dreadnought, Guardsman Marbo (C:IG)
    Troops: Chaos Marines, Special Weapon Squads (C:IG)
    Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors
    Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider
    Unit Notes:
    -Well-trained: Non Daemon, Non-vehicle units gain Combat Tactics and ATSKNF (C:SM)
    -Special Weapon Squads are taken as stand-alone units as seen on p.97 of C:IG (ie, no Command Squad), and gain the Infiltrate USR.

    ~By all means try these out on the tabletop. Our number one goal for these is to have each Legion be fluffy, and equally cool and unique (no over the top, or dull ones). We want some quick rules to let you Legion fanatics get you favorite toys on the table, and have FUN. I know I would be ecstatic if a little 2-page article along these lines came out in White Dwarf to hold us over until the Legions really arrived in codex form. Have at it folks!
    Last edited by Bigred; 02-02-2011 at 01:37 PM. Reason: typos
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  2. #2


    Every time I can think of Word Bearers having summoned daemons they've been winged and probably undivided. Personally I think Word Bearers deserve to have CD Furies (possibly + CSM Summoned Lesser Daemons). Or at least they need to have CD Furies added to their list. - My 40k Blog: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard Grots, Conversions, Battle Reports and more.

  3. #3


    You could go one further with the quick and dirty, and at least put some life back into the three out of the four Marks, and do this.

    Models with the Mark of Slaanesh are called Noise Marines and gain +1 Initiative, the Warp Scream ability (counts as being armed with Assault & Defensive grenades), and Fearless. No Icons may be taken except a Personal Icon (see below).

    Noise Marines often favour sonic weaponry over conventional weaponry and so gain access to the following options:
    - Any Noise Marine may replace their Bolter with a Sonic Blaster for +5 pts, or replace their Twin-linked Bolter with a Sonic Blaster for +3 pts.
    - Any Noise Marine armed with an Autocannon or Reaper Autocannon may replace it for a Blastmaster for free.
    - Any Noise Marine Champions (Aspiring, Possessed, Biker, & Terminator), Lords and Sorcerers may purchase a Doom Siren for +15 pts.

    The following units may take the Mark of Slaanesh at the cost listed:
    - Daemon Prince, or Chaos Lord for +5 pts
    - Chaos Sorcerer for +15 pts
    - Chosen Chaos Space Marines, Possessed Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Bikers and Chaos Havocs for +5 pts per model
    - Chaos Terminators for +6 pts per model

    In addition one model per unit may be given at Personal Icon for +5 pts.

    Models with the Mark of Nurgle are called Plague Marines and gain +1 Toughness (this does not affect the model’s Toughness in regards to the Instant Death rule), -1 Initiative, Blight Grenades, Feel No Pain and Fearless. No Icons may be taken except a Personal Icon (see below).

    Plague Marines favour close ranged fire fights over far-ranged combat, so any Plague Marine in power armour with the Mark of Nurgle may not take any heavy weapon option. In addition Plague Marines may not take Wings of any sort.

    The following units may take the Mark of Nurgle at the cost listed:
    - Daemon Prince for +35 pts
    - Chaos Lord for +25 pts
    - Chaos Sorcerer for +35 pts
    - Chosen Chaos Space Marines & Chaos Havocs for +8 pts per model
    - Chaos Terminators for +10 pts per model
    - Possessed Chaos Space Marines for +7 pts per model

    In addition one model per unit may be given at Personal Icon for +5 pts.

    Models with the Mark of Khorne are called Khorne Berzerkers and gain +1 Attack, +1 Weapon Skill, Fearless, Furious Charge, and Rage. No Icons may be taken except a Personal Icon (see below).

    Khorne Berzerkers favour close combat above all else, so any unit armed with a Bolter automatically looses it. In addition Khorne Berzerkers in Power Armour cannot take any optional ranged weaponry other than to replace a bolt pistol with a plasma pistol.

    The following units may take the Mark of Nurgle at the cost listed:
    - Daemon Prince and Chaos Lord for +15 pts
    - Chosen Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Bikers for +6 pts per model
    - Chaos Terminators for +10 pts per model
    - Possessed Chaos Space Marines for +4 pts per model (Count a roll of 2 on the possessed abilities table as a roll of 3)

    In addition one model per unit may be given at Personal Icon for +5 pts.

    I do have rules for The Mark of Tzeentch, but they are to make CSM into Tzeentch Cabalists, not Thousand Sons and the rules have some heavy artistic license to them.
    Last edited by Dropfall; 02-02-2011 at 08:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Campbelltown NSW (Aussie)


    I would prefer this for Slaanesh
    Mark of Slaanesh provides units with +1 Initiative, and the Warp Scream ability - counts as attack and defence grenades.

    All units must take Mark of Slaanesh for 10 points per unit, Independant Characters/ Monsterous Creatures except Noise Marines (as mark already included in their cost) for 5 points.
    All champions must have the mark of Slaanesh, and Sorcerors have access to slaanesh psychic abilities.
    ICs and Unit Aspiring Champions can take Personal Icons and purchase Doom Sirens for +15 points each.

    Any unit can replace its Auto Cannon for a Blast Master, or Reaper Auto Cannon for a twin linked Blast Master.
    Any model may replace its bolter with a sonic blaster for +5 points, or twin linked bolter for a Twin Linked Sonic Blaster for +5 points.
    Obliterators can get the mark of slaanesh. Their weapons options are then changed to Twin Linked Doom Siren, Multi-Melta, Twin Linked Melta Gun, Lascannon, Twin Linked Blast Master, Plasma cannon, Twin Linked Sonic Blaster.
    Any model may replace its Flamer with a Doom Siren for +10 points, Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 Points

    Vehicles - Can replace Autocannon with a Blastmaster free, Twin Linked Autocannon or Reaper Autocannon with a Twin Linked Blast Master for free, Dirge caster with a Doom Siren for + 10 Points, Twin Linked Bolters with a Sonic Blaster for free, Heavy Bolter with a Twin Linked Sonic Blaster for free, Flamer for a Doom Siren for +10 Points, Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 Points.

    Other units allowed:
    HQ Choces are Lucius the Eternal, Fabius Bile, Choas Lord, Chaos Sorceror, Daemon Prince. can have 0-1 Keeper of Secrets that does not add to the maximums for the FOC.
    Elites - Possessed, Chosen CSM, Chosen Terminators, Deradnoughts.
    Troops - CSM, Noise Marines, Daemonettes (do not count towards minimums or maximums of FOC)
    Fast Attack - Chaos Bikers, Chaos Raptors
    Heavy Support - Obliterators, Havocs, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Landraider.

    Troop Transports - Rhino, Dreadclaw Drop Pod or Chaos Landraider for Chaos Terminators

    Fearless Units are all ICs, Monstrous Creatures, Daemons, Chosen, Possessed, Chosen Terminators, Obliterators, and Noise Marines.
    Last edited by Daemonette666; 02-06-2011 at 05:35 AM. Reason: missed points cost on one item

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Daemonette666 View Post
    I would prefer this for Slaanesh
    Mark of Slaanesh provides units with +1 Initiative, and the Warp Scream ability - counts as attack and defence grenades.

    All units must take Mark of Slaanesh for 10 points per unit, Independant Characters/ Monsterous Creatures except Noise Marines (as mark already included in their cost) for 5 points.
    All champions must have the mark of Slaanesh, and Sorcerors have access to slaanesh psychic abilities.
    ICs and Unit Aspiring Champions can take Personal Icons and purchase Doom Sirens for +15 points each.

    Any unit can replace its Auto Cannon for a Blast Master, or Reaper Auto Cannon for a twin linked Blast Master.
    Any model may replace its bolter with a sonic blaster for +5 points, or twin linked bolter for a Twin Linked Sonic Blaster for +5 points.
    Obliterators can get the mark of slaanesh. Their weapons options are then changed to Twin Linked Doom Siren, Multi-Melta, Twin Linked Melta Gun, Lascannon, Twin Linked Blast Master, Plasma cannon, Twin Linked Sonic Blaster.
    Any model may replace its Flamer with a Doom Siren for +10 points, Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 Points

    Vehicles - Can replace Autocannon with a Blastmaster free, Twin Linked Autocannon or Reaper Autocannon with a Twin Linked Blast Master for free, Dirge caster with a Doom Siren for + 10 Points, Twin Linked Bolters with a Sonic Blaster for free, Heavy Bolter with a Twin Linked Sonic Blaster for free, Flamer for a Doom Siren for +10 Points, Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 Points.

    Other units allowed:
    HQ Choces are Lucius the Eternal, Fabius Bile, Choas Lord, Chaos Sorceror, Daemon Prince. can have 0-1 Keeper of Secrets that does not add to the maximums for the FOC.
    Elites - Possessed, Chosen CSM, Chosen Terminators, Deradnoughts.
    Troops - CSM, Noise Marines, Daemonettes (do not count towards minimums or maximums of FOC)
    Fast Attack - Chaos Bikers, Chaos Raptors
    Heavy Support - Obliterators, Havocs, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Landraider.

    Troop Transports - Rhino, Dreadclaw Drop Pod or Chaos Landraider for Chaos Terminators

    Fearless Units are all ICs, Monstrous Creatures, Daemons, Chosen, Possessed, Chosen Terminators, Obliterators, and Noise Marines.
    Not sure about the Marked Oblits. But otherwise sounds good to me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Northampton, England


    I have one addition.
    Thousand Sons get a Land Raider Achilles. All due to IA:10.
    That is all.
    Back after a few years absence. Please PM me any changes to how the forum works - I currently have no idea how to make line breaks, and this is quite important to me. >.>

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