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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    San Diego, CA, USA

    Default Swappable/Magnetized Star Engines

    I'm a bit stumped on this one. Been trying to come up with a good way to swap out the Eldar Star Engines (that come with the new Fire Prism kit).
    I haven't had much luck with magnets, though pinning or any other solution would also suit.
    Mostly I want it to look nice with or without the Star Engines.

    Has anyone been able to do this?
    If so please post your pics and/or ideas


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    The star engines are the bit that has to slot inside the exhausts. The flat plates are vectored engines

    To magnatise the star engines you'd have to either chop them up, glue half them in like normal and magnetise the external bit onto it. Or magnetise the entire hull so you can remove the top half of the tank and remove the engines.

    Either way isn't going to be easy. And frankly neither of them is going to look particularly good.
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas


    I'm about to put together 3 of the new kits and was thinking about the same thing. So far I haven't got anything figured out that I think will look good without an inordinate amount of work. So I plan to just model them on, and not play with jerks who are WYSIWYG ****s.
    Even the Emperor and Horus have rolled 1's.

  4. #4


    It would be far easier to model them on, and then say they are not there if you need to, rather than not have them, and pretend they are.

  5. #5


    Basically what I did is chop of most of the piece that you insert the engine and then whittle the plastic down to where I can just insert them. It's tight enough where when you put them in it stays but they are a tad loose. I figure it really isn't much of an issue in that regards. They just have to be shown. As far as vectored engines, I'm just gluing the engines to the strut and then will probably use a little bit sticky tack to put them on. I rarely use them.

    Farseer Aycee

  6. #6


    This isn't the kind of thing people are WYSIWUG about anyway.

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