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  1. #1

    Default New Tomb King Sphinx w picture!

    Want buy now!

    Oh and:

    Note the snake riders in the back.

    Tomb Guard:

    Necropolis Knights:

    All courtesy of Hitsugaya Toushiro on Warseer.
    Last edited by eldargal; 04-05-2011 at 05:30 AM.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  2. #2


    Sepulchral Stalkers:


    Plastic Tomb King on Warsphinx/foot:
    Last edited by eldargal; 04-05-2011 at 05:51 AM.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Working now and they look amazing kits especially the sphinx. Think they have watched the mummy a bit too much though.

    Whats really important though is on those serpent riders info, read carefully it says that they are inter changeable with the rest of the range, is GW realising that space marines are not the only thing they produce and are sharing the customisation love to more than just marines.
    Last edited by lattd; 04-05-2011 at 06:04 AM.

  4. #4


    Oh, well, I hope it is just you and not Warseer blocking hotlinking. Pictures are from here:
    Going from page 5+ or so.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  5. #5


    so so cool! I want to get back into fantasy after stopping due to finance and vampire counts seemed way too samey! originally I wanted to do tomb kings but was set back with them being the oldest book, and too many times in the past have I begun an army only to find out a month later its getting new book or models! again so so cool! I love the crystal/jade effect on the sphynx

  6. #6
    Iron Father
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    The new models look amazing, but no Plastic ushabti. Would be a shame if they stay metal.

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