Hi all.
I am not very happy with the current 'character driven themed lists' in the codexes.

As it means the same named characters keep cropping up with themed armies.
I was hoping to use a standard overly with current FOCs to get themed armies.

1)I was thinking along the lines of allowing ONE themed Elite OR Fast Attack OR Heavy support unit to be taken as Troops unit.
Called a Common unit for that Regiment-Klan-Chapter- Craftworld etc.

2 ) Then select 2 (or3) 'on theme' Specialist units from the Elite -Fast Attack -Heavy Support which are compulsory chioces.( 1+ selection.)

3 Then class all other non tTrop units as Restricted .(0-1 selection.)

Here is an example for a Goff Klan

Common Nobs Mob.

Specilaised Storm Boys, Deffdreads .

Restricted ALL remaining Elite, Fast Attack and Heavy suport units.

It basicaly trades off takeing one non Troop unit as a Troop , with restricting off theme units to a 0-1 choice.

Do you think this idea is worth taking further?
As it would need lots of input to finalise themed lists for all the current 40k armies.