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  1. #1

    Default 2k Blood Angels Decent of Angels shock force

    I was thinking of a fun way of playing blood Angels that wasnt the razorspam mech list, So I made a list that was "fluffy" but I think it also has potential to be devestating.

    Commander Dante: 225

    The Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host: 275

    Honor Guard: 255
    -Jump Packs
    -Infernus Pistol x 2
    -Power Weapon x 3
    -Company Standard

    Sanguinary Guard: 230
    - Infernus Pistol x 3

    Sanguinary Guard: 230
    - Infernus Pistol x 3

    Sanguinary Guard: 230
    - Infernus Pistol x 3

    Sanguinary Priest: 75
    -Jump Pack

    Sanguinary Priest: 75
    -Jump Pack

    Vanguard Veterans: 210
    -Jump Packs
    -Infernus Pistol
    -Power Weapon x 2

    Vanguard Veterans: 195
    -Jump Packs
    -Power Weapon x 2

    Between all of the squads their are 13 melta weapons, all of which will be within range turn 2 thanks to descent of angels, my tactics are simple, Priests with 2 Sgaurd units, Dante w/ Hguard, Sanguinor w/ Sguard. Feel no pain bubble anyone? they pop open vehicles the turn they arrive, then Vanguard vets herioc intervention the squads inside the transports, from there on out its just mop up. C&C welcome!

  2. #2


    Consider how your opponent will deploy against your list. Will you be able to shoot his vehicles with pistols after deep striking? Maybe if he's not very good. What will your veterans be able to assault? Probably what he wants them to assault.

  3. #3
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Timbo View Post
    Consider how your opponent will deploy against your list. Will you be able to shoot his vehicles with pistols after deep striking? Maybe if he's not very good. What will your veterans be able to assault? Probably what he wants them to assault.
    They BA units will only scatter D6" at most, if they fall on impassable terrain (i.e. another unit/'tank) then the scatter is reduced until they are not. So they can jump behind any tank anywhere. What the list will have issues with is hordes but then marines have issues with hordes due to their cost.

    The list looks like it could be quite fun to play and I imagine either it will be a short bloody battle one way or the other.

  4. #4


    Dante also grants himself and the unit he joins pin-point accuracy as they will not scatter. So yes, not only will they be able to shoot vehicles after DS, they can choose exactly the facing and distance. The only way to counter it is to bubble wrap your tanks behind infantry and/or park them right next to the board edge or impassible terrain to stop shots at rear armor.

    The lower scatter and infernus pistols/meltas are DoA BA's best and only effective AT unless they bring some storm ravens, so it needs to be pretty effective.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Kalkaska, Michigan


    You stole this list from me!!!! No j/k mine is similar and and it's fun to play too. I love when Dantes death mask makes a IC crap themselves then the Sanguinor pounds said character into ground all the while making a random Srg a mini Captain. I try to put a few SS on my Vanguard if possible because no one likes Melta or DE Disintagrator to the face if something go's wrong while popping a transport.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Tampa, Fl.


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfshade View Post
    ..., if they fall on impassable terrain (i.e. another unit/'tank) then the scatter is reduced until they are not. So they can jump behind any tank anywhere...
    this is incorrect. DoA does not grant this. if they fall on impassable or units they mishap. They do not have drop pod abilities.
    Are you not entertained?
    Overkill is underrated.

  7. #7
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Smotku View Post
    this is incorrect. DoA does not grant this. if they fall on impassable or units they mishap. They do not have drop pod abilities.
    Oh yes, I wonder what I was thinking of...

  8. #8


    Personally, I would take some PF on the vanguards, maybe also a couple of storm shields if you can find the points.

    I would also prefer to swop one of the Sang guard for another honor guard. Built in priest is pretty awesome, and the ability to fine tune what you take is also very useful, as well as the option to take storm shields.

    With built in priest and storm shields, you can send your honor guards to tie up the two best CC units the enemy have for much of the game while the rest of your army takes apart his, since it would be pretty rare for many armies to have more than 2 death star CC units or models, and a balanced list without those two units to help out would be dominated by the rest of your force.

    More storm shields and power fists, I say, might not be decisive every game, but I rarely regret taking them as they pay for themselves very easily, and can make a critical difference when you need it the most.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011


    One problem you may find is if you face dark eldar. Infernus pistols will be not effective.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Jacksonville, FL


    I've scene a similar list in action in my local area, the shock value is there but you are so tight on units that you can't afford to make a wrong move. Get cought in the cross fire of heavy shootie armies it gets leveled over pretty quickly. It turns into run for cover and move out only when you can do the much amount of damage.

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