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  1. #161


    despite the wd codex not being the next best thing, I will still collect SoB (when and if I can ever get the models) because..

    a) They are the only army that I entirely like from fluff to model design

    b) I will never play competitively but only for fun (I can't beat my son in video games why should 40k be different )

    I am willing to bet that immolators have not been nerfed as everyone is saying.

    wargear is twin linked heavy flamers, old special rule was twin linked heavy flamers.

    next month we may see that the wargear allows what the special rule used to (full move and shoot)
    Last edited by Verilance; 07-25-2011 at 05:35 PM.
    Tales from Original WFRP. My Troll-Slayer would be a terror with his axe, then my friend's Tax-Collector would hit the foul beasty with his cane and usually get the killing blow.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Waco, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Lockark View Post
    I play Chaos. Nuff Said. You make do with what you got and move on.

    Picking fighting with people on fourms like a internet tuff guy, and screaming to the high heavens that the sky is falling is silly. She has bassicly sat here and claimed that SoB are done as a faction is ridiculous.

    Their is being passionate, and then their is acting like a tool and thinking it will make me give a flying fish.

    To the day your 3rd eye opens.
    Your the one who started calling people whiners. Your the one starting crap.

    And am I the only one who likes the current chaos dex? I guess so. Not to say the old one was bad but I like the newer one.
    When you do something right people wont be sure that you've done anything at all.

  3. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    Chaos Space Marines have the most powerful codex that isn't fifth edition. No, that isn't "nuff sed".
    Well I sure miss being able to use my noise marine havocs and Termies for starters. Just say'in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    As for picking fights?

    Stop being a hypocrite. You're the one picking fights, going around being an a-hole to everyone who doesn't like the WD codex being vomited out into the reading public.
    So far you've personal called me a F***er and a dick. Are you sure you were not just looking in a mirror and mistook one of your posts for mine?

    Quote Originally Posted by JxKxR View Post
    Your the one who started calling people whiners. Your the one starting crap.

    And am I the only one who likes the current chaos dex? I guess so. Not to say the old one was bad but I like the newer one.
    For starter. If you like the current chaos dex? My reply is good on yah. I'm sure you have a good reason you like it, and I can totally respect that.

    As for starting crap. I think not.... I have been trying to find out what is GOOD about this book so far. But it's kinda hard to find in 17+ pages of people claiming this is the worst thing ever ect, ect, ect.

    When the current Chaos dex came out, the 1st thing I did was go threw it and find what I liked, and what worked. I then continued on. But here all I see is people saying they are going to pack up their SoB armies for good with out even seeing the other half of the codex. Sure this book isn't looking like the greatest thing out their. But from what I've gathered they were basically trying their best to take what they had and make it work.

    For example we don't even know if the Book was removed for not, but we had a huge debate about how with out the book sisters are done for as a army. Head scratching to say the least.
    Last edited by Lockark; 07-25-2011 at 05:46 PM.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Waco, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Lockark View Post
    Well I sure miss being able to use my noise marine havocs and Termies for starters. Just say'in.
    I always use my terminators! Stop being such a whiney baby.
    When you do something right people wont be sure that you've done anything at all.

  5. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by JxKxR View Post
    I always use my terminators! Stop being such a whiney baby.
    *Noise Marine Terminators modeled with thier sonic weaponry with is now illegal.

    I also wish to point were I edited my post in response to yours to explain my stance better.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    At the end of the day, the most important rule is to have fun. The second most important rule is the "rule of cool".

    To me, an army of humanity's elite faithful, so well trained that they can compete with the outrageous augmentations of the quasi-human space marines, is very cool. Their faith is so strong that not only can they break the rules of physics in a way that no one can explain, but they are more resilient against corruption than any chapter of space marines.

    A horde of all-female storm troopers in power armor who serve as cannon fodder for the church is not nearly as cool.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    That would make it too easy for the Imperial Assassins


    Ooookaaaaay then, can we stop shooting at Melissia here and accept that this is a discussion? Melissia just happens to have great passion about it? This still surprises people after god knows how long? And she didn't even attack you? My experience is that it's almost always someone else directly pointing the finger at her that starts this. Look, we are all here expressing opinions on what we've seen of this codex, if you don't want to form any kind of opinion on what you've seen until you see the whole thing, that's fine, but stop shoving that philosophy down our throats like we're idiots for not subscribing to it. I, and I believe Melissia and a few others here, are expressing our current opinions and what we might do with the knowledge we presently have. Obviously if the second part of the Codex turns out to be the end all, be all Sisters-rape-everyone Codex then our opinions will undoubtedly change. Until that time, we are forming opinions and predictions and plans based on what we've seen. Is there anything wrong with that? Are we committing some sort of great and irreversible mistake by voicing our feelings on the matter as things stand?

    I honestly don't see that we are, but apparently these opinions of ours offend people, and the only reason I can see for why is a matter of philosophy, subscribing to a "wait and see" model. I rarely subscribe to it myself, because I feel I could end up waiting and seeing until the cows come home, and I'd rather consider current scenarios and think about them even with limited information. If you do, though, I don't judge, if you want to wait and see before you make any kind of opinion, that's fine by me. I just don't see why anyone here has to be branded a whiner for expressing an opinion on what they've seen, regardless of the passion involved or the lack of the full picture. Nothing can be done to get the full picture except wait, though I'd ask whether we ever have the "full" picture.

    For a lot of you, the Sisters codex probably doesn't affect you much, so whatever it brings is no big deal. Heck, it's probably more a relief that there is nothing brokenly strong in it so far. For some of us though, we take this seriously, because it's our preferred army and we very much like it. Now if you don't mind I'd like to have a civilized if passionate discussion on the Sisters and the rules we've seen without nonconstructive negative criticism on my thought processes.

  8. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by Lerra View Post
    At the end of the day, the most important rule is to have fun. The second most important rule is the "rule of cool".

    To me, an army of humanity's elite faithful, so well trained that they can compete with the outrageous augmentations of the quasi-human space marines, is very cool. Their faith is so strong that not only can they break the rules of physics in a way that no one can explain, but they are more resilient against corruption than any chapter of space marines.

    A horde of all-female storm troopers in power armor who serve as cannon fodder for the church is not nearly as cool.
    I'm expecting them to become cheap, but not IG/Ork cheap. That would just be way to head scratching a change in thematic. Would be funny in kinda a tragic way I guess if sisters were basically turned into Imperial Guard in power Armour.

    I'm expecting the "Simulacrim Imperialis" to do something niffty in the new book, since the sisters have a stratagem that when inside the chosen building the squad counts as having one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lancel View Post
    For a lot of you, the Sisters codex probably doesn't affect you much, so whatever it brings is no big deal. Heck, it's probably more a relief that there is nothing brokenly strong in it so far. For some of us though, we take this seriously, because it's our preferred army and we very much like it. Now if you don't mind I'd like to have a civilized if passionate discussion on the Sisters and the rules we've seen without nonconstructive negative criticism on my thought processes.
    A very good friend of mine plays the Sisters actually. I'd rather see the book be good and them on the table more often, then on a shelf chill'in for the next year.

    Looks kinda Same-ish as it is now, apart from watered down faith. My hope is that the wargear and points will give them the kick then need to be "Good".
    Last edited by Lockark; 07-25-2011 at 06:17 PM.
    Warhammer 40k = Emperor's Children(CSM) and Orks.
    Brush Fire: Historia Rodentia= Aquitar, Vandalands, and Ribenguo.

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    I love you, Melissa!
    You have the best comments.

    Most of these @$$holes cannot write like the way you do.

    keep telling them off!

  10. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by Necron2.0 View Post
    Ah, now wouldn't that be something? Wouldn't it be great if WD were a place where rules could be discussed, player concerns could be validated, and optional new rules could be field tested (prior to official release). Wouldn't that be .... just like how ALL gaming magazines were in the 80's, back when they were worth a damn.

    Back in the day, game companies used to be run by gamers for gamers or by people who at least understood their target market and the products they sold. That changed in the 90's, when the control of many game companies fell to cookie cutter corporate suits without one damned original thought in their head. I am most familiar with this from TSR and most recently from WotC, but I understand GW has suffered a similar fate.
    [URL=""]But even still, WotC puts up preview rules that are not final, asking for player input before it goes to publication.[/URL] (Scroll down to Class Compendium Playtest: The Arcanist - the article isn't out yet, but you get the idea). They've been offering these articles for months.

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