just a thought running through my head at the moment. think 'Be vewy vewy quiet' and you'll have the right idea
Company Command - 145
Commander - power weapon
Lascannon team
Camo Cloaks

Vets - 115 (x2)
3 sniper rifles
Forward Scouts

Infantry Platoon
Platoon CS - 185
3 meltaguns
Chimera- heavy flamer

Infantry Squad - 115 (x2)
Chimera- heavy flamer

Fast Attack
Scout Sentinel Squad - 125
2 autocannons, 1 missle launcher

Heavy Support

Leman Russ BT - 185
hull lascannon, sponsor Heavy Bolters

Griffon - 75 (x2)

essentially the vets & CCS would deploy in cover as to near each other as possible but w/ good fields of fire. w/ the camo cloaks most of the time they'll have a 3+ cover save. the griffons would set up behind out of sight. if i wasn't outflanking the sentinels, they'd be on one flank w/ the LRBT on the other. i'm not entirely sure about the armament for the IP, is 5 meltas overkill? am i putting all my eggs in one basket w/ this? please comment & tell me what you think of it.