@Dooley - I really like that idea. Make it like Mark of the Wulfen. I still have to figure out some kind of Army special rule akin to how SW get counterattack and Blood Angels get Descent of Angels. I think the way to go is with slow and purposeful somehow, but I have to figure out what that method is.

Anyways, here's some new updates, this time for Dak'ir, the Veteran-turned-librarian features in the Tome of Fire trilogy. For those that haven't read, he's supposed to be an extremely powerful (more powerful than Val'cona, the Sallies head librarian) but HIGHLY unstable psyker. I tried to write the rules to reflect that.

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/60733910@N07/6092799793/]Dakir[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/60733910@N07/]wittdooley[/url], on Flickr

A fair amount of randomness with him, but again, this Dex is for fun.