this is the latest incarnation of a Tyranids list i had been toying around with for some time. it would be nice to get it finished before that new codex comes out!

Hive Tyrant - wings, warp field, scything talons (x2)

Carnifex - devourers (x2), enhanced senses, flesh hooks

Spinegaunts (x10)
Termagaunts (x12)
Hormagaunts (x20)
Hormagaunts (x14)
Hormagaunts (x14)
Genestealers (x8)

Fast Attack
Warriors (x6) - wings, adrenal glands (I), scything talons, spinefists

Heavy Support
Zoanthrope (x2) - synapse
Carnifex - bonded exoskeleton, extended carapace, scything talons (x2), adrenal glands (I), toxic miasma, reinforced chitin, flesh hooks