So in the Black Crusade game I'm currently running I decided that it would be useful to have 40k stats for all the characters. I'm most likely going to use this for large scale battles, and if they manage to get to the 130-140 infamy to launch a Black Crusade.

The rules are a first draft at the moment, and I'm looking for feedback. I'm still working on what to do with intelligence, and I'm open for suggestions.
I'm also after psychic power conversions. After going through all the talents and traits, I've almost burnt myself out, and I still have mutations to go as well.

Rules can be found here:
[URL=" uk5eAN2ZkODU4NjItOThmMC00NWZhLWJlYjAtMTAzOGMzZmZkY 2Vi&hl=en_US"] uk5eAN2ZkODU4NjItOThmMC00NWZhLWJlYjAtMTAzOGMzZmZkY 2Vi&hl=en_US[/URL]

All constructive criticism/feedback/suggestions are welcome and encouraged