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  1. #1

    Default where's the love for Infinity?

    Just curious why you folks here don't cover Infinity AT ALL? It is the hottest thing in our gamestore in Seattle & it's growing in leaps & bounds the more people that find out about it or watch a game being played. The second book Human Sphere sells out each time they print it. And there minis are amazing.

    So you'll cover something old school like Dark Age but not Infinity? Why you be hating so?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Don't get me wrong; I like Infinity. I Like the models quite a bit (even if some are quite fiddly). But, as with any small, very niche game, the popularity of it is very regionally dependent. Can't get anyone to play in Cincinnati.

    It is what it is. Write your own article and submit it here if you'd like. I'll read it!

  3. #3


    Nope, I don't buy that argument. This game's popularity is growing all over & I think until one of the main contributors to this blog starts playing it, we won't be seeing any coverage. I know plenty of people who bought Dystopian Wars, but no one who is actively playing it in my area.

    Oh well, I'll just come here for 40k & warmahordes coverage & stick to the Infinity forums for my infinity fix.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    How can you not buy that argument? The majority if BoLS contributors are texas base- hence regionality. Even if the "popularity is growing all over" as you say, the game still remains a small, niche game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    I've got the models and I've got the rules. I'm just missing someone to play with

  6. #6


    I agree with Witt on this one. Infinity is a great game with a wonderful aesthetic (well, if you like anime-ish stuff). I myself have a 500 point Nomad group and a 500 point Haqqislam group. However, the game is regional at best.

    In the midwest it was real big right around the time of the release of Human Sphere. Around that time I could bring my Infinity stuff up to the store and get a pick-up game pretty much any day of the week. Now? I have to schedule games in advance with friends I know. The store doesn't even stock the game anymore (although they will order it if you ask).

    Now, that's MY region. It may be doing fantastic up in Seattle or even up in Chicago, but here in the midwest (St. Louis area), the game doesn't see much regular play in stores.
    Armies - Skaven, Tomb Kings, Eldar, Iron Snakes, Dark Eldar, Retribution, & Legion
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  7. #7

    Default Infinity

    Our group has 8-10 players and about 500 points per multiple army. Its pretty healthy, but I think the way to make sure that happens is terrain building projects... good access to terrain will help with games...

    We play once to twice a week...

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